2 people found this review helpful
Nov 28, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A perfect heroic tragedy wuxia

It is 10/10. Solid in every aspect of story telling. Although it follows typical successful wuxia tropes, it doesn't lose originality, novelty, and poetic quality.

It follows a similar pattern we saw in dramas such as Nirvana in Fire (2015) and The Blood of Youth (2022) which focus the story on one central figure, the tragic hero, and his struggle to find the truth. Mysterious Lotus Casebook (MLC) starts from a downfall and ends with tragedy. We starts from zero and in the end, all return to zero again, creating a full complete circle. Our hero lost everything: his power, skills, fame, status/ position, and friends/ followers. He was defeated by his enemies and by his own mistake. When he was in a grave danger, a bikhu saved his life and he was reborn. He found new purpose of life and lived a humble and wiser life with new identity and changed personality. Everything is seemingly normal again, but a scar from the past forced him to return to the jianghu and involved in the conflicts. He found new friends and gain various supports to fulfill his mission. He was successful after so many hardships. He regained his former glory. However, his righteousness drove him to the path of self-sacrifice for the greater good and for the people he loved. In the end, he let go everything with a content heart. He died peacefully, and was loved by everybody.

The strongest aspects of MCL is first, the characterization of the main character, Li Lianhua. His development is so clear and flows naturally. We easily understand why he become or does this and that. He is a very positive and mature person who learns from mistakes and gains wisdom. The past is not turning him into a person with psychological issues. He is without emotional baggage so that he is able to stay firm when confronting people from his pasts. When he was confronted by his past lover, Qiao Wanmian, his sadness is there, but he stayed level headed. When watching this particular scene, I was so afraid that the story would follow the romance tropes where the male cannot resist his feeling and rebuild the romantic relationship. Or, during the marriage scene, the male usually is burnt with jealousy, and use the only chance to cure the female, to show romantic gestures. Gratefully, it is not. Other thing is the consistency from the start to the end, not only for Li Lianhua, but also for the other male main characters. Their personalities are different to each other, but their relationship is so harmonious, thus enjoyable to watch. They don't make stupid moves and every act is effective.

Second, the amazing plot twists. MCL is the drama that should be watched patiently with open and clear mind. Don't rush to know the ending of each case and of the overall story. Protect your viewing experience from spoilers, because it definitely will ruined the twists and thrills. The first part of MCL (episode 1 to 20-30) are basically detective story. They are solving mysteries by following clues and leads. Not knowing or understanding many things in the beginning to the mid part of the case are normal to bear, and in the end we will certainty get the explanation. Just wait and see. The drama is very skillful at when to close and disclose important information for the viewers. We, viewers, are "cheated", believing false truth, and by the time everything is finally revealed, it feels shockingly great. It is really not like most dramas that place viewers as know-all-things so that we are becoming impatient watching clueless characters in screen. The drama is very careful at telling the past events and the flashbacks are contained in character perception or memory. So, we understand the story from the character's interpretation of that event. Meanwhile, the past facts are told through dialogue between characters, documents, and relics.

Third, the mixed genre is so good. It is a wuxia that is laden with action and sword plays. It is a tragedy, but full of comedy. However, it is also a mystery story with a suspense, horror, and gore. When they are exploring a tomb, a cave, underground facilities, or a body of deceased, with minimal lights, it is so scary. When they meet the zombie, ghosts, and the beast, my heart beats so fast. This drama has balance day and night scenes. When it should be scary, it is set at night. When it should by funny, it is on broad day light. It has romance (mature love), brotherhood, family, and companionship. It has moment of togetherness and adventure as well as a moment of solitude and self-reflection. The evil people are evil without white washing them with "good" humane motive. The jealous person is jealous. The greedy is greed. The crazy is crazy. No excuse. No feeling sorry. We don't mix the good and the bad. The previously evil or bad person becomes good in our eyes after they experience certain events in the story, not because of the subjective experience or pitiful past that begs our sympathy. It is good for us not knowing about the royal story behind why Jiao Liqiao is crazy, why Shan Gu Dao is jealous and cruel, etc. It is on their character, not circumstances. They are bound to received punishment as their retribution/ karma.

