Translucent Tree is centered around divorced Chigiri, a suburban middle-aged mother taking care of her teenage daughter, Mayu, and her ailing father Kaho. Her life is mundane and rather hopeless until Go, a TV producer from Tokyo, pays a visit to her town and the tree they shared time under some twenty years back after a TV commercial shoot. His remembrances of her, the tree, and the long unrequited love stir both of their hearts to fumbling action as they re-discover the love between them. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 透光の樹
- Also Known As: Toukou no ki
- Director: Negishi Kichitaro
- Screenwriter: Tanaka Yozo
- Genres: Romance, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Nagashima Toshiyuki Main Role
- Akiyoshi Kumiko Main Role
- Ujiki Tsuyoshi Support Role
- Takahashi MasayaYamazaki KahoSupport Role
- SakuraPoster womanGuest Role
- Nakamura Ruria Unknown
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