Good drama with amazing characters and story
Production: For being low-cost I thought the costumes were well-made and high-quality, and I thought the outfits they wore looked cool. If they used wigs, it looked like they used a lot of hair gel, but the hairstyles were nice, and the makeup wasn't too over-the-top.Story: I could tell the story was well thought out, and it requires a lot of piecing together to solve the mystery. I'm not big-brained enough to figure out who did what, but they explain the process after the big reveal. What I like the most about this series is the character dynamics; the main female lead is not helpless and plays a big part in actually helping the main male lead figure out the crime. When the characters get into misunderstandings, they are very mature about it and resolve it within the episode and aren't dramatic about it. The romance is a bit cheesy at times but it works somehow because the chemistry between the characters is adorable. The female leads work together and never get into big fights; the same thing is true for the male leads too. As far as I could tell, every episode had a purpose and there were no filler episodes. Each minute was used and none was wasted, which added to the suspense and substance of the story.
Acting: In the parts where the characters feel emotion, the actors portray it very well and their reactions make you feel things. Also, the chemistry between the actors is there. Especially the actor who played Jing Yi; I could tell he enjoyed playing that character and is low-key my favorite character because of his personality.
Music: There are some songs that I would listen to on repeat because the lyrics and the way they sing is expressive and sound good.
TL;DR Despite it being low-cost I think they did pretty well. The wardrobe and makeup were perfect. A fluid story with lots of stuff to piece together and excellent acting that fits each character. The music is expressive, and when they put it in the episodes are appropriate for the scene/context. Since the insurrectionist was someone I didn't expect, I wouldn't mind watching it again to see the little details I missed the first time, though I wouldn't go through that whole rollercoaster again if I wanted to.
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This review may contain spoilers
There's saying this drama is Chinese CSI historical setting, there isn't much action going on - only serious conversation about crime investigations. Although the men carry swords, I don't see them using them more than a few stances. It isn't a light drama, the seriousness of this drama is more talk talk talk The FL isn't pretty - has cute chubby baby cheeks and not a typical a spoiled-young lady but an intelligent-down to earth- working class young lady Chu Chu (which I like), the ML is a high born intelligent educated man..not an over indulgence of a Prince. For sure this drama is boring... although I am only on ep 12 but couldn't stand it no could that be? I love the prince Xiao JinYu (Wang Zi Qi), the story is good, the acting and casts are good, but...episodes 12 don't make things any less some more. I love the makeup, nothing is over the top, everything looks very ordinary natural which I like it, isn't common C-drama that usually full of artificial neatness or make up. I see none of character smiles...or maybe a little.Was this review helpful to you?
I wish there are more fighting scenes!
I really like Episode 1 and because of that I thought next episodes will be getting better and better but not. My excitement was turned into disappointment. I like the main casts but I want some fighting scenes but I couldnt find it. That is what it lacks.Again...
I really like Episode 1 and because of that I thought next episodes will be getting better and better but not. My excitement was turned into disappointment. I like the main casts but I want some fighting scenes but I couldnt find it. That is what it lacks.
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Crime Investigation in historical setting is not my cup of tea. It was so boring and too slow.
The Imperial Coroner is a crime investigation drama in a historical setting. I listened to AvenueX's raved review about it, and I like the lead actor Wang Zi Qi, so I checked it out. I watched 6 episodes of it and found it freaking boring. Chinese crime drama, in general, is quite dull, and to have it done in historical drama and dragged to 36 episodes is a bit much.I found it dull for modern-day crime drama to be dragged to 24 episodes, let alone a historical one. I was unengaged, and I should have known that AvenueX recommendations are usually not to my liking.
The on-screen chemistry between Wang Zi Qi and Su Xiao Tong is not as good as his on-screen chemistry with Wang Yu Wen. I love Wangs in Once We Get Married and currently streaming The Love You Give Me.
I am dropping this drama and would not recommend it if you are not into crime investigation in a historical setting.
I am giving a 5.0 because of the boring script.