Those are things that make this drama stands out, IMO. I don't find any serious weakness. Of course, sometimes the CGI is not perfect, the performance is somewhat a bit lacking, the mobile house is weird (look small from the outside, but spacious inside), etc. We can overlook those and enjoy the story itself. It is so good, lets watch and re-watch!

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Ongoing 24/40
8 people found this review helpful
Aug 4, 2023
24 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A pleasant surprise in this summer!

MLC is a wonderful TV series surprise in this summer. The series presents high quality of custom, settings, storyline, martial arts and actings to the audiences, together all of those elements created a exceptional TV series with beautiful cinematography.
All actors contribute amazing performances, especially Cheng Yi, a great actor who I first noticed in XianXia romance drama L&R. So before MLC, I already knew that he’s a talented young actor. But in this series, not only did he prove his strength on tragedy scence once again, he also brought new surprises to the audience and showing us that he can do comedy and exceptional on fight sequences. O also want to bravo to him for using his own voice this time. In my opinion, actors using their own voices in period drama can really help on increasing the quality of the TV series. Cheng Yi as an actor just keeps bringing new surprises and showing his unlimited acting skills, so really looking forward to his future works.
Btw, the background music is very on poin. It follows the storyline very close, making a perfect combination.

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Ongoing 18/40
13 people found this review helpful
Jul 31, 2023
18 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


I dont know what happened to the low rating, but this drama is amazing, impressive, and incredible! ChengYi is talented and he shows great prowess at acting. His acting makes me believe he's actually going through whatever his character is going through. The storyline of this drama is novel and full of quirky detail. A spiteful low rating review is disgraceful. I dont know what happened to the low rating, but this drama is amazing, impressive, and incredible! ChengYi is talented and he shows great prowess at acting. His acting makes me believe he's actually going through whatever his character is going through. The storyline of this drama is novel and full of quirky detail. A spiteful low rating review is disgraceful.

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Ongoing 20/40
Italian Millionaire
10 people found this review helpful
Jul 30, 2023
20 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Very touching, no fast forward

A story about a long farewell of Li Lian Hua who used to be the No.1's Swordsman to his past & friends
"It was good then, it's good now"

This is one of the 2 c-dramas which I highly recommend for 2023. Viewers will be touched by the effort spent on producing this drama. Every component just makes sense.
There is no need to fast forward as plot is fast-paced (kudos to screenwriter), the acting skills of all actors are online, scenes are well shot, settings & props are very well prepared, OSTs and BGMs are very suitable.

Screenwriter has done a really good job. The rhythm is very fast. This is the only drama I don't fast forward. In fact, sometimes I need to pause for fear of missing some clues.
The author Teng Ping and Screenwriter Liu Fang also interpret respect to women very well through Li Lian Hua's character, which I really appreciate.

-Update based on ep20: Kudos to screenwriter
The screenwriter is really good. Now that we are at episode 20, I realise that the previous cases, such as Yipin Tomb & Li Xiang Yi's flashback to his return to Sigu Sect have had brief introductions to future cases. As a viewer, I just did not realise the significance. Not only do I not fast forward, I need to go back to prior episodes to find clues. I really love this drama.

-Acting skills
Very good acting skills, especially Cheng Yi, this is his best role yet. It's really not easy to potray Li Lian Hua's letting go. He used to be best swordsman and he's now living an ordinary life, with poor health.
Li Lian Hua is not an easy character to potray. Li Lian Hua is sickly, but tries his best to live happily to the best of his ability. He has a chivalrous spirit, but at the same time, a bit gossipy, like to talk nonsense. There is also no filter in this drama, so you can see the up & downs of his appearance very clearly. In short, there is no character buff.
FDB & DFS interactions are very fun.

