Both dramas revolve around a small group of women that is out to get revenge. While "The Glory" solely focuses on the revenge of the female lead the "Aveneger Social club" focuses on anyone who did a miss-conduct against the women who lead the group and others that come to them.
Both dramas are about girl that are from a poor background and them being bullied by a group of friends from the richer societies. Both leads get help from a male counterpart. The only difference is that Better days is solely about the effects of bullying and healing while The Glory is about the aftereffects of bullying and the lead getting her revenge.
Both female leads are out for revenge and both leads plan that revenge for many years till they act. Both are all in and do not plan on holding back in regards to how far they are willing to go. Both female leads are from a poo background and work their way up in order to beat their opponents.
Both dramas deal around the main character getting his/her revenge for something that has happened to him/her. In both dramas the leads wait a long time and plan meticulously till they start to act. Both characters are very unpredictable.
Both dramas deal around girls being bullied in school, adults ignoring them or being paid off, how it mentally shapes the girls and then the girls getting their revenge.
Both deal around a group of friends during their school days in the 90ties. And Both of these groups experience the murder of one of their friends which causes them to grow apart over the next years. They eventually meet up again and finally learn what truly happened to their friend.
Both dramas deal around a mysterious Buddha statue that sets off multiple strange occurrences. Superstition, Shamanism, curses, zombies. These things offer both dramas and make a compelling watch.
Both dramas deal around;
- a married couple,
- something was released that is now infecting people,
- an area that is under lockdown,
- a group of people that managed to barricade themselves in a building and try to survive.
- a married couple,
- something was released that is now infecting people,
- an area that is under lockdown,
- a group of people that managed to barricade themselves in a building and try to survive.
Same story. A group of people broke a seal and unleashed a demonic power that is now haunting people. Both dramas deal around shamanism, curses, demons and superstition.
Both dramas revolve around a bag of money and a bunch of people that try to get it. By doing so they will go to any length to get it. While A model Family revolves around more themes than just the money the essence of both dramas is the same.
Nearly the exact same story. Even some quotes are the complete same, just different genders for main leads.
Both dramas deal around a person that is in a difficult life situation and needs urgently money. They come across an accident scene where someone has died and left a lot of money behind. Both characters seize the opportunity and "steal" said money and set of a variety of incidents. In both dramas that stolen money is owned by a drug ring, who is now out to get the money back.
Both dramas deal around a person that is in a difficult life situation and needs urgently money. They come across an accident scene where someone has died and left a lot of money behind. Both characters seize the opportunity and "steal" said money and set of a variety of incidents. In both dramas that stolen money is owned by a drug ring, who is now out to get the money back.
So this might be very far fetched in terms of similarity but I did and do get the same feeling when watching both dramas. Both revolve around a small group of friends that have known each other for many years and that were involved with one another at some point. Things happen and they grow apart and things happen that make them come back together and try to work through it. There are many different storylines that somehow are all interlinked. Some will make you angry and some will make you feel sad. There is a lot of healing needed and a lot of hurt to go through.
And both dramas are brutally realistic.
And both dramas are brutally realistic.