Sporadic Reviews
10 people found this review helpful
Aug 7, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 1.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 2.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This was a complete waste of time. Just watch "A Love So Beautiful" instead

I will try my best to be reasonable with this review, but honestly, you should just ignore this drama and move on. I actually dusted off this account just to warn you all. Seriously, don't waste your time.

*For context, I watched this on Netflix and have not read the novel that this drama is apparently based off.

Episodes were rushed, incoherent and abrupt. There were instances in EVERY episode where something, like a transition or ending, was hurried without a second's thought. I was actually under the assumption that the episodes were edited to cut down on ambient screen time within scenes and transitions (which itself is a massive red flag). Correct me if I'm wrong. I really hope this wasn't the final product.

There is actually a scene in the last episode that is one of the most blatant green screen failures I've seen in a long while. It comes pretty close to the CGI deer in The Walking Dead.

Story-wise, the plot of the shy girl chasing her love was fine; I didn't really have any complaints about it for the most part. I actually enjoyed some plot aspects from the early stages of the drama and its execution, but otherwise, it just went down the drain, real quick. The side characters were insufferable, barring, in some instances, the female lead's roommate and the male lead's dorm mates. This was the first time in my drama history where I have actually skipped over side stories. The characters just aren't likeable, their stories' meandering and their acting leaves a lot to be desired, especially the actor for Ge Bi.

The only redeeming quality of this drama is the main actress, Zhu Yanmazi. She performed admirably with what she was given, and I do believe this was her first main role, so I would be interested to see how she performs in the future.

Nothing really stood out in terms of music, just the regurgitated, cliche background music you hear in most dramas. Still, it was appropriate given the context.

Anyways, if you've made it this far, I hope I have successfully convinced you to move on. If not, well, best of luck. There were so many others things I could complain about but it isn't worth my time and yours. You might ask why I suffered through to the ending given my evident distaste, but, I'm a sappy guy and need some closure okay

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3 people found this review helpful
Nov 7, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
The wow factor I discovered is that the female lead is actually a new actress and never did I notice her acting’s a bit off. She actually did it very well and that really surprised me. Because judging by her facial expressions alone, she really mastered it from smirking and automatically switch to a bitch/im-so-done-with-you face (lol).

Overall, I find the series realistic, mature, and heartwarming. Though I find it a bit boring sometimes, I still love to recommend this series who wants to witness a drama that gave a sense of bittersweet.
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Miss Romcom
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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A relatable story about a smart & introspective FL and her longtime crush...

Likes: I loved the realistic characters, especially the FL. She's intelligent, introverted and very guarded, but not in a stereotypical way. All the main characters feel like people you may have known sometime in your life.

Dislikes: Too many side characters that no one really cares about

Right off the bat, this simple story sucked me in with the FL's introspection. She has a's called unrequited love. It's her journey from high school to college...from being invisible to her crush to something more than a possibility. I absolutely LOVED this female character. I find her relatable and realistic. She's smart, independent, knows who she is, and doesn't change herself to fit a man's ideal. Her only issue if that she's very guarded and reticent and has a tendency to push people away, but once you peel back the layers, you see she's this amazing interesting girl.

I loved that this drama stayed natural. No ridiculous or dramatic obstacles. The hurdles and reactions felt like real situations that could occur, real misunderstandings. Seeing the ML's interest grow and him trying hard to figure out how to break down her wall felt genuine. The ML's best friend who jokes around to keep the mood light and deflect any kind of seriousness or his own feelings of hurt feels like someone I've come across in my life. In fact, most of these character do. I just really loved watching their story unfold.

It's sweet, relatable, and natural. I wished more dramas would take note.

