0 people found this review helpful
Aug 9, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

Le Démon ne pourra jamais rien contre l'Amour...

Il y a le royaume des Fées et la tribu de la Lune en guerre depuis des millénaires. le Seigneur de la Lune, le puissant démon Dong Fang Qing Cang a été scellé avec son armée depuis 30 000 ans. La fée Orchidée, tout à fait en bas de l’échelle sociale du royaume des Fées ne rêve que de gagner son immortalité, et sans trop le faire exprès elle brise le sceau qui retient Don Fang prisonnier, le liant à elle par le sceau du cœur. Et voilà notre magnifique démon obligé de suivre la petite fée insignifiante pour essayer de récupérer son armée…
Bon, mon résumé est insuffisant et bancal, mais ça n’a pas grande importance, parce que, même si je n’ai pas tout suivi dans les histoires de guerres, morts, résurrections et récupération des l’âme primitive, ce qui m’a emballé c’est la superbe histoire d’amour entre les deux personnages principaux. Je craignais au début une héroïne cucu et bêtifiante mais pas du tout, Orchidée a la vraie intelligence du cœur et son influence sera déterminante dans l’évolution de Don Fang, à qui elle va réapprendre les sentiments, les émotions, qu’on lui avait arrachées pour en faire le futur maître sans pitié de sa tribu. Autour de l’amour lumineux de Dong Fang et Orchidée s’entremêlent de sombres passions d’ambition ou de haine, ou même d’un amour désespéré qui pousse Rong Hao (un autre personnage du royaume des Fées) aux extrémités de la trahison et de la mort. C’est une histoire à la fois « de bruit et de fureur » et aussi de rédemption par le don de soi, dont la morale ultime est que le destin existe peut-être mais que le cœur peut le vaincre s’il y met suffisamment d’amour et de ténacité !
la fin m’a satisfaite, évidemment, mais j’aurais quand même aimé un petit bout d’explication…
L’OST est très belle, les décors et costumes aussi, et les Chinois (ceux du drama tout au moins !) sont fichtrement beaux (hommes et femmes, si je peux me permettre une classification archaïque et démodée… )
J’ai vraiment aimé ce drama que je me prépare à revoir incessamment sur Netflix, en srt anglais, mais au moins sans les tartines des paroles des chansons de Viki !

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Oct 25, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Fantasy Romance with all the pretty and all the emotions but one big flaw

I was fully prepared to drop this after one episode, the overly literal title, the fact that it was Xianxia, which almost never clicks with me. I expected a messy storyline, cringey costumes and bad cgi. Well, there is some bad cgi and there are definitely cringey costumes, but a lot of the time this drama is really, really pretty to the point that you sometimes feel like you look at a painting. The costume and the scenery department went all in on this one and the results are very hit or miss and always over the top, but there is a real cohesive aesthetic, that I actually liked.

The star of this show for me is the cast. I feel like they really found the perfect person or at least a very good choice for each and every main and supportive role. Both, Esther Yu and Dylan Wang handle the numerous personality shifts of their characters really well, especially Dylan Wang impressed me. See, I think male leads are often overrated, people see a pretty boy and are like “He is such a good actor! What? Hey, his character is meant to have no emotions!” Dylan Wang not only has emotions, the stuff he is able to say with a straight face is downright impressive, and he really carries a show that is so extra sometimes that it could have gone terribly wrong. And if you start this drama and you are annoyed by another squeaky, dumb female lead, stay strong. If a female lead ever had a right to be naïve and squeaky, it is that one, and she has a good amount of growth to a point, where she does some pretty badass things.

So how is the writing? This is maybe the most surprising part of this drama. The story actually had very good pacing until the last 6 or 7 episodes. There was always something relevant and engaging happening, there was character development, even the side characters where surprisingly fleshed out, and it is one of the rare dramas that actually succeeds in building up a relationship from “I want to kill you” to greatest love of all time, with all the various stages of companionship to a love that is hard to accept but too strong to ignore. When done right this is a beautiful process that a lot of dramas still mess up, but this one does it right and I think it is worth a watch for that alone.

