I see the sword being at CP's as more of a motivation for Uk to go fight and get it from her or more as a safekeeping measure coz I think she trusts CP not to give it to the wrong people either that or she knows CP is dense enough not to understand what the sword means to the whole mage world if Naksu's powers are back.

I remember in one of the Swoon interviews she did said the CP character is a bit  dense i.e not that smart.

Omggg are you sovannpanha??! Youre here!? oh i forgot, Im @iamZ9! From an Ancient love poetry FAQ discussion~~~ xD nice to meet you again haha!

WAAHAHAHAH WE MEET AGAIN!!! ohh fate is messing around with us right now. Ahh yes, ALP!!! We had so much fun discussing it. Now AoS brought us together again hahah. I changed my username lol, and so did you hahhah.  So many haha WTH is wrong with me!! XD Btw I started watching this because of a Discord friend's recommendation, I don't watch Kdrama as often as Cdrama, lmao.

However, I stand to believe that this act is really mudeok expressing her  “sincerity and care for jang uk more than > her care for her own sword”!!

Maybe she thought its just A small sacrifice for her precious pupil. <3

Awww, that's so cute >< Ahahhaah. Anything for Jang Uk kyaaaa!!!  

I also think her sword, being in the crown prince’s hands is just one of the many reasons as to why mudeok wants to have a connection with the crown prince despite the danger.

Maybe It was also her quickwit, and pleasing humor that connected both of them. Her sense of humor has greatly increased since she got into Mu Deok's body hahahah. No one would suspect a humorous maid to be a skilled assassin, Naksu, right? XD Either way, she has a way with her words.

 Kim Hee Soo:
I remember in one of the Swoon interviews she did said the CP character is a bit  dense i.e not that smart.

Yeah, and they teased him about it throughout the whole interview, even the actor himself did so too, LMAO!!!

I've got a crazy idea... What if Mu Deok, Naksu, Jin's eldest daughter are one and the same person...LOL

Crazy theory 1: What if when the Jin's eldest daugher was kidnapped when she was a child and her soul was transferred to Naksu's body, and she forgot that memory. So when Naksu used the soul shifting technique again, her soul simply went back to her original body....

Crazy theory 2: What if her soul was split when she was young?? One was Mudeok and the other was Naksu?? And now, it simply combined...? (LOL, blame me for reading too much wuxia/xianxia novels)

Crazy theory 3: (after watching ep 7)  Mu Deok is the ice stone...? Or maybe the ice stone merged with the Jin's daughter which is now Mu Deok.... 

(Damn, should not have watched ep 7 while typing this, now my brain's so scattered... >.< Still, so many theories before but now its been crossed out...LOL)

I am with yamakifan143  on her Crazy Theory 3 no thanks to watching Ep 7 and the ep sorta-kinda confirms Crazy Theory 3 because:
1. she can open Jin's storeroom of dangerous relics
2. the Jin bird finds affinity to her no thanks to her (as Naksu) using the bird whistle

Now the question was, why in the world was she hanging out at the bridge with the bird whistle when Jang Uk was waiting at the pier to go back to Danghangyok (wait, tts how we spell it right?) for her?

Now I cant wait to see how they will save Uk from being shifted with Gil Ju. But then knowing Jang Uk's potent powers which apparently has been uncovered slightly now coz we know his mark is on his shoulder after being shifted and not his eyes like  Naksu he may be able to recover his body.  Speaking of recovering, I think the mirrors was smashed because it was the combined latent powers of Uk and Naksu and killed it and the fact that there were being totally honest with themselves, i.e. not putting up pretenses/illusions that managed to get them out.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

Yeah, and they teased him about it throughout the whole interview, even the actor himself did so too, LMAO!!!

If you have watched ep 7 you know how dense he is especially in Jin's storeroom of dangerous relics. The 3 of them boys are such a hoot in there!

But if MuDeok is the ice stone how were they able to obtain all those soul ejectors in the palace? It sounds like the Empress may have it since she is the one that was exchanging that box with Jin Mu??

ennekube  you mean Lady Jin? Something is off with her and I do wonder where Lord Jin is with his Bu Yeon search. Did he really go out and find her or did he got killed along the way?

No I meant the wife of the King (I guess I wrote Empress instead of King). Do you remember in an earlier episode he had the eunuch give her a big box and he was her supporter? but agree Lady Jin is suspicious too. I wonder if she’ll go for Jin Mu’s proposal!!

 Kim Hee Soo:
ennekube  you mean Lady Jin? Something is off with her and I do wonder where Lord Jin is with his Bu Yeon search. Did he really go out and find her or did he got killed along the way?

The Jin father is alive - his name is Jin Woo-tak and he will appear at some point (the actor is listed on cast list).  

So lots of expected and unexpected twists in episode 7:
-As expected Mu-Deok's body 100% belongs to Jin clan's eldest daughter.
-Naksu's father was indeed soul shifted and done dirty. Somebody used him to cover up ML's birth record. Expected. But who was the culprit? ML's father? Also, what happens to the host's soul when shifter dies? It dies too?

-Ice Stone that is some sort of deus machina for the alchemy of souls was introduced and it is INSIDE Mu-Deok's body. That's why Naksu's soul shifting is wouthout a trace and she still inhabits Mu-Deok's body without going wild and turning to stone. UNEXPECTED! Was this Ice Stone in Jin clan's vault earlier? Some Songrim mage tried to steal it and Jin clan's eldest sister got involved and disappeared?

-Main villain has soul shifted eunuch bring him soul ejectors. Looks like the current queen has a stash of them. I'm beginning to think that there is someone behind the main villain. And he knows about Uk's original birth record and plots against him knowingly, it seems. He's in cohoots with the current queen for crown prince to stay in power? I doubt it's his end goal somehow.

-Ice Stone that is some sort of deus machina for the alchemy of souls was introduced and it is INSIDE Mu-Deok's body. T

I clearly missed something because I didn't see/hear anything about the Ice Stone being inside Mu-deok's body.  Could you point me in the right direction because my understanding is that the Ice Stone is used to create the Soul Ejector "black powder" and SOMEONE out there is making all of those devices.  

My crazy theory.

The little boy and girl on the boat with Teacher Lee was Jin Bu-yeol and Jang Uk.  (Yes, they are destined to be together.  I believe it so I find it wherever I can).  The little girl (hello - she looks about 9-10 years odl, lol) said she wanted to see the Ice Stone.  Theory:

Jin Bu-yeol sneaks into the Jinwoyan vault, touches the Ice Stone and is blinded.  

When the mirror begins to shake,, the jars say:

"She is here!"


"It is her, the blind girl!"

"It is the ice stone" [This is the one part that doesn't fit - but I understood it to mean that there was a soul shifter present as well]

"It is the ice stone" [This is the one part that doesn't fit - but I understood it to mean that there was a soul shifter present as well]

Remember that a supposedly blind sorceress? priestess? performed a ritual to make it rain again in Daeho and bring the ice stones with it?? What if Buyeon is the reincarnation of that woman? 


I clearly missed something because I didn't see/hear anything about the Ice Stone being inside Mu-deok's body.  Could you point me in the right direction because my understanding is that the Ice Stone is used to create the Soul Ejector "black powder" and SOMEONE out there is making all of those devices.  

Rain is an important element here. Water really. Because Daeho's water is magical. Someone who mastered Hwansu is making the soul ejectors.
We see the original ice stone (hail) transforming into fire and stone before changing to water again and releasing the powder. Only someone who masters Hwansu can produce the soul ejector.