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Aug 18, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.5
I've just finished watching this so decided to write a review.
The good thing about this drama: SIZZLING HOT. You can feel the frustration budding between FL and ML. They really should make more of the chemistry.

I don't have much experience with Taiwanese drama, but I starting to see some differences. I also prefer this than high school romance drama, this has more weight and thought into it.

If you want some mature drama, here's for you.

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Once Upon a Drama
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 18, 2022
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Mature and very well thought romance

It is very rare to get to see a Mature romance, true to life, first ep.. Excluded…dealing with the end of a love, it’s difficult let-go and new beginning…
This romance delves on how long lasting love relationships that haven’t been properly nurtured create loneliness gaps in the couple, in waiting for the next - improved from past mistakes - true love…The first ep. gives a false impression in that regard. There is no cheating . On the contrary to what the 1st episode could have led to believe. Jasper Liu plays a very interesting character, reliable and mature.
In one couple, there is no love anymore but a controlling and manipulative /toxic relationship from which jasper Liu can’t easily break free because of a past promise to the mother of his girlfriend. In the other couple, a relationship based on practicalities and a lige-plan more than a fulfilling love, in which the FL has lost her personality and purpose, In that regard, I loved that the FL decided to take time for herself, alone, instead of trying to be mended by her new love., before coming back to Jasper Liu, a better self-standing person.
Cherry on the cake, Some of the best kiss scenes ever, adult ones, thanks to Jasper Liu… who is also very good in “use for my talent”

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Ongoing 5/13
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 10, 2019
5 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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There's great tension between main leads and flaring passion between them. The main male lead is a go-getter, forceful and overconfident when pursuing the main female lead but there's another side to him when it comes to his girlfriend of 10 years. It's ridiculous how he lets his girlfriend control his life and make important decisions without his approval. She even doesn't work and spends a lot of his money even if they're not married yet. You can also clearly see there's no passion in their relationship anymore. On the other hand, the main female lead's boyfriend is controlling too and is rigid with his decisions and life plan. I'm not a proponent of betrayal but my goodness, I'm not totally surprised that it will happen.

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Ongoing 9/13
Anjali kedia
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 7, 2019
9 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
It's gonna be my first review on MDL and its all because of dis drama.... Damn yrr what a great drama it is... It's my first taiwanese drama nd now became my second most favourite drama after love020... Love020 was my first drama nd after that i have watched more than 50 k drama to find something similar which could make my heart flutter but i couldn't get it.... But after a long wait this drama finally arrived nd gained my attention... I am so so so happy that i have decided to watch's the kind of drama that will make u to think about it 24 hours...

So if u r having a second thought about watching it or not then just go for it... U will definitely gonna complete all the episodes within one day... I guarantee that ????????

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Ongoing 5/13
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 22, 2019
5 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
Jasper Liu and Puff Guo have a sizzling chemistry in this drama. Jasper Liu is so domineering and headstrong as a man who finds what's been missing in his life and isn't about to give it up easily. I loved their acting in other dramas but together they are fantastic. As you'd expect for the story-line there is a lot of 'push and pull' between the leads and the choices that they make. I do enjoy a lead male role that falls in love and dives head first into love without worrying about the ramifications. The supporting actors are great as well and are not just cardboard cut outs of roles. The writers have tried to give the support characters a little depth too. I've also loved the soundtrack for this drama so far. While I am yet to finish this drama I'm drawn into the story and will be waiting for each episode to to subtitled!

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Ongoing 4/13
3 people found this review helpful
Jun 24, 2019
4 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This is definitely a show for a more mature audience to understand. Relationships are hard enough as it is (especially years into it) and settling seems like a good idea at first but it’ll end up wearing you down after years of just putting up with it. It’s always better when you can be more honest with yourself in the relationship...what you think you could put up with at first will eventually start to annoy you more. We can’t know if her boyfriend is a cheater because no other chick seems to know he exists. As for the lead, the person that draws him is the main female....while other girls are trying to grab his attention. Even the sexy best friend wants him but he just flat out rejects her. This show is more than just plain cheating... probably why it’s so interesting. The chemistry between the leads are off the charts with just the looks alone...

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Jay noona
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2020
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
i like and dislike but i can say i dislike more

the story was boring the end was weird and provoking
especially when she answered the phone and told him we r friends ...REALLY???
friends after sleeping with him and told him u loved him already ???
and after sacrificing both of you with your jobs for each other??
what kind of that sick end ??
i was hoping to see relation development for a couple who decided to be together
but i was totally wrong :\

the events were too boring .. repetitive during the whole drama
i can make a summary from few words

4 couples used to love each other then they turned to love other couple's lovers ..WOOOW
end of story -_-

the only thing that made me continue was (Jasper Liu) insistence to be with her
i loved his love to the FL

but most of the characters frustrated me much specially the (leech EX ) for the ML
and the FL friend was sooooo good as a friend , sooooooo disgusting as a woman

i couldn't consider sexual scenes as romance, this disgusted me
i prefer it superfine and fluffy
u can call me weird but when it turned to be sexual scenes i can only consider it as porno not romance

but it carries a msg
love shouldn't be full of regulations, rules or restrictions
because if it is, then it wasn't true love
love is to be free ..sharing this freedom with the one you love
Love is sharing

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Danielle A
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 18, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Surprised at How Much I Loved This

I usually don't like the cheating theme but this was done very well. I wasn't nearly as anxious as I thought I would be watching it.
Although, I watched this drama a little while ago now, I still think about it. So much chemistry between the leads. I actually enjoyed watching them have it out with each other. I thought the FL was perfect and Jasper is always fun to watch.
I found the entire drama entertaining from beginning to end. This one goes in the rewatch category.
Would recommend!
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Enjoy little things
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 27, 2022
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

Pour moi, une très belle surprise !

