
If you stare too long at it... just saying. 

That swallowing at the end, tho.

Oh I know!   Every nerve ending just sat up and screamed, while  I've been STARING.

guughhhhhh.  Yes, yes.  The swallowing.  And closing his eyes again.  I. Just. 


Oh I know!   Every nerve ending just sat up and screamed, while  I've been STARING.

guughhhhhh.  Yes, yes.  The swallowing.  And closing his eyes again.  I. Just. 

It can cause some involuntary reactions, that's for sure. 

Well, considering we're in an underwater lounge, that's understandable. 💦😱


I honestly don't have high hopes for season 2. If that leaked script is true, then a lot of my favorite scenes from the novel got removed😭 and they added more moments that wasn't in the novel for that other dude.

Yeah, me neither. I mean, there's Tong Hua supervising the script, but I don't know. It's not like she hasn't butchered Xiang Liu before. 🤡

You are in a catch 22 of loving what Tong Hua created up to a certain point ... but not how she ended his story.  So yes, sorry. :(    We'll always have Qingshiui Town ... and Fang Feng Bei.

I'm clinging to my Tong Hua life raft and hoping the leaked script isn't the final script.  Plus, I NEED to see Xiang Liu in black and red.  I need every bit of new footage they will give me.


Oh My!

He can waggle his eyebrows at me any time!



Oh My!

He can waggle his eyebrows at me any time!

🤣the quote thing didn't work in that post it was meant to show the gif you posted above



He is so cute!



Imagine, imagine to be The Scarf™. I'd be clinging to his neck like a koala.

Koala's playground. LOL 😹🤣


Really strong.



Really strong.


Imagine, imagine to be The Scarf™. I'd be clinging to his neck like a koala.

Koala's playground



It's like this.