2 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Don't believe the low rating reviews!! This series is the best of 2023! If I were to describe it in one word :Epic! It has everything :romance, action, beautiful scenery, entertaining plot, fitting soundtracks, the best bl actors❤️
Watch it and you'll find out why is hard to let go...
It some how reminds me of Your name Engraved herein, but with a happy ending! The way they continued the story in Our Skyy2 it's just WOW! Young, talented actors, Pond Naravit and Phuwin Tangsakyuen ...I can't picture anyone else for this series.. The roles were made for them! I can't wait for their future projects! I didn't invested much feelings into BL series , until now. They bewitched me!

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2 people found this review helpful
Feb 23, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.5


i honestly like the aesthetic of this series and both the leads are so good their chemistry is so genuine but show definitely sucks at storyline like it's so predicting can't keep my interest. start was very good i was excited for episodes every weekend but after episode 5/6 i lost thelar excitement. overall it's a good show. I love the characters. specially neung and palm. there are some characters i don't even understand what's the role in this show like Ben he is so annoying i can never take him seriously
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2 people found this review helpful
Nov 22, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

its a great show worth to watch

my fav series the story is great the cast the chemistry between palm and nueng its so good also the cinematography is so good i rewatched it 4 times and its so amazing like i enjoy it everytime i rewatch it i love how they got a long with each other and became each other's safe zone and how palm will always sacrificing his life to protect nuengdiao anytime its really worth to watch i love pondphuwin so much and love their work they give it their all and i hope they had a lot of projects is the future and they won't be separated
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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Never Again

This is an easy review -

Story - supercilious drivel; plotless, pointless, inhabited by paper-thin characters made to constantly pass the stupid ball, by the end crowded with filler scenes to merely pad out the episode count, and not bring any kind of reasonable conclusion.

Though the opening sequence was able to intro the series tie-in merch effectively.

Acting - None that I could see (exceptions Perth and Chimon).

Looking good shirtless does not bestow upon one spark and skill, and neither Pond nor Phuwin have improved one whit from the wooden sticks of FUTS. In every scene they are merely reading lines into a camera, that's it. And that is definitely NOT acting, and this remarkable dearth of talent should not be accepted as the norm (and on the same level as other brilliant actors within GMMTV), nor is it praiseworthy. Truly mind-boggling this series' MDL score. And the sub-basement mediocrity that some BL viewers champion.

Music - The First Noel? Also, the volume level for many of the seemingly endless montage sequences, way too loud.

Production - Color grading good. Basic camera work. Sound issues galore

And here I thought "Unforgotten Night" was bad fake mafia.

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

one of the greatest bls of 2023

Since they performed in their first show together, fish upon the sky, I have been a fan of Pond and Phuwin. Never let me go has been something I've been eagerly anticipating, and the series did not let me down. The fact that nlmg hasn't garnered more attention for the amazing masterpiece that it is, truly astounds me. This is the only other bl that gmmtv has produced with a distinctive and unique plot, aside from the not me series. In all honesty, too many people are oblivious to the romance and intense feelings displayed by the main characters and all the other characters in nlmg, because they are distracted by the cliche bls that have the same plot and storyline.
After their first series, pond phuwin have improved dramatically in terms of acting. It is lovely to witness how their characters, palm neung, two innocent souls who have been wounded by the harsh world around them find comfort and solace from one another. This show is a true masterpiece in every way; the emotions, ost, and cinematography are all astounding. Absolutely a must watch series. <3

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 18, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

Wish I could give a 7.8 in this website

First of all: I wanna congratulate Pond and Phuwin for this. They were STUNNING. I've never seen they look so good and act so well. Second of all: I gave it an 8 only because it wasn't a 7.5, but for me it's not an 8 either. Here's why: this show was well produced and it was beautiful to watch. The story was interesting and the main couple had me dying with their love. But there was so much unnecessary plots, like so many times they would fight, hit or abandon each other for "protection" but it would just be way better if they sticked and fought together against the bad guys. Maybe a lot of things would have been avoided. The fact that Palm had a fucking tattoo of Neung Diao's name and named the bar after him but he just went to live there alone and never contacted him even after everything was resolved... I don't know. There were some gaps here and there that got me thinking. (I'm not gonna say anything about the secondary couple, I'll just say I don't like Ben.) ALSO there was a plot hole about the mom because she was shot in the spine and then at the end she appears WALKING NORMALLY.

