The film follows a seemingly usual day in the life of Loida Malabanan as she embarks on yet another shooting day of a soap opera as an extra. As the shoot goes on, we get a glimpse of the truth in the ruling system of the production as well as the exploitation of the marginalized laborers like her. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Ekstra
- Also Known As: Extra
- Screenwriter: Antoinette Jadaone, Zig Madamba Dulay
- Screenwriter & Director: Jeffrey Jeturian
- Genres: Comedy, Life, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Vilma Santos Main Role
- Piolo PascualBrando | [HImself]Support Role
- Marian RiveraBelinda | [Herself]Support Role
- Antonette GarciaMadonnaSupport Role
- Afi AfricaProduction DesignerSupport Role
- Tom RodriguezRafael | [Himself]Support Role