-Martial Arts Scenes
There are many good martial arts scenes.
The first 10mins of the Battle of The East China Sea is really excellent. There are many more we haven't seen yet as we are only halfway through the drama.

Focusing on human nature's worst vices. I won't give any spoiler, so please watch and try to guess the culprit.
We now have up to 8 episodes free on IQIYI. Some people who are used to suspense/detective may find ep1-3 a bit slow, so I recommend going directly to ep 6 Yipin Tomb. The cases got more complicated as we go. If you like ep 6-8, go back to watch ep1

There are only 4 OSTs for this drama.
The first love OST, a pot of lotus wine is fast-paced, but now I cry when hearing this song. Li Lian Hua & Qiao Wan Yu's farewell in ep 17-18 are just too emotional. How can a martial arts/suspense drama have one of the best BE asthetics?

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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Refreshing piece amongst the masses of low quality dramas out there

At first one might think this drama is all about solving mysteries which all unlock pieces to the final puzzle at the end and everyone goes home happy. This is not that drama. It's so much more than that. MLC is ultimately a heartfelt drama where the writers gently invite us to go on an emotional journey with the main character Li Lian Hua aka Li Xiang Yi where he ends up being confronted by his past, the reality of his past self, and his reconciliation with all that he was during the height of his renowned fame and reputation.

As many here have mentioned, it is a story that evokes a lot of emotion because it's centred around the themes of letting go, forgiveness, the chance to change, and that we are all but mere human beings, capable of mistakes, guilty of having a past that we might not be proud of, and appreciating the simplest things in life.

While the mysteries weren't executed in a way that allows the audience to delve into the stories and use our own deductions to solve the cases, the undeniable chemistry between the three leads, the brilliant and engimatic acting of Cheng Yi, the natural ease with which Joseph and Aero assumed their roles, and the concise and beautiful storytelling that is consistent with driving the plot forward all make MLC a profound viewing experience.

I think viewers would love to see more of this kind of theme-centred and mature narrative with strong character development in a sea of disappointing cdrama productions that has been saturated with use of vulgar clickbait videos or contrived romantic storylines with pretty faces as a means of garnering attention to an otherwise empty storyline.

MLC stands out amongst the rest because the writers and the production team seem to care about what they are doing and have put a lot of effort into delivering quality and consistency to its viewers, proving that China can produce noteworthy pieces that don't compromise on the authenticity of the narrative as a result of relying on cheap plot devices for the sake of guaranteed viewership ratings.

Watch MLC if you want something different to all that other stuff going on in subpar cdrama productions.

P.s. I absolutely loved the ending! (Unlike most!)

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 15, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Pure brotherhood and martial arts drama

lately, i’ve been wathcing xianxia drama revolved a lot of women and love
But not for this drama
till the start of the drama till the end it was all about brotherhood and the value of person at the martial world
it would like to believe that xianyi is tired with the fame that he getting since young and that why he makes choice to not return back to the martial world and create his own world
he only come back because of her swords brothers
eventhough some say its has open ending but I think this ending is the great
He is the real master that only think about her clan till the end, even if he powerful but cant protect some of its member that why he do not want to come back to martial worlds
its the same with the real world even when you have everything but the most valuable thing is the peace of mind, that why when the plant that he planted bloomed he cry because its make his happy and he doesnt want to be sect leader again because the position make he arrogant eventhough he not feels its
after he die, he realised he realized that he hurting so many people in his life.

Cheng yi’s acting is become better then his last drama
in this drama his acting is consistent
i actually looking forward in his next project because he really suited the xianxia type of drama

for the male lead, i think if there any other option could be better but the Joseph actually good in this character
its kind of like the untamed brotherhood but more deep in their relationship

I would like to give round applause to the plotline
Before i watch this movie i thought this drama just like other detective drama BUT its not
all the cases that they solved in quite unpreditable, so it give like mysterios type

and i never thougth the enemy would be like his bestfriend at the end
all happen because of misunderstand between clan that the real enemy planted for them to fight

and i never thought the one that the evil is his Swords Brother that he really cared and loved

i cry at the scene he cry because of the betrayal of the brother

and Di sheifeng character is actually cute because he only cared to fight with Li XIANGYI
he doesnt care to have fight with other clan as long they do not disturbe his clan
and there is episode where he come back to his old hometown and avenged and released for all the pupil at the di mansion , its shown that actually he is really kind .

please watch this drama u will not dissapointed

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 26, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Great for bromance lovers, a story about friendship.

