Set in the year 2055, a world devastated by global warming has been split between the privileged and lower classes. Designed as an idol, android Nana (Koizumi Maya) discovers self-awareness during an accident and escapes the laboratory. (Source: JFDB) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: エレクトロニックガール
- Also Known As: Erekutronikku Garu
- Screenwriter & Director: Keita Matsuda
- Genres: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Cast & Credits
- Koizumi MayaNanaMain Role
- Suwa Taro Support Role
- Fujima Miho Support Role
- Ayano GoYukinoriSupport Role
- Fujikawa Toshiki Unknown
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