"Niryuu Shousetsuka: Serialist" is based on David Gordon’s 2010 mystery novel “The Serialist”. Ippei Akaba is a failed novelist who now writes serialized erotic stories for a living. His luck seems to change when he’s contacted by a notorious serial killer on death row who offers his story in exchange for some personalized erotic fiction involving his female devotees. However, Akaba soon finds a headless corpse left in the same manner the serial killer would leave his own victims. Police suspect Akaba, who suddenly finds himself on the run as he attempts to track down the person who set him up. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 二流小説家 シリアリスト
- Also Known As: Niryu Shosetsuka: Shiriarisuto , Niryuu Shousetsuka: Serialist
- Screenwriter: Mishima Yukiko, Itou Youko, Onishi Kenichi
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Crime
Cast & Credits
- Takeda Shinji Main Role
- Kamikawa Takaya Main Role
- Koike RinaKobayashi AiSupport Role
- Hirayama AyaMegumi ToyaSupport Role
- Toda KeikoYuko KaburakiSupport Role
- DendenTakeshi GotoSupport Role
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