An installment in an omnibus film from three up-and-coming directors who depict "small miracles" that happen to Japanese living in Southeast Asia. >> Story 1: "Chiang Rai Girl" (チェンライの娘) [Director: Tomita Katsuya] Actor Kin-chan is in his forties and can't seem to catch a break. He takes part in a shoot to make a little money, which he uses to travel to Bangkok. There he meets street girl Mei, and sets off for the hometown of one of her friends. >> Story 2: "News Lounge at 25" (ニュースラウンジ25時) [Director: Tominaga Masanori] Manila-based reporter Mitsuko tells her boyfriend, exceedingly busy news anchorman Horiuchi, that she wants to end their relationship. He has no intention of breaking up with her, so he ends up traveling between Japan and Manila to make her reconsider. >> Story 3: "FUN FAIR" [Director: Mariko Tetsuya] After her mother gets into an argument with her husband, takes off her wedding ring, and leaves home, Xiaojiajia tries to return the ring to her. On the way, she is helped by a Japanese businessman named Kimura and a pedicab driver called Alif. However, none of them speak the same language, so they run into communication difficulties. (Source: ~~ Release dates: Mar 26, 2012 (Festival) || Feb 9, 2013 (Cinema) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: 同じ星の下、それぞれの夜
- Also Known As: Onaji Hoshi no Shita, Sorezore no Yoru
- Screenwriter & Director: Tomita Katsuya, Tominaga Masanori, Mariko Tetsuya
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Kawase Yota{Chiang Rai Girl} Kinjo / "Kin-chan"Main Role
- Moody Katsuyama{News Lounge at 25} Horiuchi TetsuroMain Role
- Yabuki Haruna{News Lounge at 25} Sugimoto MitsukoMain Role
- Yamamoto Takeshi{FUN FAIR} KimuraMain Role
- Nishikata Ryo{News Lounge at 25}Support Role