Ongoing 8/8
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5 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 10

This was sooo good!

I really liked this drama, already watched twice to wrap my head truly around it. I like a good drama bl or not, and a bl that does to need all tropes to be successful. This was thought provoking about redemption and trying to get it right.
The actors were excellent in making the characters pull us in, great job. When you hurt for a character, even if they are flawed, you know they have done their job. This may not be for everyone, this is not the fluffy love story, you need to think. I would say the rewatch factor is high, not just for nc scenes, but the story.

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2 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
This review may contain spoilers

What happened VS What could have happened

The concept is quite brilliant, but the execution could certainly have been better.

The "explanation" for the bewildering scenes for many of the episode is basically that, for people whose brains are oxygen-deprived and they are on the brink of death or in a coma, they hallucinate about what their lives could have been had they done something different.

At the start of the series, Great sees himself knocking a woman down with his car and driving off. When the vision ends, he drives and knocks someone down without driving off irresponsibly, changing the course of events. Eventually, however, it turns out that Great does not see 4 minutes into the future at all. The series of events happening following the hit-and-run is the reality whereas the other series of events is just something that goes on in his mind when he is in danger of dying.

Some find it highly unsatisfactory that so much of the series feature the "hallucinations" rather than the reality. To me, it is fine as the hallucinations reveal their most deep-seated desires and make the reality especially poignant when it is revealed. Nonetheless, I think there are issues. Since what we are seeing isn't premised on traveling back in time to fix the past or predicting the future to change something for the better, what we are seeing is what *could* have happened rather than what *would* have happened. In other words, the alternative story just a story spun by the dying brains of the characters rather than a definite course of events. This does compromise the emotive quality of the series.

It also seems to me that the "explanation" doesn't really explain things. At one point, we are led to think that Tonkla senses the presence of his brother, who has been killed. But, based on the explanation, this makes no sense whether we are watching the reality or Great's imagined series of events. The two do not mix unless Great's imagination can invade the reality that Tonkla experiences. Furthermore, it is quite confusing that when Great supposedly sees four minutes into the future, there are glances of himself being intimate with Time that happen way after the four minutes. The visions seem to be simply planted there to intrigue viewers and perhaps titillate them with glimpses of sex scenes. I also feel that, in the "hallucinated" series of events, there are scenes that Great wouldn't be imagining simply because they do not involve him (e.g. Time at the hospital overhearing what his colleagues say about his relationship with another doctor) and are not quite relevant to the alternative reality that his dying brain so badly wants.

When it comes to the BL, the relationship between Great and Time in the real version of events isn't developed well. We do not see enough of how Time's feelings for Great develop and see more of him being obsessed with avenging his parents who were killed. As for the other BL couple (three characters, actually), Tonkla/Korn or Tonkla/Win, there are just many sex scenes without emotional intensity. The story seems to vacillate between showing Korn as someone who deeply loves Tonkla and showing him as someone who does not truly care about him. Tonkla's apparent preoccupation with wanting to have unprotected sex seems nonsensical and added in just for dirty talk even though one might come up with some labored explanation for it. Win is interesting but lacks development--the final episode is a little too rushed for a series that seems to take its time to reveal things to us.

Ultimately, the freshness of the concept and the way the series pushes boundaries in depicting sex and nudity in BLs may garner this series a lot of attention, but it is unlikely remembered as a classic that is executed with finesse in every way.

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5 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

yeah, that's what i thought you'd do [slightly derogatory]

I came into this show knowing I loved about half the creatives and hated about half the creatives, so it was always going to be a best-of-times-worst-of-times situation for me. I was, honestly, pleasantly surprised where we ended up! High production values and an interesting concept will get you quite far, and 4Minutes had both in spades--plenty enough to cover some fumbling of plot lines and moderately lackluster romance. Though I think in the end I enjoyed the concept of this series more than the actual series itself, I am going to send out tweets telling me "when it's finished" friends to pick up... so. I guess they got me there!

