This period drama depicts the turbulent period at the end of the Edo period, with historical figure Okita Souji as a woman, and depicts the love triangle of Okita, Hijikata Toshizo and Sakamoto Ryoma. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 幕末純情伝
- Also Known As: Bakumatsu Junjouden , 幕末純情伝 ―龍馬を斬った女― , ばくまつじゅんじょうでん , Sword of the Samurai Girl
- Genres: Historical, Comedy
Cast & Credits
- Makise RihoOkita SojiMain Role
- Sugimoto TettaHijikata ToshizoMain Role
- Watanabe KenSakamoto RyomaMain Role
- Zaizen NaomiMiyukiSupport Role
- Matsukane YonekoO-ToseSupport Role
- Ibu MasatoKondo IsamiSupport Role
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