So why only 8 points will you ask. So, while I just praised the writing I also have to say, that there definitely are messy parts, where things don’t add up, established rules are forgotten or not mentioned again, new rules are made up out of nowhere and just a lot of general “Oh, there is this person/artefact/exception that I just remembered that can help us” to the point of: “Stuff just happens! Tadaaaa!” And while I still would have given the drama a 9, it is that last part that made it into an 8.
I already mentioned the pacing problem towards the end (which might not be a writing but an editing problem), some scenes where drawn out to the point where I had to skip ahead a few minutes, other things that were worth exploring stayed underdeveloped. There was definitely one “I will sacrifice myself for you/the world”-loop too many and I wish the story would have ended a few episodes earlier. But the gravest sin of this drama is the fact that after putting us through an amazing emotional wringer for 36 episodes, it gives us the most half-assed, rushed and anticlimactic ending of all time (see: “Stuff happens! Tadaaa!”). I don’t know what happened. Was the editing team rushed? Did they have to stop filming early? Ran out of ideas? Was the drama supposed to have another ending and they just had to scramble something together? I don’t know. All I know is that it feels awful. You know that feeling when you ride out the last waves of a drama you really enjoyed? Yeah, not here. All the love and emotion I had for a flawed but still lovely drama just hung there, unresolved.

I still think it is worth watching, especially if you like the aesthetic of the promo pics, because at the very least your eyes will get a feast. It’s a fun and engaging Fantasy Romance. Just brace yourself a little for the end.

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Snowflake Guy
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 12, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
This review may contain spoilers

a Common Feiry Tile Become Most Complicated Story

for the First time i tried twice to finish a Drama. Normally i drop dramas for Being Boring but i Finished this only For Dylan Wang. without him all of the Character's was Boring. and first 10 episode was Super Cool. I've watched those episodes few times at once but from episode 11 most of the episodes ware boring. story telling is too slow. from episode 21 I watched 1.5x Speed! Story is like a Fiery Tile.

a Devil fall for a Fiery and fiery Changed him. thay had a lot of Bumps. thay got over all of them together. and then thay lived happily ever after.

that's it. simple but there writing made it complicated. I was Impressed by Dylan Wang's Acting and that's why i tried twice to finish it. in other Words I've finished it only for him and his Performance.

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 13, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0

Cheerful fairy and heartless devil

This drama have a very beautiful and touching story. I like both female lead and male lead characters here. Love conquers everything. Xiao Lanhua a plain, cheerful and good girl must bound with the heartless Dongfang Qingcang. With her love for him, she succeed make the heartless devil became a forgiving and loving devil. There's many many people say that Esther voice it's annoying and childish but I mean it's the way she portrayed Xiao Lanhua as cute, plain and cheerful girl. All the costume and CGI are both beautiful. Esther Yu and Dylan Wang both have a very good acting and it's proof when they switching personality and also they have very good chemistry. The other characters it's very good too it's not just like they're in this drama just for the side characters like another drama does.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2024
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Le Sigh Part 2 - The Power of Love

Rated= 4.5~ 21.5/50 ~ 4.3
RPG Scene // Troll stalking me through the Mountain Pass. Not sure the short sword is enough.

My original review 27th April 24 -

Le Sigh

I really, really wanted to like this but I just couldn't get into it. I tried 3 times but my brain just won't let me accept a romantic relationship with a lead who basically acts like a child. If it was meant to be friendship I'd be fine but I'm expecting romance from a character who is basically a 5 year old in an adult body and I just can't move past that. Also, the harem of fairies. Oh please. My first, 2 months now as of writing this, adventure into chinese dramas, I'm starting to see a pattern of shows that just aren't for me.

Visually, this show is stunning. A lot of green screen LOL The sets are glorious. It even just looks like a chinese fantasy. Palaces floating in the sky. Ornate head pieces etc The opening credits were actually my favourite thing LOL the artwork had my mouth open and I think that's why I just really wanted to like this.

It's one of those shows, I think this is my 3rd one now, where everything looks so grand but I just don't like the characters. This time I at least liked the ML but that was it. You can't force yourself to watch a show that you're just bored to tears watching. It's like a christmas cookie. All visual, no flavour.

My updated review on 15th June 24

I wrote the above review after I had initially dropped the show but because I can't write two reviews, and people had like the previous review, I just had to delete and write this instead.

