In the bustling life of 30-year-old Li An Sheng in Shanghai, tranquility is shattered when a novel, "Qi Yue and An Sheng," surfaces, recounting her past friendship with Qi Yue. Encountering Su Jia Ming, buried memories surge forth. High school seemed to promise an unbreakable bond, but youth's harshness led them astray. A long-hidden secret emerges as a symbol of their youth and the testament to their friendship, unraveling a poignant tale of separation and shared history. (Source: MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the short story "Qi Yue and An Sheng" (七月与安生) by Annie Baby (安妮宝贝). Edit Translation
- English
- 中文(台灣)
- Français
- Español
- Native Title: 七月与安生
- Also Known As: Qi Yue and An Sheng , SoulMate , 七月與安生
- Director: Derek Tsang
- Screenwriter: Wu Nan
- Genres: Romance, Youth, Drama
Where to Watch Soul Mate
Free (sub)
Cast & Credits
- Zhou Dong Yu Main Role
- Ma Si Chun Main Role
- Toby LeeSu Jia MingMain Role
- Cai Gang[Qi Yue's father]Support Role
- Li Ping[Qi Yue's mother]Support Role
- Wang Bin[Bar lecher]Support Role
Perfection is rare
I started this because of liking both the leads, and they OWNED this. My eyes are still damp from the powerfully moving final few minutes.It might be a simple story, but it was well told and PERFECTLY acted by the two leads. The movie was FULL of surprises for me, from hearing a voice that "like Faye Wong, but not" and finding out it was Leah Dou :), to the way the story and the story-within-a-story messed with perception and reality, to such emotional effect at the very end.
Award ceremonies get A LOT of criticism for their decisions, and most of it is 100% justified. But sometimes, they get it just right, and these two outstanding actors being made joint winners for this film was not merely the RIGHT decision, it was the only possible one. When trying to decide whether to score this a 9 or to go higher, I realised that was no substantive reason to dock any points, and in terms of its overall impact, if I could score it higher than 10, I would.
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They won Golden Horse for Best Actress together (a first for the award), which is not only thematically on point but so well deserved. You should watch their acceptance speeches. It's adorable.
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