An Enjoyable Watch
Things that I love about this, is the simple plot, and the humor. It doesn’t feel like a chore to watch. I didn’t fast forwarded once, and that is saying something for me. Not a lot of thinking involved in watching this, it just feels kind of relaxing to watch. A perfect blend of humor, and serious subject matter. It is a simple love story with great acting, with a main love story, and a couple of side love stories thrown in. It started out as a 10 for me, but the last two episodes were kind of, I wouldn’t call it disappointing, but just frustrating. There was one long Dominos add, they fit into the story, that was very obvious. Also, they finally showed what Hong Du-Shik’s secret was. I won’t give it away, but let’s just say it was nothing for him to feel guilty about, nothing was specifically his fault. The ending wrapped everything up nicely too. I finally found out who won the lottery! Nothing left to guess about. This is a definite watch!Was this review helpful to you?

Best drama I ever watched in a while!!
Literally, everything (aside from the random Domino's placement) connects!I am a sucker for dramas where the most trivial lines or moments come back to mean something at the end. And this has tons of that. I love how at the end of each episode, you kind of get an easter egg where you learn something new that adds a layer of cuteness to that episode.
It's INSANE how many life lessons they packed into such a small town of people. I have never cried this hard or smiled this much for a drama ever. The people was perfectly casted, especially the children! Get that little boy a Grammy's!
The big reveal of Chief Hong was a bit of a letdown, in my opinion. It felt like we were waiting all these episodes just for this small bit of drama during the last couple eps. But their last 2 episodes saved it, as they managed to offer closure in the most beautiful way.
Such a beautiful, heartwarming, slice of life drama. This is definitely one of my favorite dramas for sure!! Highly recommend.
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A Fantastic Classic
The first time I heard bout this drama and the casts, i knew I would love it so much. Not only that I liked each of them from other dramas, but it turned out that they made such a greaaattt couple, the chemistry was just perfect tho. I put somuch expectation and it didn't dissapoint me^^I always loved slice of life dramas, and this is one of the best that i've watched so far. The gags and romances are just right. One thing that I want to point out is... idk i didnt't flutter that much on other romance dramas, sometimes it's just making me smile a bit and it went away, BUT THISSSS gave my heart somersaults and crazy butterflies inside my stomach. KIM SEON HO HOW COULD U DO THIS TO ME!!?? Ahh, seems it would last for weeks.
It might sound like I was just falling for faces. I wouldn't deny that is true. But good face without good act is a big thumbs down. Seriously like seriously, all three Mains' acts was really good, that to me it didnt miss a thing. Storywise could be cliche or classic, but a smoothly polished classic is FANTASTIC.
I'm really not that kind to rewatch all over again but this one should be the first on my rewatch list!!!
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Bucolic small town life
What I loved:1) When the writing was shining a light on the ensemble cast, it was right on point. It did a wonderful job of developing the characters, allowing us to get to know and care about them. There was so much heart and humor in letting us feel what it's like to live in a small town, with its quirky characters, warts and all. To live in a place where everyone is all up in your business, but they've also got your back, made me long to be a part of their lives.
2) Overall cinematography. In general, beautifully filmed. The colors of the buildings, the boats in the harbor, long shots of the small town in the distance, combined to pull you into the drama.
3) Couple chemistry. So, I'm now going to have to call Kim Seon Ho and Shin Min Ah the Dimple Duo!! Theirs was a sweet relationship of growth and development. The relationship made sense and they were so flipping cute together. Their smiles just lit up the screen.
4) Kim Seon Ho as Hong Doo Shik. What a wonderful character, beautifully portrayed by Kim. His happiness was almost palpable, as was his despair. The love he had for his friends and neighbors was a joy to watch.
5) Kim Young Ok as Kim Gam Ri. I want her to be my grandma! I've loved her in everything I've seen her in. She was so sweet, but she had twinkle in her eye that said she was up to something.
6) Non-triangle love triangle. I love when there is a potential triangle and the secondary person actually wants their love interest to be happy - that's love rather than obsession.
What I didn't love:
1) The character of Yoon Hye-Jin. Shin Min Ah did an excellent job, but I didn't care for this character much at all. I hated her at the beginning, so much that I debated whether I was going to be able to continue the show. Thankfully, I stuck it out and her hard edges softened somewhat. I understand the reasoning for the way she was, but there still needs to be something at least a little likeable about a main character or what's the point? Later on, when she softened up a bit, she was better, but then she started acting all aegyo and that worked my last nerve.
