This seems to be the trend today, almost all the modern era kdramas I watch seem to have this backstory to joseon or before. Previous lives, brief memory, or dreams.

A Good Day to Be a Dog has it.

My Demon has it.

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract has it.

Destined with You has it.

Moon in the Day, for sure.

Did all the writers meet at a bar and decide on this? hmmmmmm :)

I come to expect it. It is definitely a trope that has long standing roots. Reincarnated lovers are pretty popular so I assume they use it to add weight to the one true love and soulmate idea to their love stories. It has become a common way to make us believe that this is a once in a lifetime or special kind of love by the writers . It is right up there with the random childhood connections. It doesn't even phase me anymore lol. It rarely is that much of  an interesting bit of information added to the story but sometimes it can be.