Crazy about Asian dramas
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 18, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.5
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Not liked much

Starting was good both leads look adorable together. Story stretched the office spy story much that made the drama little boring for me . Afterward their love story was come into track but she tried to push him away from her and he didn't want to give up then something happened and he decided to give her space and left her with a note so she searched for him and when he came back so she was not ready to meet him and the reason she gave him that she wanted to separate with him because to make him realise what he want from his life ,he really love her or not and it was two years separation where he left without inform just disappeared from her life that's why she angered from him but he melts her anger and they happily married ever after . at some point I found the story is boring .

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Jan 28, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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What started as a cute and fluffy romance became a remarkable love story to remember.

This drama is my second Thai Lakorn after Kleun Cheewit. Both by Mark Prin and I have to say, though he is a narcissistic douche bag in both, you can't help but fall in love with him.
so what makes this drama so remarkable? For me, it is the character development.
Never in my history of watching Asian dramas have I encountered a drama with such impeccable character development, the best part is that it came from every character. though the bad guys were punished as they deserved.
The male lead, though his came a bit late was able to overcome his fears and reach a certain point of maturity that I'm glad the author gave. The same goes for the female lead as she discovered that love is not meant to be one sided.
Love to Cleopatra and Miss Thailand for their amazing performances, and P'Chet who I loved so much.
The person with the greatest character development in this drama was non other than our beautiful and outstanding second female lead, Yada. As we know, it is very common for the scorned second female lead to have her world centered around the male lead, which I feel is a very problematic and narcissistic thing to do. She is either an annoying ex, an irritating childhood sweetheart, or a past entanglement who just cant seem to let go. Yada however broke this stereotype because she didn't center her life around the male lead, she developed herself in the most beautiful of ways. (You will learn this when you watch the drama)

Overview: This drama is very captivating at the beginning and you'll love it so much. It gets kind of draggy at episode 9 and I was literally about to drop it, but I didn't and I love my decision to continue. Not many people will be happy with the occurrence towards the end (which some people described as messy - I don't think so anyways), but these things were what made me love the drama the most. It felt like I was sitting right beside the author of the manga and for the first time, I cried for a drama and not just a tear or two, but I was literally wailing.

The music was amazing, especially Mark Prin's cover of Yesterday by Slot Machine. Very beautiful song and I totally recommend you listen to it with translations if you do not understand Thai like me.

The acting was top-notch. From the main leads, to the support roles and even the villains (Pondayt really slayed the role of abusive husband perfectly, you could literally see the evil in his eyes, you wont even remember that he's acting). The emotions were beautifully portrayed, especially at the end by Mark Prin. Our darling Mew also did an amazing job.
The chemistry in this drama wasn't lacking at all, it had all the elements together and managed to not end up as a slap and kiss. Thank the author and drama lords for that.

Not many people may have the attachment I had to this drama, but if there is one thing I know, its that this is by far the best Asian drama I have set my eyes on. it beats everything because it had everything I was looking for in a drama.
So good job Author, actors and crew, and good-luck viewers. Enjoy the rollercoaster because the end is most satisfying.

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Ongoing 4/15
Park Bo Gums Wife
7 people found this review helpful
May 28, 2020
4 of 15 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

You'll love it!!

If you're a human being, you'll love this drama so much.

It's so good. So good. After watching 3 episodes, i felt like i just went through a whole rollercoaster of emotions.

The main leads were meant to be in this drama. They have the chemistry, humor and the sexual tensions that's right in the borderline of PG and R rated film.

Main lead girl is the most adorable character ever. She's not your typical pretty and cute girl. She's actually awkward, weird, funny, a day dreamer but also a very hard worker, caring person and will do anything for the people she loves.

The main lead guy seems obnoxious and a jerk at times (for literally 5 mins tops) but he's actually an adorable guy that cares a lot for the main girl. He doesn't realize it but he truly cares for her and secretly takes care of her.

By the way, the two main leads are very good looking people who makes your eyes get glued to the screen.

The comedy was well put together and had me laughing uncontrollably. Especially the main lead girl had me cracking up everytime.

This is the first Thailand drama that had me laughing hysterically like a crazy person.

I'm still watching this drama at the moment but i sincerely and strongly recommend this drama. Trust me! With my 12 years experience of watching kdramas, Philippine dramas, chinese, japanese and now thailand dramas. I guarantee i know a good drama when i see one.

I'll be updating this review as soon as i finish watching it. For now, HAPPY WATCHING !


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Miss Romcom
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 22, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Made my heart flutter

Likes: From the playful teasing to hurtful outbursts to the stolen sweet glances to the realization of love, this drama gave me major feels. I couldn't get enough of Mark Prin as the bad boy. Seriously. Not. Enough.

