The protagonist is Kokichi Kasai, is a police officer who works at a representative office in a small town in Hokkaido, where he lives with his wife, Sachi, and daughter Yukiko. No big incidents or accidents occur, and the old stubborn “resident” and his family, as well as the relationship with the local people, are drawn with a heartwarming feelings. Series 5: Honkan will be assigned to Atsuta Village (now Ishikari City) in Ishikari Jurisdiction along the Sea of Japan. Ishikari Plain is where the rough seas of the Sea of Japan crash into cliffs. The Honkan couple is ordered to move here. On the day of the welcome party, the village was in a blizzard. Snowstorms ravaged the ground, roads shredded, with villages isolated, and they were forced to work all night. Honkan leaves the welcome party, changes into his uniform and jumps outside. What did they see? Human poems drawn with a humorous touch against the backdrop of harsh nature. In a snowstorm, where there is little visibility, traffic control is carried out, and efforts are made to ensure the safety of the drivers. Meanwhile, Honkan witnesses Snow Woman ( Yuki Shinobu ). ~~ A Hokkaido Broadcasting produced TBS " Toshiba Sunday Theater " drama series. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- dansk
- Native Title: うちのホンカンシリーズ5「ホンカン雪の陣」
- Also Known As: Honkan's Home Series 5: Honkan Snow Team
- Screenwriter: Kuramoto So
- Genres: Drama, Family
Cast & Credits
- Otaki HidejiKasai Kou Yoshi [Honkan]Main Role
- Yachigusa KaoruKasai SachiMain Role
- Yuki ShinobuSnow WomanSupport Role
- Suzuki MitsueMakino Yone [Old woman]Support Role