Mysterious Lotus Casebook is usually a drama I don't watch. I'm a romance buff so bromance dramas are kind of low on my list. There were a lot of high and praising reviews on this drama, so I decided to give it a go.

Overall, the drama was pretty decent. I really like the story-telling and world building. I like that it was a detective kind of show, where about every 2-3 episodes there was a new and unique case to be solved. It really kept up the momentum. The win of the show was casting. I wasn't really sure on the dynamic duo of Cheng Yi and Joseph Zeng but they make a good pair. They each brought in their own personality and really gave life to the characters.

You can't forget the third bro, Xiao Shun Yao which basically rounded off the cast nicely. As for the romance aspect of the show, I wouldn't say there is any form of romance, except for a romance story / excerpt. I did find that brief part somewhat entertaining since it was different from the other stories I have been told.

This drama isn't for everyone, as in, I did find it a little boring at times and I was just waiting for some additional movement, but I think if you watch it like me, a few episodes here and there, then you can appreciate the overall drama. I like that it was low in angst and high on story telling. I really appreciate the character growth and loyalty. It truly will make you appreciate your friendships more.

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1 people found this review helpful
2 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

Perfect blend of genres

My second ever review. Just for documentation. First of all undoubtedly a great drama, but I think I might not rewatch the drama because the unknown drives the story a lot. So knowing everything would definitely lessen my enjoyment of the show. Second are the characters. Jiao liqao was such a funny,annoying but funny and a great character to me. This character is a woman with a mission, her obsession was actually enjoyable, unlike Shan Gudao. This guy is such a weak villain for such a great story, it was so obvious after a while and his background as villain was similar to your regular joe who was jealous of someone, like he's similar to Zijin who was also jealous of Xangyi. I think the villain was just underwhelming. The best thing out of it is the emotional turmoil of Xangyi, and the continuation of the story without much plot holes. Other than that I enjoyed every other important characters, they were not one dimensional and felt like actual people whether bad or good. Really liked the hints of romance in the drama it adds a whole lot more to the story, especially the romance between Di feisheng and Jiao Liqao hahahahahah. The ending being open was definitely just sad. For me seeing him die or be alive or having a definite conclusion. Would make me happy even if the ending was sad. I mean Xangyi was just chill with dying, like let him rest if he wants to, but I also understand the want for him to live. I kinda wish that there was an alternate story where instead of shan gudao it was di feisheng who Xangyi trained with. The rivalry for the two would have been much more healthy and much more better, I say this because of the personality of Di Feisheng and obviously his talent in fighting. It's rare for me to want a different version of a drama, it's just that they could definitely change things up and it would still be an interesting drama. Will definitely miss this drama and I hope something like this would come up again.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 31, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5


I've waited patiently for this to dropp. And I'm not disappointed at all. I loved all the actors in it. They played their part really well. Of course I've mainly watched it for the three main characters...

In my eyes it's nor a bromance so if you where hoping for that I'm sorry. All three of them are pretty close to each other.

It's more a detective kinda drama with slot of nice moves. The ending really killed me tho. I was holding my heart the whole episode :).

They didn't really stretched the series, where u would say 40 episodes is to much or too little.

I myself have problems finishing series because I know how most of them will end, after watching just 5 episodes. But I had to finish this one to keep my mind settled. Not because I could see through ot but because I got attached to the characters.

I highly recommend others to watch the series. Its also a good start for people that are new to historical cdrama's.

Also to be more familiarise with actors like Joseph Zeng.

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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 10

One of the best drama ever made.