At the time, I was fairly new to c-dramas in general so I was just going on instinct at the time. I have now, thanks to Immortal Samsara, have learned that Xianxia's spend a lot of time laying out groundwork for the world building and characters before they give you the plot, which seems to be happening around episode 7 or 8. I dropped this show in the first minute or 2 of episode 8 and realised that I had probably dropped this minutes before the plot arrived. So out of curiosity, I went back to it, and if I had kept watching for another 5 or 10 minutes, I'd have seen the FL's bully get a glorious smackdown LOL
And I was right. The plot arrived with that event.

So I said, ok, I will give this one more chance. For the most part, my original review still stands. It was like Harry Potter all over again. The logical part of my brain can see why this is popular. It looks good, the characters, most of them redeem themselves, really love that Danyin's conclusion, that's awesome. It's a pretty cohesive plot through out, no major plot holes, all the characters had legit reasons, even if it was just obsession and had a really sweet message under it all.

But I just didn't like it. There was a cog in brain refusing to move and unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that. I just didn't like. It was boring. I think it was around episode 20 when I really started to skipped scenes. I just wanted it to end.

Like I said in my first review, the ML made this show for me. He was the only one I was interested in. I love an anti-hero and to be honest, even as a villain, I loved him, he was hilarious. Everyone else who might have had a reason to stand out to me just faded into the background as the plot hooked them up in a side pairing I didn't care about.
That dragon. My man. How they wronged you by dampening down your potential.
And once again with Xianxia Immortals, the Emperor is the biggest A*hole and everyone is so self righteous without logic they make me support the villains.

My original rating was -
story -3 moved to a 7. I don't think the writing was too bad. It flowed well, it was understandable, the characters had their reasons and the narrative was very plain and simple - the power of love and obsession, and what it does to us.

Acting- went from 2- 6, this all because of Dylan Wang's portrayal of the ML. That's literally, he was the only reason I managed to finish the show. This was the Moon Supreme show for me. He gave good passionate kisses. I appreciate that for a chinese show that seemed to be scared of showing any lip movement whatsoever.

Music- 2-3 -Not much change to the music, I didn't really care for it and found it a little intrusive and loud over romantic scenes.

My rewatch remains the same though, at 1. I am unlikely to watch this again.

Overall, I can only give this one extra point simply because I loved the ML character. Everyone else, meh. I just didn't care.

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Crazy about Asian dramas
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

Lovely story

Very first who is crazy about love stories ,as my concern it will be a choice . Except starting and ending story I loved the whole drama . In the starting their sole got exchanged and that part felt like boring .about ending I expect more with the ending story . All three couples need a perfect ending . One pairing from all of three had on sided love and it remain one sided till the end. So I think they all need a best ending. About acting Dylan Wang is the best .
Other were also very good . Even the supporting characters the one who played Dylan Wang's brother role.
Nice drama.

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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 19, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

It’s an Amazing story

I loved it so much, I’ve watched it twice already and really hope they make a season 2 because even though it was great, the ending seemed so short for me like kinda like it was rushed, please we need season 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!))))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 11, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The most amazing drama I’ve watched so far.

I LOVE this drama. I am a fan of Dylan and Esther, and when i saw the trailer for this drama, i freaaked out!! I got vip on IQIYI just to watch this drama. The plot is very good, its fast paced and oh my gosh, there are some sweet parts that my you smile all the way. The ML is powerful, and FL has hidden powers. There are also body swapping scenes, it was SO cool. This romance drama isn’t cringy at all, their acting is rrally good and when they cry, we also cry. Esther and Dylan really deserve the recognition for this drama, its just so amazing i dont know how to explain everything. The CGI, costume, OSTs, plot, cast, and everything is really good. Please don’t drop this drama after watching a few episodes, trust me, i was really hooked to this drama. I know people find Esther’s voice annoying because is babyish and girly, but her voice isn’t fake or forced, its her natural voice. In this drama, the character she portrays is supposed to be cute and sweet so she fits this character perfectly. Esther had to portray 3 different characters with 3 different personalities and she NAILED IT!! Please watch this drama, not only is it a sweet romance, it mas lots of action and angst too :)

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Ongoing 26/36
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 21, 2022
26 of 36 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.5

Something sweet

Cute fluffy sweet and with good cgi.
Beautiful cast which is a bonus.
Loved the story till they started the fathers redemption arc...that part lost me. Didn't like it and kinda ruined my mood for ongoing episode. I expect no villain redemption arc for him cause it was more exciting that way.
Anyway still tuned in for remaining episodes despite alot of skipping scenes which i felt were just fillers.

