The series unfolds a series of stories around the life conflicts of an only child born in the 1980s. Li Ao is in the first generation of only children since the family planning policy, and the only heir of the three generations of the old Li family. Like all only children, he gathers thousands of pets and enjoys the love from his parents and grandparents. But troubles arise as he grows older and family ties become more complicated. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 独生子
- Also Known As: 独生子 , Only Child , Du Sheng Zi
- Genres: Family
Cast & Credits
- Lin Yu ShenLi AoMain Role
- Zhu Jie Main Role
- Liu Li LiZhang Shu QingSupport Role
- Li Guang FuLi Li QunSupport Role
- Ma Shu LiangLin Da HaoSupport Role
- Shen Tao RanWu Qi QiSupport Role
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