2) Some jarring camera angles. There were a few times when the camera angle completely took me out of the story. I think they were trying to be clever, but it was unsuccessful.
3) The idol storyline. It was done strictly to bring in more characters and then not much was done with it.
I ended up rating this show a little higher than I thought I would, based on the last couple of episodes. I felt that the last episodes really showed the heart of the show. The importance of family and friends, and the impact they have on us. On forgiveness, for others and for ourselves.
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is it really the best drama of 2021 tho?
I feel like something is wrong with me. I can barely find the people who feel like me because most of the reviews are just people liking the drama a lot. I don't know if I am just different or something.I decided to keep this drama on hold at episode 11 since I found it boring. I was early when the first episode came out and I watched it. It was hard to finish it but then it got okay. Then it got boring again. At first, it was actually sweet and all but afterwards it got a bit dark. I don't understand the hype it's getting. I also thought it was the best drama of 2021 at first but not anymore. I wish the female lead was a bit more strong and I wished they focused on the side characters more.
The chemistry between the female lead and the male lead was eh... they did have chemistry I have to agree, just not the best chemistry.
It was hard for me to watch each episode, I skipped through a lot or I was just not paying attention to them because I had a hard time watching it all without getting bored. There are a few lessons you can learn from the drama which I liked to be honest. I honestly feel like dropping the drama because even when I go to Netflix and plan on watching it, I just get out of Netflix after 2 minutes because it just has a slow plot.
I would not rewatch this drama again, I'm sorry. My favorite character was Yeo Hwa Jung and Yu Cho Hui and I loved the OST. a lot.
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Good Enough
Korean Drama "Hometown Cha Cha Cha" is a heartwarming drama with a stellar cast.What makes this drama special are the side characters. Everyone in this small, seaside village is a family and they can easily become the publics' favorite not only because of their strong bond but also because they are funny, dramatic, sweet, and lovable. The setting was also a strong plus of this drama along with the great performances.
However, the drama had a predictable story that was pretty much not nearly original, had superficial main leads, who did have chemistry though, and a boring love triangle. Which lead to many boring episodes that were only saved by the side characters.
So, overall, 6 out of 10.
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Best romcom ever!
I really hope the ending will not dissapoint me but sofar, this drama is the perfect comedy for me:- BIG APPLAUD for the script, which is excellent, I love all the side stories which I usually skipped. I love the Hye Jin and her close friend chemistry, the grandma's loneliness, people who look like weirdos at first sight but are in fact more deep and blundering people. It's very realistic and I do like the warm viewpoint, the authors have a very human way to see all the characters.
- Each characters have their lovely scenes and its helps understanding the main plot. And frankly their acting is great! As I said I love the girls' chemistry between Hye Jin and Mi Seon, and the secondary romance between Mi Seon and the policeman. Hwa Jeol, the loving mother and good wive is nicely despicted. The villagers are not idealised, nor despised, their are shown in a warm and realistic way. Even the guest
actors, like the chicken seller has his charm! And oh my! Their know how to play comedy. I laughed a lot!
- Frankly, I came to watch because of SMH and KSH and the main couple did great. The comedy timing is perfect! They are also blundering people: at first we see how clumsy is Hye Jin and the male lead seems too perfect for me. But as the story progresses, Doo Shik also shows his weekness. EXPERIENCE MATTERS, it's good to see older actors like KSH and SMH act, they masters the scene in the bickering moments, tenders moment and of course, the kissing moments... Here, there is not some clumsy and akward scenes played by a former idol but really experienced and talented actors. They deseve our praises.
- THANKS also because the love triangle doesn't last long! It was nicely wrapped and the second lead did a great job. I love the fact that there are two caring male leads and not the typical tsundere ML versus caring ML. It's quite realistic, Hye Jin is a caring person and she does attract pure and caring people. The main romance has a very nice progress.
It might be too fluffy some people, too plain for others and now with this pandemic period, I think it's the right time to watch a comforting drama like this one. I smile, laugh and cry a lot when watching it, I fall for all the characters ans rewatched it for sure !
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Not for me.....
I just didn't like it. I watched this when it was coming out, so idk why i watched all the eps when i wrote down a 5/10 like in 2021 >_< Ig i was just bored out my f8cking mind. I think the original plot is slightly interesting, but idk what the point of the end of the story was. It was kinda random to me, like what was their purpose? also LK did not f8ck with the cast either. I think they did a pretty good job, but i just wouldn't choose them. Overall, its not atrocious, but just not for me.Was this review helpful to you?

