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Pinoy BL Series


Pinoy BL Series

Jun 12, 2020

Gameboys (2020) Episode 3: Strangers Online

Not as great as the second episode (my favorite episode out of the three episodes) but Episode 3: Strangers Online was still a very good episode. I don't know but maybe I wanted more cute and sexy moments for this episode. The good thing about this episode though was that it made progress in its plot/storyline. Highlighting its Filipino (Pinoy) sensibility, the importance of family (in whatever form and shape) was given emphasis in this episode. We also got to know more about the background of the characters. The crew and cast really made an effort to ensure that there's character development. Some of the best parts of this episode were those with Pearl. Adrianna is such a fine actress. It's commendable that her character wasn't made into the antagonist which is a welcome departure from the usual "female as villainess" trope of boys' love (BL) series. The biggest advantage of Gameboys over other Pinoy BL series is its high caliber cast. Kokoy, Elijah, and Adrianna are all fantastic actors. There were a few cheesy lines here and there but because they are amazing thespians, in the end, the corny lines were negligible. And Kokoy... he's simply adorable! He sounded good singing "Isang Laro." I don't know how anyone can say "No" to him! Good production design, computer graphics, and editing were generally maintained throughout the episode. There were a few instances that needed some background music but overall, musical score was ok. I love that the new OST "Panalo Ka" by Dex Yu of Letter Day Story was more upbeat. I hope they also release an MV for the new OST. If Gameboys maintains its high quality in its succeeding episodes, I'm pretty sure the series will be recognized as one of the standards for future Pinoy BL series. I'm excited for Episode 4!

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Jun 10, 2020

Truly Very Yours (2020) Episode 1: Prank Calls

Truly Very Yours seems to have a simple plot/storyline set during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there were a few cringy dialogue, the screenplay was generally realistic and believable. Using lines from Filipino movies was a nice touch that gave the series some Filipino (Pinoy) vibes. Although a newbie in acting, Marky, who's really cute, showed a lot of potential. His various facial expressions in this episode exhibited possibilities. Because the series uses virtual communication as a major part of its storytelling, it's difficult not to compare it with Gameboys. In all aspects, Gameboys is way better than Truly Very Yours. Production design, computer graphics, and editing of the series need improvement. Musical score was generally ok. Truly Very Your's OST "Summer Promises" by Jean Kent and Zach Jawhar was catchy. Overall, the series is quite promising and because I'm very excited to see Wex act, I'll definitely watch the next episodes.

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Jun 6, 2020

Gameboys (2020) Episode 2: Game of Love

Episode 2: Game of Love was very good! The plot/storyline developed smoothly. I love the fact that the creators were really situating the storyline in the country's daily struggles during this age of the COVID-19 pandemic. The episode was an emotional rollercoaster with some interesting twists. Acting was topnotch as always. I love how the charming Elijah was able to show a wide range of emotions in this episode. Kokoy doesn't really need to do anything. He's sexy as hell! It's a plus that he's also a very good actor. The banter between them was really cute which is one of the reasons why they have good chemistry. Editing and graphics were also very good. Production value in the previous episode was already good but still they improved it in this episode. There were some subtle product placements though which I'm not comfortable with but I can understand since I know they need sponsors. The product placements were not as blatant compared to how they do it in Thai BL series so I guess it's still ok. Lol! They were also able to incorporate the OST in this episode which is nice. And because the creators listen to their audience, they had a longer running time -- from 10.41 minutes (Episode 1: Pass or Play) to 19.14 minutes (Episode 2: Game of Love). Overall, I super love this episode! I can't wait for episode 3!

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Jun 6, 2020

Gameboys (2020) Episode 1: Pass or Play?

The first episode was really good. The setting was very Filipino (Pinoy) (particularly in showcasing Pinoy gaming culture) yet I feel people around the world can still relate. Unlike most BL series from other countries that treat the main characters' romantic relationship as the be-all and end-all of the series, as if they occur in social isolation, in a vacuum, Gameboys is very much contextualised in the new normal brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead actors are the perfect actors for the series. They are both very skilled actors. And both are really good-looking. Elijah has this cute charm about him while Kokoy is very sexy. They have chemistry together. The dialogue for the first episode was very natural and realistic. Editing and graphics were also very good. Background music was ok. The first episode was missing an OST but they recently came out with a very heartwarming one, "Isang Laro" (A Game), performed by Nasser, from Gav's POV. I hope they release another one from Cai's POV. Overall, I really liked the first episode. I hope they maintain the high quality in the next episodes. I also hope the next episodes are longer. 10 minutes is just too short! Lol!

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Jun 6, 2020

Sakristan (2020) Episode 2: Bangkok

The plot/storyline did not really move forward in this second episode. Script was still corny and cringy and in some parts, it didn't make sense. They are in high school and their social studies is about memorising the capitals of Southeast Asian countries -- seriously? Acting of the lead actors did not improve at all. They still lack chemistry. Because I like them, I feel sorry for them. I think they weren't properly guided by their Director. The support cast was equally awful. The host/teacher was reading almost the entirety of her script! This so-called VinCentiments style of campy acting is really bad. It's not funny and humorous, it's just over the top, unnatural, and unrealistic. Editing was horrendous as well. The entire episode was dragging and the episode could have done away with a lot of the scenes. Production value was at its lowest. Indeed, it looks more like a high school class production. I love Lady Gaga but the adaptation of her music was not integrated seamlessly into the episode making me wanna scream #JusticeForLadyGaga! In summary, I don't know what to do with this series. I support Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series but this is turning out to be really terrible and I'm having second thoughts if I'll still watch the succeeding episodes.

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Jun 6, 2020

Sakristan (2020) Episode 1: Touch-Move

I watched the first episode. It needs a lot of improvement. Being newbies, the lead actors didn't have chemistry and their acting was awkward and tentative for the most part of the episode. Clifford was really raw and John Henry's delivery of his lines was dry. But I love their look. They may not be as good-looking compared to the lead actors of other Filipino (Pinoy) boys' love (BL) series but they have Pinoy vibes that I can appreciate. The supporting actors (the 4 gay characters) were overacting and stereotypical. Dialogue was corny and cringy. Editing was bad too. The opening reminder (LGBT) and cinematography were good though. The background music and the songs were also good. So far, the concept and plot/storyline are ok but we'll see how it progresses. Compared to Gameboys, Gameboys is way better than Sakristan. I support Pinoy BL series so I'll still watch the next episodes. I really hope Sakristan improves.

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