Recent Activity Lists
Dramas, specials, and movies I completed from 2009 to 2012.★ = Favorites of the Year(s).Total # of Dramas: 13?---First Time Viewing: 10---Re-Watched: 3?Total # of Movies: 8Total # of Specials: 4---First Time Viewing: 3---Re-Watched: 1
pretty much dunno...
The reasons: 1| Don't appeal me at all and they don't seem to be my cup of tea so why I should waste my time with dramas I clearly know I won't like. 2| I've been spoiled about the ending (God's Gift and 49 Days) and Reply 1988 also, I need to say with all the comments and Screenshots posted on the feeds I could guess with whom the main girl ends up (without reading a single spoil) so there's no need for me to watch the drama, no matter how great the bonding between all characters is. 3| I will absolutely won't waste my time in watching dramas with my black listed actors.