i love uju
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Jan 22, 2022
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Damn I regret i didn't watch it earlier and will definitely rewatch it over and over again <3

So YAY, finally, i am able to watch it and never get disappointed. As an arranged marriage genre fan this would be on my top 5.

- The first 7 eps is more about dealing with their company matters and you'll see how much the fl love the ml but also you're gonna see how the ml treat the fl like "How the heck did he gonna fall in love with her?". Don't worry there's a lot of funny scenes so you'll not get most of the scenes bored and speaking of romance of course there is and a lot! don't miss out the first kiss hehe and cute moments.

- The 8 and the remaining eps will be the best! As it goes through, the tables will start to turn around, the ml is now the one who's going after the fl.

- The ending is the one i like the most because its not a cliffhanger! if you know what i mean, there's a lot of drama where you see the leads end up like 15 mins on the end of the last ep lol i hate it the most. The ending is like gonna start 2 to 3 eps from the last eps so you'll be fulfilled with a lot of romance scenes and be satisfied especially when the ml tries to reconcile with the fl.

- The casting and acting is good and the OST's( I even have it on my playlists) as well will get in to your souls hehe also prepare a lot of tissues because there's a lot of scenes that'll make you cry.

- Lastly, this drama is not perfect but its so good. There is some lapses and loopholes well that's a typical lakorn i guess lol so its very very worth giving it a try and if you an avid fan of Arranged/Forced Marriage and Pregnancies drama well don't miss this one out!! My Overall rating would be 9.5/10. Will definitely give it a rewatch someday.

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Apr 12, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10


I actually find thai dramas with alot of revenge and hate which is very interesting, but I was looking for something more unique and just like that I came across this drama. I've got to say that this drama was a good choice. I do not regret watching one bit of it. I have watched hundreds of drama, but dam this is a drama with a very unique plot and story.
It's not some cheesy, stupid romance or love story where there is the mother in law is a bitch, and some other drama.
The story of this drama is so REALISTIC, from this drama you see what love is, and how much the girl is willing to give up for the guy she loves. Trust me, this isn't a story where the girl is dump and whatever, she actually is very intelligent.
Definitely a drama to be watched and re-watched. The plot is interesting, every part we can observe the characters' growt. The actors all of them have a great chemistry mainly the two leads.
I just love this drama, an amazing story.

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Oct 26, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The best chemistry!

My first thai drama series.

The chemistry between Mark and Mew are amazing. You can feel it when look at each other and in their smiles. It felt “real”.

Most likely they genuinely admire each other to pull this off.

Great acting especially with Mew. She really acted like a young Moei and grew with her character.

I liked that they also showed Thien’s point of view.

The support cast were perfect.

Im glad I randomly opened it on netflix. I’ve been hooked.

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Sep 6, 2023
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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It could have been better

I love kdrama and a lil bit of cdrama so i tried this thai drama for the first time. At first it was interesting. The plot of the story was bot new but with s different twist so it was ok. However, as the story goes, the story and dialogue becomes so corny as well as the acting. Dont get me wrong, i know ml and fl are good actors but the acting seems so unnatural esp for fl. Her smiling was so unnatural. It is a romcom and sometimes they nailed the comedy part but the dialogue and story is not good. It could have been better if the dialogue was improved. I watched it because both ml and fl are very good looking. But for story and dialogue, sorry but it was a ?

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Yer Xiong
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Apr 14, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

wonderfully written

This is by far one of my most favorite Thai lakorn. It has every element you could wish for in a romcom. The thing I enjoyed the most is Thien's character development. I feel like this was such an accurate depiction of how most men are and it was so exciting to watch it. I don't believe I've ever watched a lakorn that went full circle like this (with a beginning, middle and end) so wonderfully written.

The soundtrack is to die for! I listened to the songs for weeks after I already finished the drama. There's a scene that pairs so well with one of the scenes and I always have to rewatch it because it makes me, the audience, still feel so loved. You could really tell there was so much love in this show and it wasn't just a love that came out of nowhere.

I honestly could go on and on about this drama. I was very iffy in the beginning because of Moei's behavior lol, but towards middle, I just became so in love with this couple and their story. It is more than worth it to watch. - yx

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Feb 25, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Mark and Mew make this lakorn

I thought I'd weigh into the conversation as a veteran lakorn-watcher.
The thing I love about lakorns is that even though the majority of them aren't very well-made, they have so much heart. They leave you with happy warm fuzzies after the final episode.

