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Drama's I need to Re-watch

short list of drama's i think i've re-watched for 2 or 3 times..

9 titles
Favorite Actresses

I'll admit, I fall for the actors pretty easily, but I'm a little more picky when it comes to the actresses I follow. With that in mind, if I'm a fan of an actress then I'm going to support her through every drama she's in (unlike the actors, whose dramas I'll skip if I'm not interested).

12 people

There is no specific order to this list. These are just some of the celebrities I like in the order that I added them to the list.

37 people
Favorite Dramas

I've loved pretty much all the dramas I've seen all the way to the end, and there are more that belong on this list, so you can consider this list as kind of just a selection of my favorites that represents the kind of shows I like to watch. The last two are on here because they were the ones I watched first that got me into dramas. So they will always have a special place in my heart.

10 titles

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