An odd woman named Sayoko rents cats to lonely people. Some of the renters include an old woman who lost her husband and her cat, a middle-aged man who moved away from his family for work, a woman at a reception desk who questions her existence and a man who has a connection with Sayoko. Edit Translation
- English
- Français
- Español
- Italiano
- Native Title: レンタネコ
- Also Known As: Rentaneko , Rent a Neko , れんたねこ
- Screenwriter & Director: Ogigami Naoko
- Genres: Comedy, Life, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Ichikawa MikakoSayokoMain Role
- Kusamura ReikoYoshioka ToshikoSupport Role
- Mitsuishi KenYoshida GorouSupport Role
- Yamada MahoYoshikawa MegumiSupport Role
- Tanaka KeiYoshizawa ShigeruSupport Role
- Kobayashi Katsuya[Sayoko's neighbour]Support Role

However, having said that, I loved this movie. It fits perfectly to the "slice of life" genre, a glimpse of real life, and in this case real life is just a little bit funny to boot. I love the main character, and how she is portrayed by the main actress. I love the easy-going mood throughout the movie, the breezy and fresh theme of renting cats to lonely people.
The music and the cinematography elements of this movie are both important reasons to why I enjoyed it so much. It's beautifully done, shot, and persecuted. It also gives the feel of japanese traditions, the japanese life style that we all know and love (at least I do).
Lastly, because this is such a lay-back sort of movie with no particular goal or end line, I feel it's the kind of movie I could watch and re-watch many times.
Basically, I would recommend this to anyone that adores the slice of life genre and of course, if you adore cats, or mori style (because in my opinion this movie has a very mori-ish feel to it).
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So, if your feeling lonely or have someone feeling down or dejected, you can watch this together and maybe find some common ground. Movies, I believe have a lot of potential, one being able to connect people.
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