So I've only seen 2 eps of this but they were both hilarious.

2 Comedians from the UK go to Japan to discover/reveal the awesomeness of Japan.
I thought you were going to Japan when I read the title...
Szasha wrote: I thought you were going to Japan when I read the title...

Me, too!!!
Szasha wrote: I thought you were going to Japan when I read the title...

mangagirl wrote: Me, too!!!

Me too lol I was like "tskkk how lucky" ^^
My other thought was who is Adam??
mangagirl wrote: My other thought was who is Adam??

Exactly. Rofl
mangagirl wrote: My other thought was who is Adam??
oh i used to love Adam & Joe they had a late night TV show in the late 90s that hardly anybody watched but I used to think they were hilarious one of them had a really old slightly posh dad (probably in his 70s then) & they would get him to review current music ......his comments were hilarious. I remember one time he had to review something by Hanson & he started off with "I'm sure they are very charming young ladies..." lmao
RainFlower wrote: oh i used to love Adam & Joe they had a late night TV show in the late 90s that hardly anybody watched but I used to think they were hilarious one of them had a really old slightly posh dad (probably in his 70s then) & they would get him to review current music ......his comments were hilarious. I remember one time he had to review something by Hanson & he started off with "I'm sure they are very charming young ladies..." lmao

Of course you know who they <3

And lol at the Hanson "ladies"...
I like the title rhymes ^^" & thanks for the tip, I'll definitely try it (:
lol I didn't even think about the Joe thing until you guys brought it up. lol my real name is Michael, not Joe.
RainFlower wrote: oh i used to love Adam & Joe they had a late night TV show in the late 90s that hardly anybody watched but I used to think they were hilarious one of them had a really old slightly posh dad (probably in his 70s then) & they would get him to review current music ......his comments were hilarious. I remember one time he had to review something by Hanson & he started off with "I'm sure they are very charming young ladies..." lmao

haha that's funny. But I actually had a similar experience when I had long hair. We were in a dark room and this old guys said, "You sure are a pretty young girl" to which my reply was - *deep man voice* "I'm a guy" haha.
SayItAintSoJoe wrote: haha that's funny. But I actually had a similar experience when I had long hair. We were in a dark room and this old guys said, "You sure are a pretty young girl" to which my reply was - *deep man voice* "I'm a guy" haha.


Here he is Baaad dad i couldnt find the Hanson one though..