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3 people found this review helpful
Sep 6, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

A female lead to inspire all the wallflowers of the world

I'm writing this review based on :
1.) Me not having binge watched any dramas in the past year - I've only been following dramas as they were released)
2.) Not having seen a Chinese drama in 2 years - The last was Prince of Tennis (Chinese ver) in 2019
3.) Not having watched a high school drama in in 2 years - Aside from PoT, I also watched A Little Thing Called First Love in 2019

That said, while I really like this drama, I wouldn't be raving about it to everyone.

I really did enjoy the first part as the ML and FL were developing their friendship/relationship. As shared in other reviews, I'm glad that despite the FL having pined over the ML for YEARS, this didn't stop her from working hard to improve herself. She's very smart and independent and very very sensible. In fact, the story begins in during university because she doesn't exactly do anything to win the attention of the ML.

I would describe the way their relationship developed as quite mundane and without the typical *sparks* that you expect in a drama. But I also appreciate how rational FL was when their relationship was developing to something more. She didn't give in right away when ML confessed his feelings. She still made some irrational choices but in the same way we all make irrational choices. While there aren't that many cheesy scenes, there were still a sprinkle of them here and there which I really liked.

I have to say another reason I enjoyed this drama is all the side characters and seeing their friendships grow with the main leads. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Baili (FL's roommate) and MingRui (ML's roommate) and their own love stories unfold. But I also liked how there were cross interactions: Baili would sometimes talk to ML and MingRui would often be with FL.

I think my interest in this drama lessened a little bit because of the things that happened in the latter half. It turned a more serious note and while I do understand it's an important part of the story and shows a bit of development in their relationship, I somehow feel that it wasn't tied- up so well. Anyway, the ending isn't sad, it just made me feel sad.

All in all, the story is quite cliche but without the usual cliche characters. And if you're in the mood for a light college romance story with lovable characters you might give it a try. I have to say though the OST was really forgettable for me.

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Ongoing 16/24
6 people found this review helpful
Jul 26, 2019
16 of 24 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
I am through episode 16 but i couldn't wait til the end to comment. i am from USA and have totally switched to Asian dramas. Probably up to about 50 dramas over last couple of years. American television is so full of itself, it is the same old stuff and i have tired of it. I love the A. dramas because i like to see the cultural differences and see how the stories differ as well. some of the themes in these dramas, you will not see on American TV and that is fine with me. that is why i watch.
I am very much enjoying the leads on this one, as with almost all of these dramas the leads are the most interesting to me (i guess that is why they are the leads!). That said, this one does leave me a little more baffled in that the underlying story, as in a lot of the A dramas, is all about the withholding of feelings, the failure to communicate, the almost taboo of saying what you feel. Many of these dramas would be a one episode show if the characters opened up sooner to each other. This one is especially curious as the male lead clearly wants a relationship with the female during the college years, something she desperately wants too, but she is so hung up on the past and how he reacts to things that she keeps making excuses not to be with him, even after both of them finally admit their feelings. it amazes me that he keeps pursuing her, most American guys would say 'see ya'...but i get it..that is the point of the story. anyway, i do love watching their interactions and i am sure they will eventually get together...i'll come back after completing to update if i am wrong :)

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3 people found this review helpful
Jan 17, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 4.5

Why does everyone like Huainan ?

I don’t usually write reviews but while i was reading the reviews on here i was just so confused. WHY DOES EVERYONE LIKE HUAINAN??? Even Luo Zhi has said all the unlikable traits he has in past episodes. His actions towards basically everyone this entire show angers me. He is so bipolar one day he’s all in love with her the next he’s mad and hates her and never wants to speak to her. The way he talks to her at times is so rude and disrespectful i just can’t find any likeable traits for him

I guess small minor spoiler not really tho.
When Mingrui started showing feelings towards Luo Zhi i was so excited cause of how well they suited eachother. They are so cute and funny together it honestly made me upset that they didn’t get together. I thought like “ Oh that’s why it’s called unrequited love cause they don’t actually end up together in the end cause they know they aren’t meant for each other” but no sadly they do.