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5

The romance saved the series for me

I finished the series in the span of 3 days. While the plot was very disappointing, the romance was what kept me watching until the very end. The love story between the two main characters also takes up the majority of the series, way more than the plot, so I believe it's enough to make the rating higher overall.

Starting from the plot: it's definitely the weakest part of the series. It's supposed to be about the son of a mafia boss, but to be honest I kept forgetting about it - the characters only seemed a bunch of rich people who use guns from time to time. It's never clear what are Nuengdiao or Palm's feelings about this "business" either, whether they don't believe it's a big deal or they're just convinced that they're "the good mafia". Another reason why it was hard to keep in mind the "mafia" aspect of the story was the complete lack of organization and proper use of resources in the group: where are the bodyguards? Where are the security systems? This sloppy depiction and lack of care for the theme forced me to suspend my disbelief in front of several situations.
The plot itself suffers from a similar problem: it was neglected to the point that it looks more like a draft. There were many situations that could have been easily solved or avoided based on the premises, but they just happen anyway, which made the story frustrating to keep up with. There are even instances where the characters seem to actively avoid solving the problems just to let the story last longer. The events were extremely predictable, so the lack of proper action and the plot holes did nothing but annoy me even more.

The romance, on the other hand, was very fun and sweet. I liked how Nuengdiao and Palm started off with a rather cold relationship forced by their circumstances, but then gradually warmed up to each other. The main conflict for them was about their feelings getting in the way of their duty and vice-versa, and seeing this theme being used so thoroughly was a joy for me! I really like the bodyguard trope and I was hoping for something like this. Both Palm and Nuengdiao are far from being perfect: they make mistakes and hurt each other, but it's all backed up by their inner conflicts, fears, and desires, so nothing ever felt out of place for either of them.
The relationships between characters overall were well detailed too. Ben and Chopper in particular have their own inner conflicts and desires and they're all portrayed properly on the screen, but Nueng and Palm's parents were also great characters in their own right. The acting was pretty good, but I especially enjoyed the performances from Phuwin and Perth.

In conclusion, I believe that one might like or dislike this series based on what do they look for in a BL. If you're looking for an interesting and well-written plot, then this is absolutely not for you. If you're looking for a romantic love story with some action sprinkled in, then this might be just right!

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 10, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

such a struggle

I was really keen to watch this series after seeing positive reviews… but it was a struggle to get through! It started off okay and then completely lost its way due to a seriously predictable story line and lack of interesting sun plots.

Main couple seem to have good chemistry, they do seem a bit wooden at times
Palm’s mum provided much needed comedy to a rapidly declining plot

Story line was boring and predictable and has been done to death
Supporting couples also predictable and boring

Another wasted opportunity from GMMTV

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1 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

A Surprisingly Enjoyable Mess

Objectively speaking, this series does not deserve the high rating that I am giving it at all. Most of the criticism that other reviewers have leveled at it is completely valid. The plot is a disaster, and the acting ranges from mediocre to bad. If you are looking for a well-written story, Never Let Me Go should not be on your list.

That being said, I enjoyed this series a lot. I am surprised myself -- I usually have no patience for poor acting, plot holes, and characters making obviously stupid decisions. What is it that made this mess so fun to watch for me? Let's see.

1. Good kissing scenes.
If you are tired of the classic "lips barely touching and not moving" kisses that plague BL series, Never Let Me Go will delight you. Palm and Nueng's kisses are intense and leave no doubt that the two of them actually want each other. Hot, hungry, passionate -- this is how I would depict PondPhuwin's romantic scenes. Unlike other reviewers, I believe that they have great chemistry together and that their acting was most believable during the romantic moments.

2. Striking visuals.
GMMTV knew what it was doing when it paired Pond and Phuwin. These two are maybe the most visually pleasing BL couple not only in their company, but in general. Their looks compliment each other so well. Pond gives off a bad-boy vibe, while Phuwin is classy and expensive, like a prince. Turning off your brain and watching beautiful people flirt with each other can be entertaining too. If you, like me, happen to be in the mood for that, Never Let Me Go is a good choice.