Still one of my favourite wuxia fantasy dramas this year. This is heavy shade to immortal samsara
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Ongoing 24/36
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2022
24 of 36 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Epic way to break the law of heaven and hell

Story is really awesome. Although I liked novel much more. But in drama it's more sweet. Drama will have just 36 episodes and it's not enough to justice the novel. They really should make season 2 or it will be waste of this beautiful story

Casting is great. Dylan Wang is indeed a demon lord. Talking about Dylan his acting is far better from miss the dragon. Esther Yu nailed the job as fairy. Supported roles are also okay

Visually it's stunning. I never expected a web drama can have this kind of graphical work.


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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Worth your time! Watch it for the acting, special effects and the background score!!

The sets, the visual effects, the acting are stunning! Each and every cast member delivers their respective emotions beautifully - the leads, Rong Hao, Xun Feng, Dan Yin, Jie Li, Chang Heng, Shang Que - every single one of them have carved their own space in the story. Despite the cutesy character of the FL, the she maturely delivers her emotions. And do not let this cutesy act of the FL deceive you - she is fierce with an independent thought process. Same with the ML - even though he is been shown as an immortal bad-boy, his personality is not cringy. One word for the ML - REGAL - makes sense since he is THE Supreme Being in all three realms. Big congrats to Wang He Di and Yu Shuxin for their brilliant performances in this drama. They have proved themselves beyond any doubt. And congrats to the entire cast and crew for putting up such a incredible story. Although it vastly differs from the novel story, it still does it justice. One of the best (sort of) series adaptaions I have seen of any xianxia novels! Absolutely recommended!

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Ongoing 36/36
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2022
36 of 36 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I am grateful! It doesn't just follow the trope of xianxia drama.

After completing all episode...
I am so happy and satisfied with the ending! My hopes are answered in the two last episodes! All bad thoughts about the ending of this drama are melt away.

1# Why the love between fairy and devil matters? Yes, it matters a lot for the peace of the realm in the end. It gives warmth to our heart too, that this story is not a stupid romance. Self-less love is triumph here!

2# What love can do for "mankind" (the moon tribe, fairy, immortal being, and mortal being) is underexplored. No, no, no! It is very well explored in the end! Even though the sequence of events in the last episodes are a bit too fast (like without warning, the Moon tribe suddenly join troops), it is very okay. We still can follow the story.

3# The peace, the love, the unity, and the magic force. These should be the main ingredients to fight evil, right? Yes!

4# It is okay to tell about love among immortals, but it is funny to see the main purpose of their love is just to find the lost one! Finally, it is not! This drama teaches a lot about what love can do. Actually, what self-less love can do!

Watch this drama, people! Don't stop half way!


My review after watching until episode 32:

My hope is high when people praise the art department of this fantasy drama. I observe it well; the design of places, clothes, and the world of fairy, immortal being, devil, and mortal human are spectacular. The acting and music are good too. So, I won't talk about those things or it would be redundant. I will focus on the story.

1# Lack of background context: Why did the conflict happen from the first place?
What I like about the story is a different starting point from other xianxia dramas. The male lead (ML) is portrayed as the defeated villain. The way he met the female lead (FL) is so unexpected. So, it brought some fresh introduction that really attract my curiosity. I like how they brought also another issue to enjoy, a kind of social clash between fairy and moon tribe. The fairy is always depicted as "the hypocrites" by the moon tribe. However, something is missing. Until episode 32, it is never be explained why the hatred is so deep. What is the hypocrisy they talked about several times? A view to the past is limited to the personal family story of the ML, about his father and their sacrifice, and the conflict is already there. What triggers it? It is really a big hole for the story with many good potentials. It makes the story lack meaning, why the love between fairy and devil matters?

2# The most powerful to the weakest: Backward character development of Moon Supreme
I fall in love to the characterization of Dongfang Qingcang, Moon Supreme, who is introduced as the biggest villain in the beginning. He is cold, cool, ruthless, and fearsome. To some extents, he is admirable too, the day we learn his background story and how he choose to be humane with emotion. I think, the return of emotion (especially love) should add more strength to him. But unfortunately, in contrary, it become his Achilles heels. He becomes useless. It is very disappointing. He lost his brain to solve forthcoming challenges. I mean, how come they do battle by only relying on brute magic force? Is there no room for peace talk and diplomacy? Or at least, smart strategies and tactics to win the war?

