As the title says, just discuss what you think will happen at the end. Start typing!

I personally think that Jang Han Seo will be the one to kill his older brother (Jang Jun Woo). Then Vincenzo will get together with Hong Cha Young beating Babel and sending them to prison (or Vincenzo will just kill them).

I think that Paolo comes for Vincenzo himself. But Vincenzo ask him to wait so that he can get revenge for his mother's murder. Paolo honors and respects him so he allows him to follow through with his revenge, even helps. One or 2 things happen with that storyline, Paolo leaves Vincenzo in Korea saying he can never return to Italy or use mafia resources (which is fine because the tenants are all the resources he needs) or Vincenzo goes back to Italy to help Paolo who has made a mess of things since he took charge of the family. (Is his adopted mother still alive?) 

If Vincenzo leaves Korea first he divides the gold with the tenants.  He continues to keep an eye on Hong Cha Young as she continues to her specific brand of lawyering. 

As for the ending of our villains, I have to think on it. Vincenzo wants them to suffer, I want them to suffer and nothing I can think of is good enough.

Lawyer Choi has to pay for her sins, as well as Jang Han Seok. If  they live, they can get out of prison anytime.

Vincenzo will split the gold with the tenants. 

This is related to VinCha. For me there are two possible endings for them... the VinCha relationship could go one of two ways in the end...

1. open/happy ending with them in malta or somewhere together

2. same as karen/frank in the punisher (for those who haven't watched, karen accepts frank's punisher side and wants to be with him, but he thinks he is too far gone and can not live a happy life beside her so he turns her proposal of them being together down) 

I'd prefer VinCha end like #1 because i don't think my heart could take another kastle ending. but i'm setting myself up for a possibility of reliving it. i am just hoping with everything i have in me for #1 to happen. but right now, i do feel like V and CY are on similiar playing fields so one could very well happen. Time will tell.

I agree about splitting the the beginning no way, he'd take it and run. But with everything that has happened, I think he'd be more willing now to share it.

I think Vincenzo is going back to Italy to take over the Cassano family?? Before that, he will take out Jang Jun Woo and Lawyer Choi. OR Jang Han Seo helps Vincenzo kill/bring down Jang Jun Woo (With keeping ep 18 in mind..)

1. Undecided whether Vincenzo lives or dies in the end. The balloon story would favor the former. The picture (Vincenzo and his mom hugging) on the tomb of the mom would favor the latter. Since the writer is the same one of "The fiery priest", I am expecting a happier rather than a sadder ending. 

2. Still waiting to see again the two con men who drugged Vincenzo as he arrived in Korea.

3. Unsure what is befitting the bastard trio at Babel. For sure they are gonners. Han-Seo may get killed at the hands of the trio, or may become the head of the new corporation.

4. The gold will help people (already seen several times in ill-gained assets ending up to help orphans etc.), possibly even the families of the people killed by Babel throughout the episodes (researchers, victims of Babel products, head of union, etc.)

5. I expect more humiliations, too. 

1. Vincenzo will leave to live a peaceful life OR as mr laundry man of the plaza mentioned to him, to continue to do what he does best, and Vin gets a license to practice law in Korea.

2. the head of intelligence agency is also corrupt but officer An will take care of it and the file. and will be the head of the agency .

3. Paolo will be caught by the interpol, (Vin did give the info about him to interpol, right?) but someone else will head the mafia family.

4. The trio will suffer humiliation and then jail/death.

5. The Gold will be discovered by the Plaza members (the safe was open as of ep 18), but they'll be "forced" to donate it all. (assuming a funny scene here) (too many people knows about the gold as of now).

1. I'm hoping Cha Young gets to deal with Myung Hee in some way. I think having the lot of them rot in jail for a long time would be more cathartic than killing them but the show could go either way. 

2. Someone is using the balloon and I haven't decided yet if it's Vincenzo and Cha Young or someone else. 

3. Cha Young and Vincenzo stay together but I'm leaning more towards an open ending rather than kisses and confessions.  (If they give me more I'll be super happy but I'm not expecting it). 

3a. Not sure if they'll stay in Korea, end up ruling the Cassano mob family together, or off to vacation in Malta. 

4. Still waiting on them to do something with Han Seok's feelings for Cha Young, they were hinting big time in the beginning so I expected him get all scary jealous later. 

5. The gold will be used towards the Plaza and tenants 

Here's a different thought, I think the gold will be donated somewhere, a temple I'm assuming, because remember, the head monk gave a very good advice to Vin after they carried the cross together and I think based on V's character, he will return the favor.