Dislikes: Ok, so maybe at times the ML was too much of a bad boy and there were scenes that slightly crossed the line into questionable territory that could potentially make viewers uncomfortable, so those parts, I wished the director handled a bit better.

Overall though, I really enjoyed this drama! I'm not gonna lie though, a lot of that has to do with me crushin hard on the ML. I've never watched a Thai drama before and didn't know who Mark Prin was, but now, believe me, I've taken notice! His boyish good looks and natural ease around women makes him perfect as the bad boy Thien. I loved that they didn't shy away from showing real affection in this drama. I'm so tired of the cliche skinship moments so I was thrilled that the skinship in this drama felt like an after thought. Your body just moves instinctively when you want to be close to someone (manner hands be damned!). The kisses though were a bit too toned down.

The FL was good too. A lot of 2nd hand embarrassment in the beginning, but those moments also made me laugh. I could have used a little less love stricken expressions though. The push/pull dynamic between the OTP was addicting, but there were definite times where I couldn't follow the emotional progression of the characters. I'm not sure if that's because the subs were bad, but there were times where things progressed and then suddenly regressed without a good reason. And it didn't make sense why some misunderstandings weren't cleared up, but I didn't mind too much as it lead to more push/pulling. I would totally watch this again as I just loved the chemistry between the leads.

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Elif Kim
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 8, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

My Taste in Romantic Drama Becomes Higher Because of this Drama

And here goes my FIRST review on MDL.

Honestly, I can’t put my feelings for this drama into words. It’s just PERFECT.

Oh well I was overboard. Sure, it’s not perfect in terms of the plot. The story seemed to have lost the point midway. There was a time when I went “what? Why are they like this? What’s happening? It’s not supposed to be like this!”

BUT the final episode, I’m telling you, is the best final episode of all dramas’ final ones. All kinds of emotions got the best of me. It was like I forgot what happened before that.

Although I still think this review is not enough to put my feelings into words, I want to thank the production team, especially the writer and the director. Thank you for making my life brighter with this AMAZING drama, especially during this overwhelming year of 2020. It has a special place in my heart. I can never look at other romance dramas the same as I look at this one. :’)

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Elis Hidayanti
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 17, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Worth your time. Just awesome.

I was never really into lakorn, I only finished two out of my love for the leads but other times i dropped the show.
This proved me wrong. God... oh my God... this show is so good, I watched without any expectation, being completely new to the cast. And by now... i am a huge fan of the lead actors, especially Mark. He portrayed Thien so well, I always love subtle acting. I found it more appealing and moving than the grand gesture of showing off emotions, more sincere, and Mark is so good in micro expressions.
And Nittha has one of the best smile! I love Moey, she is not a candy or naively in love lady, she has both heart and brain. The way she gave without expecting any is so beautiful.
I think this show is just effortlessly charted in my personal fave's list, the show i will rewatch all over again in the future. This show gave me a massive heartbreak but in the end of the day... made me feel good in so many ways. Hats off.

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Dropped 5/15
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 6, 2021
5 of 15 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

Fun but got bored

When this was not yet aired. I'm one of the watchers waited for this drama.

Episode 1-3 is fun. But got bored starting on episode 4 that eventually I have to skip some parts of the drama because it got too boring and I don't like the hacking episodes...

Too many scenes that are not necessary to watch, waste of time instead for a good scene.

Sorry, but I stopped watching on episode 5.

I love the characters of this drama.

This is just my opinion about the drama. Don't get me wrong. ☺️

Thank you!
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Dropped 5/15
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 24, 2021
5 of 15 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

High Expectations but Felt Flat

I was so excited for this drama. I re-watched the trailer everyday before it came out because I was obsessed with the song, the scenes and the potential romance hinted in the plot summary. Unfortunately, after 5 episodes, I could not continue with the drama anymore.

STORY - It has the kind of premise I enjoy. There has only been two Thai dramas I've managed to finish and both dramas have a ML that hate the FL in the beginning but then when he gets to know her, he falls in love with her. Here's the difference between the two, ML in this drama HATES and is MEAN to FL for no reason? I mean I like a little testy ML but this was just hard to believe. In the other dramas, the ML had a really good reason to be angry but in here it just seems like he doesn't know what he has for granted. The plot involving the mistress was dark and I hope she got a good ending. Also I need to mention the weird hacking arc. It was supposed to be cool but my friend and I both found it lacklustre and cringe. We had second-hand embarrassment watching those scenes. Keep in mind this was only the first 5 episodes. Maybe it gets better later on but I don't even want to know if it does after what I saw.

