I am looking forward to seeing the angst scene...

P' Cir's fiancé and Phu have an altercation in which she slaps him and P'Cir hears about it through Phu's friend's. He goes to attend to Phu to make sure that he is okay and attended to him. He even went as far to make it clear to his finance that he was not interested in her and that the only person he love is none other than Phu. 

I liked this scene because their were moments that Phu thought heavy on the fact that P'Cir had a girlfriend, so it was nice that he finally told everyone that he was only interested in Phu and made their relationship more so official. Furthermore, he told her that he wasn't going to marry her since he knew that his mother wanted him to marry her. Besides, I feel like this was missing from Love in the air, I actually preferred the moment when Phayu came to the convenient store to see Rain since he heard him talking to Ple over the phone in order to show his ownership over him and because he was jealous. I preferred this version over what ended up in the actual show because it just didn't give off the same feeling of how shocked everyone was to know that Phayu was dating Rain.

I didn't really like this couple in the book. But I ADORE Phugun's friends. I really hope the drama does those characters justice.