That's the best thing about this lakorn.

Now, is any drama from any country perfect? No. There's always something that the writers messed up on, or that one bad actor, or that annoying music, etc. This lakorn is far from perfect. However, the big heart it has combined with some fantastic acting from the leads more than makes up for that stupid hacking storyline (y'all know the one).

I normally don't watch Mark Prin. I didn't like him much in Kluen Cheewit (I know, the forbidden words-- I didn't love Kluen Cheewit), maybe because of his acting or maybe because of the directing. I was a little hesitant to watch this one because of that. However, I must say that Mark and Mew made this lakorn. It's rare to see such solid, convincing acting in a lakorn combined with such natural chemistry. Both of their acting has improved a ton since their newbie days and it shows. Mew managed to pull off her character without being annoying at all. Also, the skinship scenes were... ahem... very enjoyable to watch.

I also love how the writers treated the leads' story. They didn't have any annoying misunderstandings or miscommunications. I loved that Mark had to work to earn his place in Mew's life again. He had to change for their relationship to actually work. I loved that Mew forgave him relatively quickly. Their romance is portrayed in a mature, believable way as Mark slowly realizes his love for Mew.

I didn't like the hacking storyline. It was dumb and felt out of place. I also disliked the fact that they tried to convince us that Mark liked Mew when they were in school. Um... doesn't that undermine the entire plot here? These are minor flaws, though.

I highly recommend this lakorn. I'll definitely re-watch it.

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Sep 11, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5


This is the best thai drama i ever watched. I addicted to this one, full package of entertiner, binge watching,i completed this one with in 3 days. I really like the plot.. The actors are amazing. Especially mark, again i fall in love with him after waves of life, mew is also good i like their chemistry, first a few episodes are a bit lagging, when tien fall in love with moei, it totally changed, after alot of avoiding and carelessness we can feel the care and love, its amazing. The last 3 episode were really touching and adorable.. Cant move on . Iam eagerly waiting for dras like this.. Waiting for more mark prin dramas. Happy watching ??

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Feb 13, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
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This series lead me to think about the role of women in different countries

This will contain spoilers, discussion of traditions and my very own opinion ;) also, written on a smartphone, none native speaker and no spell check.

So I expected a somewhat typical rom-com.
Girl loves boy, boy doesn't love girl (maybe loves affair), but has to marry girl, drama occurs, boy falls for girl. Maybe girl does have in between second guess' but eventually girl and boy end up together.
For the first 3 episode everything seemed to turn out that way, except I didn't expect such a heavy load of domestic violence. That, together with another thing later on let me think about what the role and support system for women in Thailand are in cases lile these. If you know, let me know!

During this time I was oftenly aggrivated by Moei - she let herself be pushed around, belittles herself and puts Tien on a high podestal. In her opinion he hardly doesn't do anything wrong and her antics were quite unhealthy as well as her co-dependency. I was really troubled by this kind of behaviour (it didn't help that Miss Tada was abused by her husband - as I watched some BLs befor this series, I thought about wether these kind of women and behaviour mirror the way Thais see how relationships should work).
Also Moei really behaved like his mother >_<
And then episode 4 started, the very first minutes had the potential to begin the real drama, but nothing happend, they were all mature. Instead, all of a sudden, we were in an industrial espionage-thriller.
Moei changed her behaviour drastically. I waited to the flash backs to see what exactly triggered her, but we had to wait quite long.
I just sat there, asking myself what had happend because I couldn't understand it. At first I thought it was a bluff. But she roped her friends along as well...

It couldn't be a trick to get Tien closer to her because if he finds out, there'd be no trust anymore.
So why? I really got close to quitting the series, rooting for Tien and feeling no empathy for Moei.

Ok, that issue got solved in ep 7- although I can understand Moei, the outcome should have been obvious. I even felt a bit gleeful, when Tien told her, he wouldn't ever love her.

I really pity Tien in how everybody takes Moei side, especially his family (Mom!). Whatever he does, it doesn't seem enough and they still favor her.
Later, ep. 14, his mother blames him for making things worse (although he found Moei and she was bleeding before she knew about Tien! He really is just a scapegoat).Also his friends are far too forgiving, when Moei stole the company's data.

