Unpopular opinion: Does anyone else also want them to be a pair?

Honestly yes, I feel like they'll either turn out to be best friends or a couple in the end.

Ikr! But they'd be a cool pair!

I feel like there isn't enough time to turn them into a couple by the end of the series, but they definitely have the potential to become a couple if a second season was happening. Still we'd have to see a lot of progress on their relationship since pretty much they're enemies/rivals right now. 

So probably a friendship arc first just like what happened with Wai and Pat?

Also would love to see a more cutie part of Wai with Korn, I feel we haven't seen much of Wai past and can't understand his feelings/actions that well. To me he seems like a child that doesn't know when he's being mean with a lot of anger issues. 

Spin off about them yes, making them a side plot of BB no.

Sorry. Im gonna say nay.

First, I know it's impossible, but I wish frank to appear as Drake bf. haha.

Secondly, I don't wanna interrupt Jimmy momentum in having different partner as he is going to have his own "pairing" in vice versa. 

Well, it's a yay for me! Seeing them both gives off fresh vibes. And i think pairing them up will surely be a hit. 

I've been shipping them since the first EP, would love to have Drake/ Korn paired up with Jimmy/ Wai. I think it would be a fun relationship. Following the Enemies to Lovers trope and all. If it happens, I would be very much interested in watching the reactions of his friends, especially Pran and Pat... I'd say YAY