Well Guys i really want see a tv show or sitcom which main genre is Comedy. I wanna see a lot of comedy in it which will make me laugh or at least smile. Although i would also like if there is romance in it or a bit drama also friendship between characters.. But i want it to be Funny. I really wanna have a laugh lol. ya know where there are awkward moments or dumb moments that will make me laugh. :P

I have seen

Friends (LOVED IT anything similar)

How i met your mother

Full house

Modern Family

Please guys recommend a funny  show or sitcom that will make me laugh or smile. i also want friendship between characters tho.

Overall Good sitcom or show.


It's gonna make you laugh so hard, you're gonna cry. Plus it also sorta gives off FRIENDS vibes.



It's gonna make you laugh so hard, you're gonna cry. Plus it also sorta gives off FRIENDS vibes.

I second , laughter in Waikiki..... Only show that made me laugh so hard that i literally fell on ground laughing.....

The Lover - an omnibus series of four different couples in the same apartment complex, lots of comical situations

The Sound of Your Heart - A short webdrama based on popular webtoon, this is a pure comedy

Thank you guys but i wanted non asian one. Like ones i mention american but still i will watch those but if you know any american please suggest ^^

new girl and brooklyn 99

suits and white collar arent sitcom but are still very funny!

Community! I can't suggest it enough. Very funny!

I also really enjoyed The Neighbors when it was on. Superstore is good too. 

Or if you don't mind something a little older, I'd suggest The Nanny or Will and Grace.

Seconding Community.

Scrubs is also great if you haven't seen it and it has some nice friendships/character relationships.  

Also Parks and Rec if you like the faux documentary style of comedy and more absurdity.

30 Rock

Fresh off the Boat

Living Single


I second Superstore

oh also!!! kims convenience 

The goldbergs...I wasnt fond of the first season, but consequent seasons have been hysterical.


New girl

Brooklyn nine-nine

Baby dady

Young and hungry



Significant mother

The good place

Better off ted

Fresh off the boat

Not sitcoms but are comedies



Pushing daisies 

Series of unfortunate events (with Neil Patrick Harris)

Limitless ( tv shows, slow at first)

✔️ Psych 

✔️ Izombie

✔️ Wrong Mans

✔️ Monday Project 

✔️ Home Improvement 

✔️ Quickdraw

✔️ Moone Boy

✔️ Allo Allo 

✔️ That 70's Show 

✔️ Goldbergs