J'avoue, je ne m'attendais pas du tout à être embarquée comme ça dans ce drama. Quelle magnifique surprise !

Je le trouve très bien joué, et habilement mené. Et surtout, et c'est pour ça que j'ai été embarquée je pense, super réaliste.

Ca pourrait arriver à n'importe qui de planifier sa vie, d'être sûr de ses choix, de se sentir en sécurité de part une routine instaurée sur les années à venir et donc dans une zone de confort de vie (Parfois, vu de l'extérieur, ça fait peur, mais en vrai, on est tous un peu comme ça.)

Et puis un jour : Une rencontre, une âme, une personne arrive et balaie tout sur son chemin. Premier réflexe, lutter, résister car cela remet tout en question, cela fait peur car on est obligé de revoir toute sa vie, et surtout ses choix. Et après, bien sûr, on ne peut pas créer une relation sur de telles bases "tronquées" car pas sur des fondations "saines".
Donc on est obligé de prendre du temps, de l'espace et de se reconstruire, sans compter tout ce que vivent les gens autour de de soi, embarqués contre leur gré dans ce tourbillon.
Tout ça est tellement vrai, que ce drama m'a complètement chamboulé avec lui.

J'avais déjà vu et adoré Jasper LIU, et il m'a à nouveau épaté, je le trouve criant de vérité, et porteur tout le long de ses sentiments qui sont très vite très claires pour lui.
Puff Kuo est une découverte pour moi, mais très bien. Elle lutte beaucoup, ne veut blesser personne, et tout le long lutte contre elle même, car elle est droite, honnête, et surtout elle sent son monde s'effondrer. Qui aimerait vivre cela, même par amour ?

Leur alchimie fonctionne super bien, et ils maintiennent une tension élevée entre eux deux tout le long du drama, mon petit cœur a palpité.

Les autres personnages sont très bien aussi, mais chapeau à celle de la meilleure amie qui amène rudesse, bon cœur et humour tout le long de ce drama !

Quand on aime les romances, et les histoires d'amour compliquées, pour moi c'est une petite pépite Taïwanaise à découvrir !

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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 20, 2019
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 5.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
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Saya tidak sengaja menonton drama ini. Bagus, tapi memang agak melelahkan dengan kondisi mereka. Tapi saya belajar tentang bagaimana kita saat menjadi pasangan. Harus saling menghormati juga. Merawat cinta itu penting, bukan hanya menghadirkannya. Pertama kali melihat akting Jasper Liu dan Puff Kuo. Kemistri mereka bagus. Mungkin karena memang sudah bertemu di drama sebelum ini. Paling suka karakter Han Ke Fei. Dia adalah penyelamat drama ini
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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2021
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
Questo è un drama che affronta una serie di temi che, prima o poi, ci si ritrova ad avere a che fare.
La vita può essere davvero programmata a tavolino e i piani che facciamo per il nostro futuro ci rispecchiano o ci accaniamo a perseguirli perché non vogliamo scontentare qualcuno che ci è vicino e a cui teniamo? La protagonista Zhou Weiwei all'inizio della serie è alle prese con una storia d'amore pianificata fino all'età della pensione. Il suo compagno è una persona affidabile che certo non la farà soffrire o traballare nelle sue emozioni. Una storia tranquilla, sicura, a cui lei si affida totalmente. Davanti a ogni sacrificio non fa domande e, anche quando se le fa, finge che vada tutto bene e che il suo sogno sia proprio quello che ha condiviso con Haoyi per tre anni. Tuttavia, ad accendere le micce ci pensa il fascinoso agente di borsa Chu Kehuan che la nota, la corteggia e poi se ne innamora follemente. Weiwei, nonostante l'attrazione fortissima che prova nei suoi confronti, non cede, e durante infinite puntate di tira e molla rimane fedele al fidanzato finché non ne scopre il vero volto.
Ho amato molto questa serie perché affronta tematiche adulte e non ha paura di parlare dell'amore in tutte le sue sfaccettature. A differenza dei drama coreani è bello vederlo rappresentato senza tanti pudori ipocriti e la chimica tra i protagonisti è tangibile, tangibilissima!
Non posso dare però un bel 10 perché ogni tanto si tende ad allungare un po' troppo il brodo. Capisco le insicurezze di Weiwei ma quante volte vogliamo rifiutarlo il povero Kehuan che per lei, da dongiovanni scapestrato diventa cavalier servente all'ennesima potenza? Soprattutto comparato alla noiosità e all'indifferenza del compagno originale!
Inoltre, ho detestato il personaggio dell'ex di lui che doveva servire come "cattiva" della storia. Una donna frustrata, senza un minimo di orgoglio che fa di tutto perché "sono stati insieme 10 anni"! L'avesse detto ancora una volta prendevo a sberle lo schermo della TV! Alla fine rimane un personaggio fantoccio, poco approfondito che viene sfruttato solo per mettere i bastoni tra le ruote ai protagonisti.
La fine mi è piaciuta, nonostante i suoi difetti e la lungaggine di certe parti, dà un messaggio importante che poi è il fulcro di tutta la storia. Non si può amare un'altra persona se prima di tutto non si ama se stessi e lo si può fare solo acquisendo consapevolezza di sé e dei propri, veri bisogni.
Insomma, sorvolando su qualche difetto qua e là, consiglio questo drama di Taiwan a chi ha voglia di immergersi in una storia adulta in tutti i sensi.
Lo rivedrei? Si, anche perché certe scene sono proprio da "batticuore"!

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Before We Get Married (2019) poster



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