Do you think... it has great start as we are expecting from one of the most anticipating drama of 2021, share your first impression here. 

Finally. It's here.

I loved it. I am glad it looks exactly like the novel. I especially liked YuTu scene where he went to meet his senior I can feel his unease. It looks like a mature version of Love 020(that's a plus).  

I am bored of game scenes though I am grateful they are not wearing game costumes.

i don't like Yu Tu, i find him still stoo stiff and not natural ( i don't like yang yang's acting). i hope he will prove me wrong at least this time, he is a tiny bit different from boring and emotionless xiaonai and yu tu.
the story, i like it, less gaming and more developing like FIYS.  let's see what will happen, i will read the novel too. it's just the beginning, it's too soon to judge it. 
dilraba is natural in his role, i like her. 


Some initial thoughts after 8 episodes:

I think the weakest link in terms of acting is still our two leads. I love their visuals, but I speak the truth. There are some moments where I expected a different sort of emotion but I got a more muted performance from Dilraba which I thought could have been explored a bit more. That said, she improved a lot after episodes 1 and 2, which is unfortunate for those without VIP access. I actually think she is good. As for Yang Yang, to put it in a milder way, he didn't really emote much. That said, I forgive them because they are beautiful. The supporting cast is good, as always when it comes to C-dramas without second leads.

On the plot, it is exactly the same as the novel. Identical. Usually I like it that way, but this time I'd prefer it if they cut down the gaming part even further. I read the novel and I know it's difficult. I can see that they are trying their best but I think it can still be further shortened. Otherwise, it's okay thus far. The portion of the drama related to gaming should diminish as we get further into it. There should also be a small climax in episode 9 which I'm looking forward to. The novel itself is quite flat so the show really hinges on the romance and I feel that there is more to come with this pairing. Some claim that the leads are acting on their own, I don't know if it's the superficial me but I can see chemistry and I expect it to get better as well (considering the trajectory of Dilraba's performance).

So far as of ep 4 it's great for me. I think it has a great mix of gaming and other scenes considering the starting of the novel, if we see less gaming the whole 1st half of the novel and the leads relationship building would diminish in my opinion. But the raw episodes I watched this morning the drama is moving in a fast pace. 

It has meet my expectation, at the moment. This drama will not be super super romantic. 

I do not mind that the drama is not super super romantic. You are my glory. The title speaks more about building each other up, about being proud of someone's achievements, rather than romance 


I do not mind that the drama is not super super romantic. You are my glory. The title speaks more about building each other up, about being proud of someone's achievements, rather than romance 

Yes. This is exactly it. That's why I loved the novel so much.