Moei plotting Tien to having to come to Dawei was sneaky, him making marriage a condition for his new assistent a really funny moment which made me laugh out loud (=lol)

What I liked was the twist of how we got to know Moei- through the eyes of Tien, who thaught of her as a nuisiance, weak, clumsy, stupid. But Moei always held back, maybe to be closer to Tien, or maybe to not overwhelm him with her cunning brain (although that doesn't hinder her from childish behavior and not taking consent that seriously). What I late on didn't get is, when Tien already liked her back than, why he didn't try anything when she moved in but instead searched out other women?!

What I like is how there were several oportunitues to turn scenes more dramatic with misunderstandings (like when Moei surprised Yadas ambush of Tien at their home or when Tien had undressed Moei to wipe he when she was injured) but the writers didn't- thank you! They behaved mostly reasonable

There were also some surprises- like Moei keeping her mind on the divorce, because they weren't ready for it (as Tien didn't really know her). That scene was the one I came back to rewatching the most.

In the end, I loved for all those bittersweet scenes- their one day honeymoon, how Tien got Moei drunk to sleep with her (consent - or the lack of consent- is also a big issue of this series) or how he got so depressed and worried over Moeis pregnancy, keeping her condition a secret and trying to keep her calm and relaxed...
The scene where he called his mother crying T_T

During their wedding I had several questions: where is the wife of Toon, she was never seen! Where did the twins stay?

I also really rooted for the power couple Ri and Mon- I think they are just adorable and I liked their dynamic! Mo was also quite the character! Sadly, we only saw them briefly and the last couple of episodes, or rather last episode :(

What I also really liked was Nut not falling for Chet- because Life and Love is sometimes like that and not everything is all happy.

All in all, the series surprised me with its change of sceneries, plot and characters.
I oftenly had to reflect about the role of women in society and I might be prejudiced as I come from a Western country, as well that as in my work field I'm confronted with stories of women with domestic violence occasionally and therefore have a strong opinion. But I value how I learn a lot about myself that way

Also, kudos to Mark Prin Suparat aka Tien- he didn't have the chance to display a lot of different facial features due to his character, but I had the feeling, I knew what was going on in his mind. And the change and more smiles where visible as well <3

Although I feel as if the ending was rushed (Tien and Moei hardly having had time as a couple but thrown into parenthood), I would have loved more scenes with the twins... but everything has to come to an end, even this comment ;)

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Mar 21, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Extraordinary Lakorn - You love it, hate it & love it again

I started with no expectation whatsoever with this drama. None of the actors familiar to me. Just go along with recommendation by Netflix.

Episode 1 - Walaa... I just hooked from the start. The visuals are great. The actors & actresses are gorgeous.

The key strength of this series is none other than the great acting of Mark & Nittha. The chemistry is superb and the expression of emotions are out of this world. All other characters are also well portrait.

Plot twist are plenty and it made my heart worked harder to absorbed any potential scene that could made me a cry baby.

I love the great exhibition of Thai & Myanmar's cultures in this series in spite this is a very modern setting.

Watch this series guys and you all won't regret it.

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Feb 16, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Love it!!!!!!!

Cant move on from this one!! An advice: see the whole thing because this story takes lots of turns, unexpected turns, the biggest probably in episode 8 or 9; and thats why i loved it so much. theres always something new and unexpected coming that you are not prepared
A lakorn that makes you think and when you think you got it, it comes back in time and you see whats missing.
A story that makes you angry, happy, sad, with lots of tears and a love that grows in something very romantic with lots of caring and swetness.

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Oct 24, 2022
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.5
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This drama is perfect for two very specific types of people.

1. Fans of melo/makjang/over-the-top insanity.

2. Those who love laughing at said melo/makjang/over-the-top insanity.

I do not fall into category 1. I spent years going into Kdrama rom-coms all bushy tailed and bright eyed and then pulling my hair out whenever the makjang/melo would make an appearance. I would keep watching, of course, because true love requires commitment. But I would always lament why they had to include a final hour bout of amnesia, or why couldn't the male lead just finally wake up and recognize his terrible behavior sooner rather than later?

