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Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart Episode 6 Reactions

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Continuing with the rushed theme of this ep, the second montage we got of their date didn't feel correctly paced either and that ice cream scene was kinda cringey for me to watch, ngl. The way it wasn't one scene, but cut up with their voices on top was just not it for me. Have they done somthing like the scene of Prince sending off Fah to the city in ep 4, with them bickering and the cheeky way Fah was saying his goodbyes, I probably would've eaten that up, cuz it was such a good and more naturally looking scene.
The way Prince gave permission and basically ASKED Fah to stay when his ex showed up is also something I want to talk about. This was such a wasted opportunity for a good relationship-building moment. Again, Prince was nervous and uncomfortable, he probably didn't want to be left alone with this guy, if the relationship between them was as bad as we are told. If Fah had stayed once he was told he could and can also see how uncomfy Prince is feeling, that would've been it y'all. There could've been a conversation, boundaries could've been set, Fah could've showed how different he is from Sincere and therefore make Prince feel more secure in this relationship they are starting to build. But no, what they did instead is make Fah pretend to flirt with a girl to make Prince jealous, what character growth is this showing??? And we are on ep 6 here.
Then we get a THIRD fast montage with Prince getting drunk. No, actually the whole club scene was so rushed, Prince was drunk even before the montage, which felt out of nowhere, didn't make any sense to me, especially after we also saw him sober up quite a bit in mere seconds after Fah took him to the car, like come on XD (also am I the only one who feels like Prince ain't the type of guy to get wasted, like I really don't see it). All the actors on that table didn't interact in any natural way and that threw me off as well, I just can't unsee stuff like that once I've seen them.
Now, onto stuff I did like haha. The fact Prince saw things are getting serious with Fah, so he decided to show him what his background actually is, shows he doen't want to buld the relationship on lies. Fah taking it so lightly and being understanding of why Prince hid it in the first place, was also really great. They've both been understanting and communicating this episode actually, which I appreciate. Small misunderstandings were resolved quickly since they talked them out and weren't actually being stubborn about it (if that was the case with most of their argumentens, space for better pacing of the story would've been left, just sayin'). The scene in the car where Fah is doubting if thier styles of life are compatable and overthinking things while Prince, with his kinda hazy conciousness, is the one who acts this time, was nice to see. The way he kisses him is just nice too, seemed so antural. And I like we get to see what a pull on his life his previous relationship has on Fah, it makes sense, and seeing him not mess around and act silly about everything is great.
All and all, the episode wasn't bad, but it just doesn't feel like all of this should've been packed in one episode. Character development also needed to be more thought out I think
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