All in all I think this drama is pretty solid for what it is. A more realistic approach to love and and longtime crushes. I wouldn’t say I would watch it again but i do love the main female lead and maybe 2 other character( Mingrui and Baili). The only reason i wouldn’t watch again is because of how unlikeable so many of the characters are.

In conclusion, not a bad show but I just don’t like Huainan goodbye!!!

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2 people found this review helpful
Nov 3, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


When it first aired dailymotion was my second home every week I would wait for the person to upload a new episode (or multiple? I honestly don’t really remember) no subtitles no nothing and I would debate with myself about what was actually going on lmfao but it was fun we (me myself and I) had fun and I loved it then and I still love it now pls imagine the joy I felt when they put it on netflix I never even dared to think that would happen but look at us now I’ve lost count of the amount of times I rewatched this drama and I have 0 regrets it’s one of my favorite cdramas of all time LUO ZHI ??!!!!! THATS MY GIRL (by fifth harmony) I love her so much and I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t.
the drama does absolutely have its faults though like whatever they tried to do with bai li (love her sm) and that old guy ??????? they’re not seeing heaven for that just to be very very clear but yeah you can call me blinded by the main plot bc I absolutely am and was and always will be I just love it too much to really care about the stuff on the side that does obviously bother me otherwise i wouldn’t mention it here but that’s what skipping scenes is for right! Anyway I will never get tired of going back to Unrequited Love it’s a classic in my book.

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n o x p l u m
2 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Everyone has had a one-sided crush atleast once in their life and this drama will definitely unleash a stomach knot of nostalgia from that certain time. Now I haven't read the novel, but I really want to now because of how relatable the female lead was for me and how spot-on they managed to capture the raw emotions of unrequited love. This drama is also surprisingly realistic when it came down to it and the lack of major clichès was very much appreciated. Characters weren't just carbon copies of the same robotic personality with different faces and I actually came to fall in love with some of them. And OMG to the Only Yesterday and F4 references; those were brilliant! Sure.. it was kinda slow at times, but overall this was a great watch and I managed to finish it in 2 days. Totally recommend~!

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2 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
The story closely follows its title. The female lead is not your typical heroine who madly does whatever the hero says, she is outspoken and does things which she likes which is quite refreshing, tbh. The hero is good though although sometimes confusing (loved the way he starts pursuing her). The supporting cast are awesome. Jiang baili and zhang murai really taught me some lessons i might never forget. All in all the story was quite good.

All of us dont love the same, some do more..some do less. Some selflessly, some selfishly. Some are just existing because of the familiarity and for some the timing isn’t right. At the end everything is about it’s acceptance and what makes you happy.

Tbh, i didnt like the end. I felt ML’s explanation was not quite good enough. I get why he went. Anyone would. But his reason for staying was not convincing and the ending was a bit rushed too. But i loved the fact that zhang murai got his happy ending. He deserved it!
Also the last scene was quite end where it all started.

Its a recommended watch definitely. The synopsis makes you think its just another those stories where the girl chases the boy. Its not. You have to watch it if you like FL’s in the stories having a backbone.

(Just remembered a scene where FL’s roommate Jiang Baili was crying over a fight with her bf, and she angrily says to stop crying as its not gonna solve problems but give baili a headache later on if one cries for more than 10 mins..haha soo relatable )

I think one of the main reasons this story is so captivating cuz the story is too much resonating with reality and its relatable as we find these stories in our day to day lives.

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Mona Yunita
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2019
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
Every episode is relatively short living you wanting more. Not only the main characters, they also have nice supporting characters like Zhang Ming Rui and Xu Ri Qing which show character development as the story going. (I secretly supporting Zhang Ming Rui along the story and hope he got a happy ending since he is a really beautiful person inside) Most of the characters are relatable and seems natural (not too dramatic or comical)

It's one of the most realistic romance drama I watched this couple years. I like how Sheng Huai Nan is a bit cold (still nice and polite) on the beginning when he haven't really develop deep feelings towards Luo Zhi and how Luo Zhi didn't just chasing him around. They both take responsibility as student and study well. (That's how normal person should be. Especially they are going to Bejing University no person that focus solely on love could go into this great university)

I love Luo Zhi and Zhang Ming Rui's acting. They look so natural and Luo Zhi could convey her one sided feeling with her expression nicely.