I really want to see the Moon Supreme that turn to be a better person. They can portray him to be more benevolent and considerate, to be more open minded and have broad perspective to face his enemy, and gravitate to peace and the well-being of his people. In reality, that is the use of emotion, right? What is the use of love in him? Love has so many kinds. Eros (romance, passionate love), philia (love of friends), storge (love of parents for children), agape (love of mankind). Is his love tree limited only to Orchid, when we know he is a great person to his tribe and feared by his enemy? The meaning of love here is so shallow. What love can do for "mankind" (the moon tribe, fairy, immortal being, and mortal being) is underexplored.

3# Peace are restored so easily like it doesn't important.
The series has passed its climax, I think. It is in episode 31 where the war finally broke again, and ended by the sacrifice of Orchid. She released a power that can revive those who died in the battle and the 100.000 army of demon. It is later stated that demon and immortal being achieved a ceasefire for 100 years. This episode is so touching, but the impact is weak. The moment of Orchid released her power should reveal the true identity of Orchid as a goddess (if not, why those people kneel to her?) It should be a big good news for everybody in the realm. What we don't know is how they perceive this event and its meaning for them. This realization should be the bridge that explains the achieved peace.

I think, Dongfang Qingcang shouldn't fainted so early and easily after Orchid died. Love should produce perseverance in a person, not mental break down (as depicted in episode 32, ML turns out to be crazy). With his more benevolent and stronger heart now, he might have come back to his tribe with the last power he has, endure his own suffering, and offer peace to his enemy, reminding them Orchid's sacrifice. After that, he finally "take some rest", continuing his desire for Orchid in the dream realm. This story would be very different indeed! The 100 years peace would be his achievement and we would love him more, and understand why he indulged himself in the dream about Orchid. He is a tragic loving person! When this conflict beautifully ends, it is logical for the last arc of the story, to fight the greatest final enemy, Tai Sui. Dongfang Qingcang and friends has full power now. The peace, the love, the unity, and the magic force. These should be the main ingredients to fight evil, right?

4# The trap of xianxia love story trope
As an international viewer, it is easy to be bewildered by the worldbuilding of Chinese fantasy story. It is okay with rebirth and karma things. It is relatable because more or less it also exists in other cultures. The philosophy behind it is understandable. It is always about the rivalry of good and evil, white and black, fairy/ god-goddess/ immortal being and demon. However, we know from many series, that the lord of immortal being can be vile. God and goddess can be cunning and awful. If that possibility is exist, the similar possibility can be happen to the demon tribe, too. The tribe that is always depicted by black trait (evil, ugly, hideous, etc), actually have heart too and can be compassionate. This grey area is fantastic to be explored. Love between Fairy and Evil is promising that exploration, through a devil as the main character.

However, I don't agree with the story's over indulgence in romance in later episodes and forget the main premise, love should flourish people. It has a great metaphor already: the Love Tree of Dongfang Qingcang. In the beginning, it is deserted in a winter like place. Later, Orchid came and bring it to life. The bare tree finally sprouts and the spring is coming. Dongfang Qingcang sat below the tree and enjoyed flowers in that tree. It is a very satisfying moment! Unfortunately, after that beautiful depiction, the story change 180 degree to "a journey to find lost love one", "a quest to revive a died person". It happens in so many xianxia drama (e.g. Three Miles of Peach Blossom, Eternal Love of Dream, The Blue Whisper, etc). Come on! If you know that a person can always be born again, what is the point of grief, madness, sadness, depression, and sorrow of losing the love one? If it is to give a second chance, in this fantasy world, a person can reborn thousand times and live thousand years. They are immortal! Life is just a play for immortals. Why do they need to take it seriously? It is okay to tell about love among immortals, but it is funny to see the main purpose of their love is just to find the lost one, watch the hard work to revive him/her again, and to live forever happily ever after. For a mortal human, the most frightening thing for a lover is the loss of a loved one. Because, they only live once. But, for immortals love should be imagined differently as the most frightening thing for them should be different too.

So far, I never know any xianxia drama that goes beyond this trope. I do hope Love between Fairy and Devil would be the one. We still have four last episodes to go. Lets see!

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