I also do not fall into category 2. (At least mostly.) I do not seek out makjang/melo/over-the-top dramas, and when a drama I'm watching turns into one, I find it frustrating rather than entertaining. I don't enjoy watching people be terrible for terrible's sake, I don't enjoy having my heart put through a torture device for the 'exquisiteness of heartbreak', stupid decisions made for the sake of plot drive me up the wall, and while I can certainly suspend disbelief when required by a story, I cannot just turn my brain off completely.

With Husband in Law, we have the super common set up. A contract marriage, the leads move in together, male lead is completely uninterested in (nay, actively dislikes) the female lead, female lead is hopelessly in love with the male lead since youth, they end up working together with him as her boss, yada yada yada. This is very common Asian drama territory, and I'm on board with all of it. But on top of this is a secondary couple with the most insanely toxic, abusive relationship. The girl is basically treated as a rag doll by her husband, and the husband is a truly vile villain. He's also out to get the male lead because the male lead slept with the abusive husband's wife (not knowing she was married), and he even almost successfully ends the male leads life.

I fully admit now that I did not care one iota about what's her face and her abusive husband. I abhor abuse, and watching it play out on screen is certainly upsetting, but it happens so often and is so extreme in contrast to the rest of the drama that you eventually become numb to the abusive yo-yo relationship of the villain couple and just want them to go away. This is the first drama I ever fast-forwarded, and it was mainly their scenes.

The rest of the story is mostly standard for these types of dramas, but they would often incorporate really random elements (which I guess is also standard for most melo/makjang). The most extreme example would be when the female lead suddenly becomes a genius hacker because story reasons and hacks into the male leads company. There has been no indication up to this point that the female lead has any sort of impressive computer skills. Truthfully, there's no indication she has any skills at all, so this feels more like 'let's insert a random conflict here so we can watch him be mean to her some more' than it does anything else.

What really hurts this drama the most though are the technical issues. The editing and pacing are truly terrible. Scenes just end inexplicably, and we're mostly tossed around in the story without a very clear framework. They do such a poor job of conveying important information to the audience, explaining character motivations, etc. that I often struggled to follow what was supposed to be going on and frequently found myself on the wrong end of the stick with the story.

This point is less important, but the music is Frequently dramatic at odd moments. I get they were trying to give scenes a certain feel, but they should have invested in one more track of music that could convey the right tone without making everything feel like a tense stand-off in a crime thriller.

Now that I've said all of this, it will probably surprise you to learn that I employed the 'laugh at the absurdity' method to watch this drama. I still don't fall into category 2, but once I'd gotten into the drama deep enough to be somewhat invested, I realized the only way through it was going to be with laughter. So laugh I did, and it mostly worked. Granted, it took me probably close to a year to finish this drama, because ^see above^. But laughing at the nonsense made it easier for me to enjoy the drama. And truthfully, there are some decent things about Husband in Law. The lead actors are fantastic. They sell their characters every which way from Sunday, and I found myself liking both of them in spite of myself. (And in spite of themselves, seeing as the male lead is a selfish ass most of the drama, and I spent most of the drama thinking the female lead was trying to convince him to love her when now I'm not so sure she was. (See critique about the editing.)) They also have fantastic chemistry together, which goes a long way in a drama like this. The male leads friends are fun (even if they're frequently a little Too goofy), and they were often much needed comic relief. They also consistently root for the female lead, which I haven't seen much of in dramas in the same style as Husband in Law. The female leads friends are equally wonderful, although not nearly as funny and not necessarily all that affective when it came to being of some actual benefit to the female lead. And the male leads family all love the female lead and consistently take her side. And of course, I'm already pre-disposed to enjoy the general premise/set-up of this drama.

Still, despite being able to get some enjoyment out of Husband in Law, I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't in one of the two categories I mentioned above. I was too far in to get out when I realized this drama was going to be too dramatic for me, but you don't have to make the same mistake. If you enjoy melo/makjang, this will be perfect for you. If you don't, watch something else instead.

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Mar 22, 2021
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

You will love it

I really love this you will never regret if you watch this from the writers, director, producer, and of course the cast are so perfect they suit in the characters. I learned that "It is okay to fall in love with the person that hates you because in the end of the day they are the one who loves you" and "If people don't want/like you, there is still one person loving you and it is yourself" this drama will inspire you to make a happy, better, and wise decision in every things we made. You will feel the characters. You will realize that the most important thing is love yourself first before loving the people surround you. I also rewatch it I am on my 2nd time. Its a big big big big YESSSS for me✋?✌?

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