Me too! I can't wait to hear every's thoughts about this dram as the show goes on.
Woow you're a professor! You'll definitly gives us a new prerspective to the drama. I totally agree with how the student's at the school have no hope about their future so turn to violance. I think especially being in that enviroment it's easier to get peer pressured and want to become a thug because you friends are doing. Or become a thug because it's easier money than studying.
Poor Gamin all he wants to do is make a study group and get good grades🤣 I love his attiude towards learning and never giving up. I wonder how the next episodes will pan out.
My dear friend,
Thank you for your notes here. You wrote so well of your insights. I am impressed.
Anyway, I am not teaching anymore. Of course, I missed those students who are all professionals now. I am now working in the legal industry.
Let us see as this engaging drama goes on, as it magnetized all of us to watch it till the end . .
Have a good one. Take case.