I don't really give attention to the music but I think it's fine.

I really think this show is underrated because based on the story line and characters it's better than a lot of over hype C-drama out there. (probably because the actor and actress are not famous but they actually did a better job than some really popular actor/actresses)

The only thing is it's kinda rushed towards the end. I think they should add a couple more episodes. But I love it overall and definitely will re-watch when I have nothing on my list.

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2 people found this review helpful
May 28, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This drama showcases the male lead as those typical ones. Though he was smart, handsome and famous; the details around male lead is actually not overblown. No crazy fan girls, not too many admirers and no weird slow motion scenes showcasing a montage of the male lead acting cool.

The female lead is not pathetic, unnecessarily prideful nor is ugly. She's not your typical "gets annoyed by the male lead or annoys the male lead until he falls in love with her" type. Her charms were that she was very simple yet sophisticated and strong, which means she also has her take on things. She is not a pushover nor immature. She handles situations quite well; though imperfect.

This drama is very realistic (except for some of the later conflicts, which by the way, do not actually destroy the story, it just gives you an insight on how "coincidences" are subtle yet powerful in altering the story line).

This drama, unlike other Chinese dramas, wrapped up well. I liked the ending so much that I still throb reminiscing the very last few scenes of the drama. I didn't know that a minor detail could possibly end up as a wrapping ribbon of this gift of a drama.

It has a satisfying, slow burn feel; yet I managed to finish it in around two days.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 16, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

All those people who have ever loved someone deeply and from far, at least once this one is for you

First things first, be warned that if you are looking for a light,fluffy watch this drama is really not for you.The reason i gave it a 9.5 though it's not particularly stellar in any aspect is simple.I keep going back to it again and again,which means it captured my heart. I had read a review which said the story is not about like/dislike but about watching it at the right time. I totally agree with that. A lot of the story is based on their campus life.I'll list all the things i loved about this show ,which made me watch it 4 times already and i'll probably keep watching it again and again.
1) The female lead is absolutely amazing. Her love is deep, pure ,selfless,persevering(come on she loved the guy for years) and yet she is not a blind love struck fool whose self respect and life takes a backseat to her love for the male lead. She is more often than not sorted, has her own opinions on everything and a tons of self respect.It's honestly very refreshing.

2)The writers definitely were not joking around when the named the show.Throughout the show you see various side plots all revolving around the same concept in different ways.

3)The side characters have their own stories and are not just there for the personal growth of the main leads or just for the plot development. As mentioned above you'll see their own unrequited love and how it affects their life.

4) I find every frame aesthetic and it somehow seems to fit right into the tone of the show. Same with the music .

5)The leads are not perfect yet they're close to reality . The male lead is one of those popular guys. But he's not a cold snobby jerk. At the same time he's not perfect either.That just makes him more appealing.

6)Overall the whole thing just tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with a nostalgic feel when you finish it.

1)There comes a time in the show where the male lead's life turns upside down. I kinda felt like there wasn't a need for the extreme hardships that were thrown his way even considering that hardships are necessary for growth. It just didn't seem to fit with the plot.

2) His ex man. She is the typical conniving ex-girlfriend and for a show that's not really typical it's kinda annoying yet in a way necessary for the main leads relationship.

3)Her love for the male lead, It's admirable,selfless and awe inspiring . But why on the world didn't she simply move on.That is something i didn't really get. But i'm not really complaining as the plot builds around that.

I'm sure there are probably more things i didn't cover or forgot to mention.

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