I loved loved the scene on the bridge.

ahh, the one with deyi being inside the office right? I loved that SY pushed SD and then the little teasing. But then he steps back in synchronization. I found that so endearing. Love it too.

Wow. Idk how to add images, so imagine here’s a screenshot of the fear in Shi De’s eyes, haha.

 Agnes Fon Marten:

Wow. Idk how to add images, so imagine here’s a screenshot of the fear in Shi De’s eyes, haha.

you can use the  Insert image icon or do "ctrl+P"

Tried. Failed. I'm dumb T.T

 Agnes Fon Marten:

Tried. Failed. I'm dumb T.T

you can try again, always :) 

Offcourse when they have sex...wink wink