Insufferable ML and blah blah blah
Whether it was the writing or Kim Seon Ho's acting, I found hating every single second that his character was on the screen. I just couldn't take it.Never have I ever felt where one single character completely tanked a show for me.
The story is simple and doesn't offer anything new. However, I don't think that is a bad thing, necessarily. I have no issues with the typical tropes or formulas that we see in these types of kdramas. Basically, I know what I am going to get (which I often enjoy), but that makes issues with characters or acting stand out even more.
Honestly, the show is just tiring to watch. The first show I have watched in quite sometime that makes me wish I dropped shows.
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charming premise that didn't deliver the romance i wanted
This show had a promising start with the quirky small town setting & loveable characters. I liked the casting a lot for the main leads as well as the rest of the town, and the characters in general were very charming and funny! unfortunately, it took only a few episodes for the early conflicts to run their course as "entertaining" and switch over to "grating"... I wanted to really like the FL but so much of the story early on is her screwing herself over by being insensitive and then refusing to back down from her position until the ML smooths things over for her. She does have her moments, but i got tired of this plot very fast. The romance was also lacking in a lot of genuine feeling imo. We get to see moments the two of them have together, but it was hard for me to envision the way their feelings for each other grew into what we see on screen. They flip over abruptly from getting along decently to ridiculously-corny-in-love once they get together, & it made them even less compelling as a relationship to me.The best part of this show for me was the relationships between some of the side characters; i really liked the thoughtfulness with which each character's personal life was explored, even if briefly. The director was my favorite character, and every scene he was in with the main leads made me like them so much more.. he was so charming and he somehow had better relationships with each of them than they had with each other!! I did really like the ML for the first 3/4s of the show, but the twist in the final few eps didnt really do it for me. I disliked that the FL had a lot to work through wrt to her own biases about others and her outlook on life, but there wasnt so much for the ML to work through aside from.. recovering from the trauma of a situation that he wasn't at fault for at all. I wanted there to be more for them to learn for from each other, instead of just the FL. ultimately that was the core of my problem with this show, that the main relationship just didnt have much to offer to the audience.
overall, i kinda wish i didnt watch this show because i didnt really get much out of it, but i did like the small town cast & setting quite a bit, so it wasnt all bad!
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I teally enjoyed most of this series. The location was beautiful, various characters interesting and the romance sweet. The acting of everyone was on point.However, chief Hongs past turned out to be not so dark - as in he took the blame for what reason? Yes he could be devastated by what happened but to blame himself totally was just ridiculous. Also his very self satisfied persona as the chief and early attitude towards hye-jin was irksome.
By the last few episodes the series became rather cloying - over sentimental and slow. To the point that I am not invested in what happens to everyone- including the main couple!
It just seems this drama didnt really know where it was going and I lost interest!
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Light healing Romance <3
"Where have you seen a life without rain! When it's pouring you will get wet even if you use an umbrella. So at times like this, just say whatever and let it pour on you. Let's just have fun, with me."Hometown chachacha is such a nice healing drama. I'm not a fan of romances, but i needed something light and fun for my heart, and i chose this. My expectations were not high, and i started it after a long hiatus. Boy, i didn't know what i was getting myself into :) After the first two episodes i couldn't stop. I was fully immersed in this small town's story and the characters. It felt like i really went to a small village near ocean, and met all those interesting people. I was catching myself daydreaming about this place the whole week! So i really recommend this drama to the people who like romances. :)
Of course it had it's up and downs but let's get to it later :)
first of all Characters! This is a type of a story I call character driven. And more importantly this was fully driven by the male lead. Even though the side characters made this town, but we all saw those characters slowly as they were interacting with the main leads. Male lead character of this drama as said in the description is country boy type of a person who can do almost everything, and he will do it well. If anything breaks they call him, if someone is needed at the sea they call him, if someone is needed to make coffee they call him, if someone is needed for power they call him, if someone is needed to look after sauna they call him! People call him chief Hong, or Hong banjang (chief) in Korean. He goes around being friendly to all the people, especially grandmothers <3 The type of a person who can talk to absolutely anyone without being awkward. Kim Seon Ho played this role phenomenally well! Hong banjang was so perfect I couldn't get him out of my head. :)
I loved his friendliness so much! he once said "...Yes, like this cross the line sometimes. Stop drawing imaginary lines like a child. Share the eraser sometimes. And sometimes show me the homework..."