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Histórico con protagonista forense y una sana relación
Este drama histórico comienza con una chica que va a la capital a examinarse para convertirse en forense. Al principio parece ir a centrarse en resolver casos, en principio aleatorios, pero la historia se va desarrollando y crece de forma coherente y amena.Una de las cosas que más me han gustado de este drama es la maravillosa relación entre los personajes. Hay una sana relación amorosa, donde la confianza, el apoyo, el entendimiento y sobre todo el hablar de los problemas crea una pareja fuerte y sólida sin terceras malas partes ni malentendidos por chorradas. También hay fuertes amistades y una relación entre hermanos muy cercana.
El carácter de los personajes tanto principales como secundarios es algo que también he disfrutado. El carácter sereno, inteligente, maduro e ingenuo de la protagonista; el saber apoyarse en los demás, tener sentimientos y no ser un chico protagonista que parece que lo puede todo, ha sido un soplo de aire fresco.
La historia tiene también mucho por lo que destacar, tanto por la resolución de los asesinatos, como poco a poco se van desentrañando ciertos misterios y desapariciones y la historia evoluciona en un trama política y familiar muy bien hilada.
Aunque me hubiese gustado que desarrollase más la relación de los secundarios… que hubiese más capítulos… y algún beso, aún así es un drama muy recomendable y disfrutable, que por mi parte recomendaré mucho.
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Sherlock Holmes version dynastie chinoise (avec sa team :)
Bonne série d'enquête avec un brin d'humour, une très jolie romance et des jeunes acteurs talentueux.L'histoire est bien ficelée, intrigante, les indices s'assemblent au fil des épisodes. Tout se déroule sans 1 seconde d'ennui !
Je ne connaissais pas ces jeunes acteurs, mais ils forment une bonne équipe.
La romance au sein du CL est très cute bien que les moments "intimes" soient plutôt rares.
Les scènes d'action sont relativement réalistes (vive les câbles !! :).
La réalisation est dynamique, sans longueur, et les images sont belles.
Les OST sont bien adaptées sans être particulièrement mémorables.
Pour conclure, un excellent drama d'investigation/intrigue devant lequel vous resterez collés jusqu'à la dernière minute.
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Drama dengan Alur Cerita Terbaik
Imperial Coroner tidak seperti serial drama lainnya yang melulu tentang percintaan. Saya langsung suka dengan jalan ceritanya sejak episode 1. Serial ini sarat dengan pengetahuan. Mengenai forensik, konspirasi, strategi politik, relasi keluarga. Kisah percintaan di serial ini disajikan melalui porsi yang proporsional. Salut dengan pembuat yang membuat jalan ceritanya sukar ditebak hingga berhasil membuat penonton penasaran hingga episode terakhir.Meskipun tidak menyuguhkan adegan kungfu yang berlebihan, cerita tetap menarik dengan memberikan keunggulan analisa dari para tokoh utama.
Luar Biasa.
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Ottimo titolo, dategli una possibilità
Grandioso drama paragonabile a molte crime-spy story di stampo occidentale. Non manca di nulla: gli attori, anche le spalle, sono spettacolari, costumi e ambientazioni, intrighi, complotti, speculazioni e ipotesi, scoperte, tutto corre e incalza tenendoci inesorabilmente incollati alla sedia. Ci sono momenti umoristici e comici e non manca il risvolto romantico, condito da un finale che soddisfa. Assenti non rimpianti gli stucchevoli complotti di harem/palazzo e soprattutto, inesistenti i lunghissimi fraintendimenti che dividono le coppie, tanto cari a molti drama. Qui, se c’è un problema, se ne parla e viene risolto in fretta.Ma i plus di questa produzione sono la conduzione delle indagini e il progressivo risolversi degli intrighi. La lunghezza non eccessiva del drama fa sì che la vicenda non subisca troppe battute di arresto, trascinandosi tediosamente all’infinito su vicende di personaggi di poco interesse. I protagonisti sono protagonisti davvero. E questa è sempre un’ottima cosa. Ne vedrei volentieri altri 36 episodi, se ci fossero. A patto, beninteso, che gli attori fossero gli stessi.
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