CAST - Mark is of course great at acting, especially in these kind of roles. When I first had thoughts of how terrible this drama was, I thought maybe it was because Mark was playing a character I already saw him play and coupled with a bad plot it just couldn't keep up with my expectations. But then I watched a newer drama he was in with a similar character and boy that has become one of my favourite Thai dramas ever, so no, I don't think it was him. This is my first drama for Mew and I sadly have to say I am disappointed in her acting. Maybe it's the character she's playing but she just seems so bland. She was really good at the crying scenes but everything else felt awkward a bit. Also why would a writer make the FL such a pushover? They should be strong so they can fight the bully that is the ML. I was so fed up with her being basically a door mat and slave for him. Supporting leads felt unnecessary with no interesting additions. Perhaps I've spoilt myself with good supporting leads but this just wasn't it. I've seen some of the actors in other dramas so I know they can act, it's just this one has mediocre (bad?) writing. I want to mention Yada (I think that's the character's name). She's the mistress / lady Mark's character was seeing in the beginning. Was expecting to hate her but her acting stood out to me. She had a meaningful side story but I wasn't in the mood for that kind of story. I really do hope she got a good ending.

MUSIC / EDITING - Probably the best thing about this drama. Yesterday, the iconic song sung by Mark during the school assembly was stuck in my head for weeks. It was also the song that played in the trailer. Probably the best thing I took away from this drama was that beautiful song. I don't remember the other songs but I do remember the unnecessarily loud AF music that played inappropriately at every potentially "interesting" scene. Like at the wedding, why the heck would they play that drama soundtrack / effect and make it all serious as if a dead person just came back to life? I almost spluttered at the sheer absurdity of those scenes. The editing was also all over the place. A lot of weird cuts.

REWATCH VALUE - Considering I couldn't even bring myself to finish it, I don't think I ever will. I watched this back when it was released and until now I still remember how disappointed I was with the drama. I am now also hesitant to watch anything with Mew in it. This has shown me that even if the plot of a drama sounds like my cup of tea, it probably isn't. Good dramas are always hard to come by it seems.

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Dropped 3/15
4 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2020
3 of 15 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
I feel like this lakorn, there was a lot of anticipation and I was definitely one that was waiting for this lakorn to be released. However, I wasn't really feeling the story, I finished episode 1, with some skimming and I skimmed through pretty much throughout episode 2-3 and I stop from there.

Why I dropped this lakorn? The editing could of been better, people say they have chemistry but honesty I don't see it. I also watched a sub clip on IG where Mark and Mew talk about how Anne had them take a workshop to work on their chemistry. The storyline, I'm not sure how I feel about it, when I read the synopsis I was waiting and was very excited for it but I think it's because the storyline didn't really deliver well enough.

People kept saying that Thien was always hurting Moei but at that time he didn't really realized he had love for her yet. So to see Moei put herself in situations where she kind of know how it's going to end up like, make it more annoying then feeling sorry for her.

Don't get me wrong, if I see mini sub clip on IG I would watch it but only the important part. I couldn't really bring myself to like it and no it's not because I'm not a big fan of these two, I would drop any lakorn even if I am a die hard fan.

Overall in my personal opinion I feel like fans of Mark and Mew probably overhyped this lakorn. I would rate this as mediocre lakorn.

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Dropped 10/15
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2021
10 of 15 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Toxic, unhealthy relationship

Honestly I think the lead girl had Stockholm syndrome, because the lead guy constantly bullied her, humiliated her, forced her to do things against her will, even made her to move to a different country.
This is not sexy, this relathinship is toxic, and I don't care how great the chemistry, or how hot looking Mark Prin Suparat is.
I dropped this after 10 episodes, and I never drop anything.
It has been months since I stopped watching this series, and I am still annoyed, because that poor girl never stood a chance, not once was appreciated or treated well in this series by the person who supposedly loved her.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 17, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Too much hype

Other than the great acting by gorgeous Mark Prin, and good unexpected plot twists, this drama was just okay.
I disliked the actions of the FL from start to end (although her acting was good.) By mid series, I started skipping the scenes with Kang (Jieb Lalana Kongtoranin) and the other woman with glasses, which bored me to death. As to production quality, I know Thai dramas don't have the same budgets than K-, C-, J-dramas, but this one could have had better editing and technical transitions of flashbacks. However, I may rewatch in the future to enjoy the Mark Prin's scenes :)

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Dropped 2/15
Teresa Lume
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 2, 2021
2 of 15 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

A big NO

I know many people like this but I can't watch 1 episode untill the end.

All the same story: a female leader naive, ugly dukking but never become a swan, even idiot with that smile in her face. Don't know the name of the actress but an if I saw her in another dramas , so is not a YAYA because I don't remember her.
And of course the FL has a bunch of friends that are so idiot like her, in special the females always screaming and acting childish even in the work place.

Mark Supparat the ML is handsome and from the few I see is great in his role, and of course in the end he falls in love with the naive/idiot girl and even has a baby.

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