-The Full Review-

Sammon, Sammon, Sammon... It's always the same shit with you, isn't it? Women bleeding from their pregnancy-related-illnesses, a solid attempt at "medical accuracy." awkward/stiff romance in all the strangest places, and an ending that never quite manages to kill enough of it's darlings to stick the landing. And illegal casinos, now, I guess? I'm being rude.
I think 4Minutes is actually quite a bit stronger than Dead Friend Forever and tighter than Manner of Death. While the ending still dragged, I think there was an attempt to really bring all the pieces full circle that improved the quality of the series overall. I loved the concept a lot, and felt that there was a reasonably good use of the 4Minutes concept throughout the narrative, the strongest being in the earlier episodes.
That said, I think pacing and execution was quite sloppy. The first four episodes were full of intrigue and suspense. but the later episodes didn't keep pace conceptually as the action sped up. The 4Minutes touchstones were lost to a lot of montage and time skips that made it difficult to stay invested in the time-bending narrative. I ended up feeling much more connected to the characters on the grounded timeline.

Well, there's no coy way to say it. I think Fuaiz and Bas stole the show entirely--but I don't think it was entirely their doing. Everyone in this show is at worst a competent actor and at best really quite an interesting performer. However, the structure of the story was much kinder to the characters in "reality," in terms of audience connection and the ability to build character.
Fuaiz and Bas had very traditional character arcs. We get an initial impression of their characters, and then slowly the plot reveals the layers of their psyche. For Fuaiz, I loved the balance of how cold and calculating he tries to be over top the much more unstable distress. The way he broke and then smoothed over the pain was heart-wrenching and won me over immediately. For Bas, the struggle between his responsibilities was not quite so intriguing to me... until it built to breaking point in the final episode. Really beautifully raw emotion coming through with very little dialogue.
For Jes and Bible... I was less impressed. I was surprised, because I loved Bible as Vegas. But the shift between Great's 4Minutes ideal reality, reality as we know it, Tyme's 4Minutes reality, and the new normal... really lost their characters along the way and the romance with it. They felt less dimensional and less stable as characters over time, not more real. The performances in any given moment were solid, but they didn't add up to a coherent character. It was... a little flat.
For the stand out ensemble I am going to take a minute to once again bitch that Be On Cloud is absolutely Wasting Jet by using him in these one-dimensional villain characters. I watched all of the Hidden Character and I fell absolutely in love with rendition of Porsche and I want to see that actor again. Stop punishing him for a bad choice in partner a year ago and give him something to work with!

Gorgeous, as always, though not quite on par with Kinnporsche. I think the stand out moments of this series were the moments when reality and the 4Minute experience begin to blend. The snatches of spot-the-difference were beautifully chosen and very alluring. Unfortunately, some of the other shots got a little muddled and confusing--some of the darkness too dark and unstructured to be clear, some of the effects in the dream scene nauseating, and some of the choices a bit cute for the kind of production they were having. These weren't overly offensive though.
The only two choices I really disliked were the stupid stuffed animals (no one should take GMMTV's lead in shoving blatant merch opportunities into their series) and the use of Why Don't You Stay. Leave what is special to each production where it is. You've gone above and beyond to differentiate this from Kinnporsche and separate the cast from what they were in that series.... the cover was a misstep (and quite poorly sung).

Ok. The NC scenes were realistic and artistic. I enjoyed the way we were introduced to characters and their personalities through their sex scenes! I think there was clear purpose and choice for the degree of explicitness these scenes were shot with and I think they really pulled them off well in that regard. I hope that, despite Pond seemingly awarding himself the title intimacy director with no training, these shoots were a positive experience for the cast.
That said,,, They weren't hot LOL??? That's the best way I can think to phrase my complaint. Despite such a degree of explicitness and nakedness, very few of these scenes had a good sense for chemistry and connection. The plot was clear, the choices and conflict was clear, but the connection wasn't really happening in the moment. The pacing and framing always stumbled in a way that prevented them from being great. It feels like a step backwards, if I am being honest.

In all, I knew I was going to struggle with this show and the show struggled in exactly the places I expected it to. So, if you really like Be On Clouds post-Kinnporsche work or you're a huge Sammon fan... you'll probably have a great time (no pun intended)! If you, like me, don't... I think it's still worth watching and interesting work in it's own right. I think this company is still finding it's footing and discovering it's voice. This was a pretty good attempt!

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4 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Wow! I’m glad I binge watched!

