Join OGs Jacky Wu and KID with newcomer Ken Hsieh in Taiwan's first outdoor variety show. In each episode, the Yellow Team and Black Team duke it out in ridiculous challenges against a backdrop of exotic locales all over Asia. (Source: MyDramaList) Edit Translation
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- 한국어
Cast & Credits
- Jacky Wu[Yellow team] (Ep. 1-135, 158-160, 167-168, 212-214, 324-327, 329-334, 337-344, 347-356, 358-359, 361-364) | [Red team] (Ep. 136-157, 161-166, 169-211, 215-323, 368-419, 423~) | (Ep. 328, 335-336, 345-346, 357, 360, 365-367, 420-422)Regular Member
- Kid[Yellow team] (Ep. 1-2, 7-8, 13-14, 22-23, 26-27, 34-39, 67-68, 79-80, 89-106, 109-131, 136-149, 152-153, 162-163, 165-211, 215-236, 239-248, 303-304, 313-314, 329-330, 337-338, 341-342, 347-350, 368-419, 423-466, 468-484, 487-512, 515~)Regular Member
- Alien Huang[Red team] (Ep. 107-108) | [Black Team] (Ep. 117-118, 177-178, 215-260, 263-268, 270-294, 315-317) | (Ep. 261-262, 269, 295-297) | [Yellow team] (298-314, 318-323)Regular Member
- Kunda Hsieh[Black team] (Ep. 142-143, 159-160, 205-206, 212-214, 233-234, 337-338, 378-419, 423-456, 459-466, 468-483, 487-489, 493-494, 497-512) | [Yellow team] (Ep. 158-159, 177-178, 231-232, 265-266, 270-272, 318-319, 457-458, 484, 490-492, 495-496) | (Ep. 328, ~Regular Member
- Eason[Black team] (Ep. 1-2) | [Yellow team] (Ep. 11-12)Guest
- He Du Lin[Black team] (Ep. 1-2)Guest
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