I have so much to say about this drama because it was that good. If I start ranting then it would coherent as I am overwhelmed with emotions. So let's just list 5 things why this was one of the best dramas every made and why you should not miss out on it!

There is a not a moment in this drama you would want to skip. I am a kind of person who is ten second jump watcher to keep the story going but once in a while I will find a gem like drama which captures me so much so that I don't skip a second. MLC has pace, intrigue, action, interesting characters, both good and bad. It feels like you are right there with characters solving the mysteries. And those epic reveals, twists and hero entries will make you yelp in delight. I promise some of the reveals will make your jaw drop.

2)Bromance/The trio
Cheng Yi is a superb actor. He shines in his role and thank the lords that we get to hear his og voice. He is amazing as Xangyi but even better as Lianhua. He is beautiful when he cries, stunning when he fights and witty we solves crimes. He is that character no one could hate. His sassy intelligent role is one of the smartest characters I have seen in C-Dramas. No one could have played this better than CY. You can going to feel every emotion our Lianhua will feel, trust me on that.

But we all know CY is great. What was incredible is Zeng made his mark with his strong presence. Now as much as I love CY, character wise, Duo Bing was my favorite character. He is smart, loyal, caring, upright and the best version of his talented master, Xangyi. His character growth is incredible and by the end of it you will realise he is worth all the good that comes his way. The chemistry between Master and Disciple is incredible, they bicker, solve crimes together and bicker more but when it comes to understanding, they understand each other better than a soulmate would.

And finally our Director Di. The way that guy cared for Li Xangyi was more than any male lead would care for his female lead. For him everyone could die except LX. And in the end it's clear it was not just the matter of battle or power position for him. He even warmed up to Duobing. I honestly cried at their friendship.

3)Intelligent characters
We don't have bumbling fools just for the sake of comedy or clumsy good guys who mistakenly put heros in danger. We have super smart characters who will look for evidence right and left and not just blindly believe everything. FDB, LLH and DFS are obviously the smartest but let me mention how incredible the princess is or FDB's whole family, even SuXiao who I was hoping could join the squad. Hats off to the vilains to who matched the intelligence level of good side though GuDao was super petty guy.

4)The cases
Let's just say they cases are incredibly interesting and LLH and FDB gives us all Sherlock/Watson vibes. The way they uncover the most paranormal case and make it make sense that it was indeed just normal will leave you in awe.

5)The fighting scenes
I need to highlight the battles scenes done impeccably. The Li Xangyi prowess era is so good to watch, but when LLH suddenly goes from being just a miracle physician to the man underneath the wits, that gets us hyped and cheering. Then there is FDB in second half of the show who is incredibly talented and his later fight scenes are incredible. I am so happy that LX left his legacy to a guy like him.

P.S. Do not come looking for romance or happy go lucky stuff. If you like a serious good watch with strong production, acting and story, this one is for you. And if you are Cheng Yi admirer like I am, his is INCREDIBLE in this! GO for it!

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1 people found this review helpful
6 days ago
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Great acting and story plot

The way the actors acted it was really nice to watch over acting cringe moves was seen .. the twist in story was so exciting .. the way li lianhua acted was the best like even though in his health condition he remains calm and those sad regreted moments like the way he cries god i cried along with him those tears of regret was not a joke to act ... he was the best..and the relationship among those three main lead was to notch
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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 27, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10


I'm usually really bad at finishing dramas because they're just so long, but this one held my interest through all 40 episodes. I finished this drama in six days, which is definitely a record for me, and I loved every minute of it. The characters and their dynamics are compelling and each of the cases are interesting and fun to watch. Not a romance, which was fine by me as the platonic relationships between all of the characters were perhaps more compelling than they would have been had it been romantic. Non-stop action with light-hearted moments sprinkled in between made it perfect, and the satisfying ending for all of the antagonists was the cherry on top. The ending of episode 40 was a little disappointing, but immediately following that with the special episode changed my mind completely, and I actually really like the ending. It's only been a day since I finished watching, but I already miss the main trio so much...

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