Dropped 4/16
20 people found this review helpful
Aug 10, 2023
4 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 32
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
Another Kdrama grossly overrated on this site. As I write this, it is 8.6/10 with over 1000 people accumulated. Like really??! Male lead actor looks like Cha Eun Woo's 2nd cousin and the girlies fall like a puddle on the floor. I don't get it!

No one notices how sub-par the writing is? No one notice how confusing and similar the fl lie/truth bells are? No one noticed all the chance meetings that take place to a ridiculous degree? Leads end up in the same apartment building (apartment b. Is huge with an elevator for several floors, but ml moves right next door to fl. What are the odds? Plus their balconies happen to be side by side). Fl wishes to see ml and magically he happens to be walking right in front of her store. Ml gets out of car at the exact moment fl is leaving apartment building. Fl happens to stop by at a jazz club ml regularly plays the piano at and of course this is the night he's there. No one in a city would run into each other like this. Heck they wouldn't even run into each other like this in a small village. Leads have been in Seoul for 5 years and managed just fine to never cross paths. But suddenly to drive the plot forward in this story they by chance come across each other daily?? Wtf? Also, the cliche Kdramas refuse to let go of where ml and fl know each other in the past is beyond over the hill. This is just lazy writing plain and simple. You have to turn your brain off with a lot of these shows I swear...I mean you know it's bad when you got the female lead legit hopping like a bunny in front of the male lead.

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Dropped 10/16
0 people found this review helpful
Sep 4, 2023
10 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
This review may contain spoilers

If I say I like this drama very much, you can hear a ring bell.

I don't want to lie. Starting is very good, but when episodes continue I feel they try to push something. The story starts very unique and mysterious. FL has her own story, ML is mysterious. They

But I can't feel the chemistry between FL and ML. They can show their feeling very well I think. Kim So Hyun was amazing in School 2015. But nowadays her acting doesn't improve. She can't show the character's feelings very well. Sometimes I feel she just reads the lines. They look like siblings or friends.

Also, supporting characters are so annoying and just put in the story because of the screen time. I don't understand why they are in the story. They are sooo extra to get closer main character. I just skip them.

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Ongoing 10/16
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 5, 2024
10 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

The plot feel flat halfway through

I only stopped at episode 10 after I binged watched it in one go and after I slept it off, I am thinking of picking another kdrama.
It's a shame really how it started good despite some issues. It has potential but I knew already from the first episode that this will be a letdown in the end. The directorial seems very good with action scenes but was hasty, ill-paced and shifty with the other scenes. There are scenes that left me confused if my app was bugging as the next scenes and pictures are just introduced so suddenly and sometimes I just felt that they should prolonged some scenes and shorten some. It really felt like it had a newbie director.
For a serious tv series, it sometimes pull some excessive scenes to build up the plot which was sad because the plot only has one main plot and it's disappointing as there could still be areas that the story can grow and with more plots to developed.

The reason I watched this one despite its lack of hype after it finished airing all the episodes was because of the two main leads which I am both a fan of. They are really the reason why I had stayed for ten episodes and after the revelation and resolution of MLs past , I just don;t have a reason to continue anymore. Firstly, I think the script and direction has made their character hard to portray justifyingly. They are both good actors but they are given a stale characters. Hwang Min Hyun's character was mostly wearing a mask all through out episode 8, couple with his messy hair, it's really hard to like him as I can see him just a random person without seeing his face and it's hard to see his emotions and feel for him. Kim Soo Hyun's character was boring, it was given some back stories but it felt shallow.

The plot also were only focused on MLs past and they were milking it all throughout. That reall made me disappointed how the writers ability was just that much and the director can't even suggest to elevate the story and made the plot more than just a single plot that can be resolve in a few episodes without putting so much filler scenes in between just to add screen time and to finish the whole 16 episodes.

I really miss Legend o the Blue Sea and Goblin's plot progression as I hardly find it in Kdramas nowadays, they made so much potential and they exceeded what was expected by creating so many plots, and interesting one too, all through out the end.

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Ongoing 4/16
7 people found this review helpful
Aug 10, 2023
4 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Worth watching

So far this is one of the best dramas I've watched and its so good istg im not even lying. The personalities and the way the story progresses also no embarrassing fml scenes so 😩😩!! The visuals are also mesmerizing, its also very interesting to watch the leads develop feeling for each other.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭(need to write 500 characters in order to post your review)
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Dropped 4/16
7 people found this review helpful
Aug 16, 2023
4 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


The reason why I dropped this though is bc the MLF made me so uncomfy for removing the ML's mask while he was drunk? Like wtf 😃?? I know it may seem small but I'm big on personal space and it made me so uncomfortable LOL & she had the AUDACITY to say "why is he making a big fuss" + downplayed it while apologizing. I also felt like I had to force myself to finish some of the episodes, Although the humor was sort of there it lacked personality and was inherently boring.
Thats my take. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
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Ongoing 2/16
Sweet Savage
21 people found this review helpful
Aug 2, 2023
2 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5


I for one would say I personally had zero expectations of this drama. Like ZERO. One for the reason I was skeptical if they could actually pull off this plot like a strong woman did.

like dear, You're throwing In ROM COM and thriller into the same room. LIKE LITERALLY TWO OPPOSITE GENRES. and second for the fact I was skeptical about the FL

so I went into this drama with zero expectations. I had no Kdrama to see so I was like Ok. Piss me off Mr drama. and I was completely blown away. Like Away 😂

I started with ep1 when it aired and dear... I was impressed. Because EP was literally what was need to GRIP the right audience. I always emphasis on dramas having a solid 1st EP because most viewers won't stick around for ep2 to see if it gets better. But this drama actually UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT and did the job.

that ep one was a mixture of what was needs. comedy? thrill yass please. the overall flow of it was just right. and the characters setup was actually necessary. Unlike drama who waste time on UNNECESSARY plots. This drama actually brought to us what was needed from day one.

