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Thai GLs (Most Recent Releases First)

20-50+ mins episodes or full length moviesSorted by the most recent release (includes upcoming releases confirmed to air within the next couple of months)*And below the older releases there are the GL titles that haven't be released yet. Ordered in terms of progress made!

59 titles 14 loves
My Ranking of GMMTV Series

My ranking of the GMMTV series I've watched

40 titles 2 loves
Completed in 2024
172 titles 1 love
Most over(MDL)rated Sk Drama

What SK drama has what you think is a rating way too high. Like something rated 8+ you think belongs in the 6s or 7s for example.

78 titles 129 voters 2 loves 1
Full Length Thai GL Series (and their progress updates)

All series are available to watch for free on YouTube, unless specified otherwise!

32 titles 8 loves
28 people
66 titles

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