The drama tells the story of the Sanada family. Originally serving the Takeda Clan they ruled the northern district of Shinano. The story begins right after the death of Takeda Shingen, continues through the rise of Tokugawa Ieyasu who founded the Tokugawa shogunate and covers roughly the period 1580-1610. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Sanada Taiheiki" (真田太平記) by Ikenami Shotaro. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 真田太平記
- Also Known As: Saga Of The Sanada Clan
- Director: Ohara Makoto
- Genres: Historical, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Kusakari Masao Main Role
- Watase Tsunehiko Main Role
- Tanba TetsuroSanada MasayukiMain Role
- Kurara HarukaOkouSupport Role
- Natsuyagi IsaoTsuboya MatagoroSupport Role
- Nakamura ShikanMukai SasukeSupport Role
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