I'm fully aware this sounds like a commercial! XD
Anyway, I thought some of you might be interested....you just have to download the Viewer software and then you can watch Japanese television in real time! It's not exactly HD (to be honest, not at all XD ) but it can be useful if you're learning the language, you can follow live shows and let's face it...they have the best commercials ever!

already have it on my PC, and yes the quality is quite bad. but it's really great to watch J-programms as if we were there... so far away... I used it last week-end to see the NTV's 24hr Variety Show starring Arashi... so funny to watch it "in live". I wanted to use it to see Variety shows (with or without Arashi), but alas.... they are airing right in the middle of my working days.... And I would say that they have the best Variety shows ever!!! always so unexpected and funny, even if I don't understand anything at all!!!
You're right, the only problem with that is the time zone...I always end up watching morning programs! XD I discovered it while I was searching for a way to keep up with shows I had been watching while I was in Japan! It's bad quality but at least if you wanna watch something you don't have to wait and hope for someone to put it online somewhere! XD
looks interesting! thanks for sharing :)
Is the quality similar to that of Keyhole...? Or better?
Rubyy wrote: Is the quality similar to that of Keyhole...? Or better?

It is keyhole! XD
Sakakibara wrote: It is keyhole! XD

Oh lol....
Well, i've been using Keyhole for more than 3 years now XD

But for special shows, if there's loads of people watching, the quality gets really bad, doesn't it.
So i usually look for alternatives. And that usually takes me to Justin.tv
Somehow it doesn´t work for me?
i've been using it for 2 years now... lucky, my time only 2 hours later than Japan..so it's perfect time for watching..:P but the video is laggy most of time...but at least not the audio..lol.. so sometimes I feel like listening to J-radio..lol
I used to use Keyhole on my computer but quality is horrendous and it lags to the point of being unwatchable!
I really recommend this site: http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/channel-list
The quality is awesome *__* And you watch directly from the site.

I know it's in Chinese, but there are Taiwanese/Chinese and Korean channels too, if you scroll to the "娱乐综合1" section you'll find the Japanese channels. Just click on one and you'll get to the "player".