This was amazing! Bible’s acting was fabulous, I was worried I’d keep seeing Vegas but how wrong I was. I’m so glad I saved this to binge watch as I would’ve been pulling my hair out having to wait for each episode.
I read the comments before going to watch this and had been worried that the plot may be confusing but I followed along no problem. Loved it!
🎶 Stay 🎶 had me in tears twice! This is definitely going on my rewatch list!
I can’t wait to see the next BOC offering, hopefully with JesBible as their chemistry was fire.
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5 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

One of the best gay drama series I have seen!

Fantastic series. Great acting from main cast. Great cinematography. Story had me on edge of my seat. A knockout for any fan of BL drama, I loved this show. It is definitely in my top BL shows of all time. I hope the trend continues for more shows to branch out from typical tropes that hamper other BL shows
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Ongoing 1/8
7 people found this review helpful
Jul 28, 2024
1 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Bl of the year goes to 4 minutes the series

BL of the year 🤩
Wonderful plot, acting, cinematography, costume, everything is top notch.
First time it feels like the plot is actually plotting. This series is not like other typical bl drama, it has its different aura and quality which will attract you and make you crave more and more.
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Ongoing 5/8
0 people found this review helpful
25 days ago
5 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Better than any other BL I have watched

4 Minutes is really a cut above the BLs I have seen before. Indeed, as a casual BL fan, I never imagined I would create an account here and post a review. But here we are!

The show sets itself up quickly. Despite the synopsis, this is really the story of two hot, young rich brothers: Twinky 'Great' and hunky 'Korn'. The bros' lives are turned upside down almost immediately as the series starts. Korn, because he finds out his parents' business is not simply the respectable freight and shipping company it seems to be. Great, on the other hand, realises he can see exactly 4 minutes into the future. (Or can he?)

Now we are ready for the super-fun, dark, twisty and sexy romp to commence. What sets 4 Minutes apart is that it actually stands its ground as a very solid, if implausible (and the best ones are) crime thriller, part gritty, part glamorous. The characters' personalities make sense, and their decisions are believable, given the extraordinary situations they find themselves in. The pacing is, uniquely for a BL, suitably fast, even propulsive at times.

The acting, directing, editing and set design make your typical BL look like first-year drama school productions by comparison. The show also avoids some of the more irritating, common BL tropes. The bad guy goons are not universally incompetent, for example. (Though their masters still spend an inordinate amount of time drinking posh spirits.) The bottoms are not all wide-eyed virgins - they are even on PrEP and beg for it raw!

The supernatural element is also devised and deployed with great care, maturity and sophistication. Some have complained that some plot elements remain frustratingly vague and confusing. But, for me that works, because it serves to advance the ambiguity around the nature of Great's seemingly magical ability.

Lastly, the 'NC' - I still have no idea what that acronym stands for - scenes. Wow! These are sexy and hot, but not at all gratuitous. They serve the plot very well. My only gripe. they are edited in such a way that the tops appear to climax within a couple of minutes of penetration. That is not how it is supposed to work, lads!

We will have to wait and see whether the writers are able to bring all the various threads of 4 Minutes' plot together satisfactorily in the conclusion. But, even if they don't, the ride will have been worth it. I cannot wait for the next episode! Just watch this drama!

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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 7, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


The quality of this production is excellent! Everything is clicking: OST, acting, and intimate scenes. The visuals flow with a professional quality. I'm watching the "sultier" version. In episode one the scene with Korn was hot! On a more personal level...KinnPorcshe escalated the type of sex scenes portrayed in bl series and I think 4 minutes will do the same. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the explicit nature of Korn's scene and the passion portrayed. But, at what level does bl cross over into pornography? Is it pornography with an actual plot, great acting and human emotions or is it an explicit bl on a different level? Just asking? I'm still enjoying it and am definitely watching the rest of this series.

After completion:
The production was significantly superior to many bl's. The cinematography, the acting, the music...everything. The only negative was the time skipping. That really got confusing. It felt like the story didn't completely flesh out. I think if I rewatch it I'll probably pull more of the subtle elements of the story together better. Bible and Jes as a couple was a definite winner. I'll always be disappointed that Build was treated so badly and had his career ruined by that mental shank he dated. BOC, however, recovered the pairing with Bible and Jes. Bible seems like an awesome person and I hope the very best for his future. (Had to throw my 2 cents in about the whole Build fiasco.). As I stated, I'll wait a couple weeks then binge watch "4Minutes" again. I definitely think I'll enjoy it more since I know the overall story of the script now.

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4Minutes (Sultrier Version) (2024) poster



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