3. Rich bottom, poor top.
Now, this is a self-indulgent reason to like this series, but I am really into this trope. A prince and a servant, a billionaire heir and a bodyguard -- these are my kind of romances, and PalmNueng delivered what I was hoping for. Other reviewers point out that Pond looked like a kicked puppy the whole time, but I think that he did a good job conveying the inner conflict of someone in love with a person way out of their league. If you like the "spoiled, rich, and pretty bottom and smitten top" trope, you will have a great time watching Nueng and Palm.

This is all that I can praise Never Let Me Go for. Its drawbacks are many and glaring, and for me, they almost outweighed the good things about it. Had I not been as into the "rich, pretty boy and his bodyguard" trope as I am, I would have probably not finished this series. You should either turn your brain off and watch for the visuals and the hot romantic scenes, or do not watch at all.

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Ongoing 12/12
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 9, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

A nice story of growth and romance

First of all, the story is enjoyable. The beginning is a tad bit slow but aside from that, the flow of events is quite balanced and interesting to watch. There is action, character development and romance, great combo!
The characters are interesting as well, I like Nueng's attitude: he's not your typical obnoxious rich boy, he's actually quite brave, determined and resourceful, he shows that he wants to stand up for himself and for those he cares for.
As for Palm... he is a sweet character, I just don't really appreciate how he calls Nueng "Mr" no matter their growing fondness for each other, as if there's a power imbalance in their relationship and he is also quite over-caring.
However, I think the alchemy between the characters is more there than in Fish Upon the Sky therefore, I am quite pleased with the atmosphere of the series.
As for Chopper, he could easily have been the jealous, power-hungry rival but he's not and it's refreshing to see no rivalry between him and Nueng.
Some characters are too one-dimensional, mainly the adults: Tanya, Chanon and Kit are either white or black with no in-between. I understand the way they act but they lack depth.

I like most of the music, it changes from the usual "drama soundtrack", it gives a special something to the series, something a little bit less drama and more "arty" (some songs are a bit cheesy though). Same for some shots/frames, it's pleasant to watch and to listen to.

Overall, it's a nice drama that is easy to watch and get into, with a decent, eventful plot !

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 2.5
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Tiktok scammed me

now, what actually was this show? i saw so many people on tiktok saying how good this show is but to be honest i dont think there ever was a show that dissappinted me more.

the acting was at least questionable. the only people in this series who id call actors were perth and chimon. the main cast had basically the same expression the whole show. pond looked half of time just like if hes recitibg the script without any emotion. part of it is of course the personality of the character but common.

the story itself was... something. there wasnt really any point in the story. did the scriptwriter got even paid for this? because seriously so many plot holes almost no deepnes in characters, cliques were more present that any storyline. like this seriously dissapointed me.

also what the hell was that yellowish filter on the show? it made it so ugly to watch, seriously i had zo force myself to finish it.

i was more invested in the side couple than the main because they at least had some sort of chemistry and personality.

dont waste your time on this

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1 people found this review helpful
May 9, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers


I have to thank Our skyy 2 for making me find and watch this treasure. Me being absolutely in love with OhmNanon but wanting to watch all Our skyy not just Bad buddy part made me even change my main ship. As shipper I should not ship people but I'm not this crazy shipper who's annoying actor's under every post they make and I'm not this obsessed so there's nothing wrong with it. I loved PondPhuwin's chemistry so much in the series. At first I was shocked because so much was happening in the first ep and I did not expect it to be so thrilling but the more I watched the more I became addicted as I was entertained by the plot the most. Some eps were boring like the first ones with Ben whom I hated for obvious reasons, hahah, but it got quickly back to entertainment. I loved here more characters than just main casts. The mothers were amazing and absolutely loveable. Supporting characters like Chopper, Palm's dad and Palm's mother's friend too. I liked the tension between two families like in KinnPorsche and uncle being also the main asshole but actors were very good. GMMTV can really do action drama without explicit scenes and it still makes me entertained to the very end and even more in love with the main characters. I just prefer romance over sex scenes so I liked these series more than KinnPorsche but both are golden and very amazing so I don't want to compare.

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