The show features five members from four disbanded or inactive "first-generation" K-pop idol groups, which debuted during the 1990s: H.O.T. (1996–2001; 2018-Present), Sechs Kies (1997–2000; 2016–Present), NRG (1997–2006; 2017–Present) and g.o.d (1999–Present). H.O.T. is acknowledged to be the first-ever highly successful K-pop idol group and was largely rivalled by Sechs Kies. NRG was a pioneer of what has now been termed as the Korean Wave and were the first Korean idol group to successfully break into the market in China. g.o.d was the first idol group to be dubbed "the nation's group" due to their broad popular appeal and became only the second K-pop idol group to have more than one album sell over a million copies. Moon Hee Joon, leader of H.O.T., personally invited his H.O.T. bandmate Tony An, Sechs Kies leader and rapper Eun Ji Won, dancer and singer-songwriter Chun Myung Hoon of NRG and rapper Danny Ahn of g.o.d, all of whom were born in the same year (1978) and have remained active in the entertainment industry. They would meet in a rented house where they could have a candid chat about issues and topics that they had not been able to speak about due to the closed and highly taciturn culture of the K-pop industry while they were active as members of their groups. Moon had proposed the concept of the show following the success of the television series Reply 1997 and a renewed interest in first-generation K-pop idol groups. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 20세기 미소년
- Also Known As: HOT.Sech.god.RG , Isip Segi Misonyeon
- Genres: Comedy
Cast & Credits
- Moon Hee Joon Regular Member
- Eun Ji Won Regular Member
- Tony Ahn Regular Member
- Danny Ahn Regular Member
- Chun Myung Hoon Regular Member
- Shin Dong YupVideo messages (Ep.2)Guest