The side characters were the annoying country people at first, but slowly started to show themselves as people, with different pains, loves, personalities. Each and every single one of them was interesting. I especially liked Grandma Gam Ri, and her wise words. And Yeo Hwa Jeong with her other wise words :)
We also have the second lead :) played by Sang Yi :) He deserves the best second lead award. Because he totally did what second lead is supposed to do. He made the couple jealous, he became a good friend and he wasn't making us suffer from the second lead syndrome because the first lead was so strong, and his bromance with Hong banjang was much more valuable for viewers :) I really loved their TikiTaka. How they met, and how became friends :)
The we also have out female lead, a strong career woman, a dentist. Who is kinda warm and loves justice, but soon regrets her decisions. She ends up in this village from the busy Seoul, and suddenly finds herself in a small healing adventure.
Story: This is the part i didn't give much points to. The story was absolutely perfect and very warm. Even though it was cliche, it was still a little bit refreshing to see a very nice male lead who is strong and kind at the same time, plus interacts with everyone in the village. It was going fantastically well :) Tbh the reason I didn't give much points here was because from ep 11 the characters change a bit. Their romance becomes extremely cringy (Note that this is not for everyone, something that i consider cringy, may be perfect and great for someone else and visa versa ^^) Hong banjang somehow gets this slight sadness in his eyes that is kept there till the end, and Hye Jin, our female lead, is being extremely childish, needy and materialistic. Of course some may not see these things like i saw them, so please don't let them keep you from watching this drama, because it might be a good level of cringe for you :) Because their interactions were really cute. And they still had at least one scene in each episode that brought my heart back to the drama :)
Acting: I talked about this a little bit, but the acting was really really great! Especially Hong banjang who was played by Kim Seon Ho. Even though other actors did a fantastic job, for me it still felt like Hong banjang carried this whole drama on him because he was so perfect. :) The Side characters, side romance couple, were very great too :)
Music: There are dramas that have this kind of OST that gets stuck in your head and is always associated with that drama. Well this is one of those dramas :) The OST Romantic Sunday that starts with Lalalalalalalala~~ is still sutck in my head even though it's probably been 3 weeks since i finished this drama :)
Deep messages: This drama had so many messages and so many nice quotes!! it went straight to my list of dramas with deep messages! Amazing stuff said by the characters, can sometimes be very healing :)
Hong banjang once said " Success and Money are not everything is life. There are much more important things like Hapiness, Self empowerment, Peace, Love. Life is not a mathematical equation, there is no right answer. The life gives you a problem, but how to solve it is your choice"
Yoon Hae Jin once said "You know what does being a good parent mean? It means to live healthily for a long long time"
This drama teaches us the power of human interest and warmth. simple words and simple interest can sometimes save a person, even if we don't ask that person about all the details: "i was closed in a dark house but then people started to knock on my door, without asking anything, they just started to give me food. Like people feed stray cats. Indifferent yet warm. Then they started asking me things, fix the tv, deliver the food, take on the counter in the shop for a bit. So they build the Chief Hong i am today"
And it teaches the fl that there are many people struggling in this world. "not everyone has it smooth like you, some run on roads that are hard to pass, and some ran with all their might only to find themselves at the edge of a cliff, so don't judge them without knowing"
Overall: When i just finished it I was disappointed, I could write so much just complaining about the female character, how characters changed, and how this drama would have been so good if it was made into a Hospital Playlist style xD But you know what? :) Some time has passed and I don't remember all those complaints much anymore. All I remember is a perfect drama that healed my heart, that still stays with me, and that gifted me one of the best male characters i have ever seen. I only have positive afterthoughts now.
So this drama totally deserves best drama of the year, best couple, best male actor, best supporting character awards, as well as deasang :) even though it had many flows from ep 11 and onwards.
In short.
What I liked:
wise words
Hong banjang
Hong banjang
Hong banjang
light and nice romance build up
Hong banjang
side characters <3
second lead
What I disliked:
the main couple dating
the childbirth
the female lead after main couple dating.
I really do recommend this drama to the people who love romances, because this seems to be a perfect romantic story and i have a feeling it will remain as a classic in a few years :) But be prepared for cringes and then lots of tears during episode 15-16. It's a very happy ending though, so don't worry :)
P.S. i never rewatch dramas so i just put a random number there.
but actually I have rewatched clips form this drama MILLION times and am still doing it everyday XD mostly from early episodes. Hong banjang was too perfect :)
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