And that end of ep1 had my jaws...On the flaw. I was crazy excited. And ep2 didn't disappoint at all! Like.. It was on point! A perfect follow up and blend to it all.

and so far I can actually says it's following the genre of ROM com and Thriller Come together. And so far doing it well. And for people saying this drama doesn't know what it wanted to be...Dear it's literally a Romrom thriller or so. do you ASSIGNMENTS before watching lol.

Another reason I was skeptical about this one was the FL. Seriously School 2015 was her only drama I actually liked. and I was skeptical if she could do well here..But I'm honoured. she is actually doing so well. Like well enough to pull off the script and character.

Her character and context of a lie detector is actually well done that I'm curious to see where it goes. ( Hopefully not bad) And ML, If you loved him AOS, you'll love him here. because it's pretty much similar character set-up. and I can say he was born for such roles😂.

The plot itself has a lot of potential and good potential to be a wow plot. I actually find it pretty much interesting. And the idea of a lie detector FL was funny and interesting to follow up. and The Ml Mysterious personality is one suiting follow up.

The support characters, I'm surprised have actually been given a Benefiting and suiting introduction to the story. And they're good too here

But my favourite character remains The FL driver, Like hahah. Give him more Screentime and we're ok😌💅 An ideal Fan boy he is

Overall the plot execution was actually done well. and I won't say a 100% perfect EXECUTION but it was done JUST RIGHT FOR WHAT WAS NEEDED.

So I'm basically looking forward to where this one goes because so far it has my attention for more.

if you're hesitant about this one, I suggest giving it a go. because it's actually good. if you're up for such genre mixture, don't hesitate. it's actually good here. but if you're not sure what Genre it is, please do some research or watch strong woman to see what to expect.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 18, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

The main leads were cute together

1. I loved the relationship between Doha and Solhee. I think without the 2 actors' chemistry i probably would have dropped this drama early on.
2. I liked the part when Solhee lost her ability and had to live without it for a while. And when it came back, she still made a decision to stop using her abilitu and instead learn to love and trust the people around her.
3. Minhyun lived a sad life, people around him either didnt trust him or were obsessed with him. Good thing he met Solhee and it changed his life. I wish he continued playing piano at the jazz club.
4. Too bad for Kangmin, he is a nice guy but he didnt trust Solhee enough to tell her that he is sick. Hope he finds someone else too.

1. Disappointed that the ending still focused on Eomji instead of the friendship between Deukchan and Doha, which i thought deserved more appreciation.
2. The neighbors weren't interesting, except for the baker. Wish they paired Kassandra's with the baker instead.
3. Solhee's mom and her dad's story was cringey.

Rating: 8.25/10

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 24, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I rarely watch dramas that was recently released but this is an exception because the FL is Kim SoHyun with the bonus ML of Hwang MinHyun. I was too excited that as soon as I heard the series is finished, I gave it a try and oh boy I was in for the ride.

To be honest, it's not the best plot out there but I was just kind of interested on the supernatural part of the FL being able to hear lies and how will ML come into picture. I've been trying to avoid kdramas with crime genre as I've been watching too many but somehow, I keep getting pulled towards it. Anyway, the plot is kind of simple with a pinch of lovey dovey moments here and there. There's not much structure on the story it just went on and went which is probably the reason why I saw someone saying that the plot is so random.

Character wise, ML and FL looks cute together (but for some reason I really can't ship SoHyun with anyone) A lot of people saying about 2nd Lead Syndrome and it's true. 2nd ML's story while short is really sad. The supporting characters I feel like were underused. I couldn't feel the chemistry among them because they randomly pops up on the series. I was hoping to see more character development from them. :3 and also what's with the crazy characters on this series? The mothers, Syaon (although she got better), the ex-gf, the ex-gf's brother and secret (don't wanna spoil anyone). They all have some sort of psychopathic tendencies. While it helped the plot, they're too crazy for me.

OST-wise, nothing so remarkable about it. Just fine. What I love though is the ending. For me it's a nice wrap up (as someone who loves happy ending), my heart is so happy to have 2 full episodes just to wrap things up and give almost everyone a nice ending. It's uncommon for KDrama series to have that kind of ending. Most of them wrap things up on the last 30mins keeping you hanging for more. But for this one, it's just enough.

Definitely, recommend. Despite the quirks of this series, I would say I love and enjoyed it. Maybe not a cup of tea for everyone but still, it's just a semi-light-hearted drama that's easy to watch.

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 13, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

ultimately a feel good show :)

as someone who cares more about characters than plot (plot is important but the show is boring for me if the characters arent interesting), i really loved this show :)
the main couple is so cute and i could really see how they complement each other. definitely got me giggling and kicking my feet.
it was so sweet to see the secluded main characters (both solhee and doha) develop trust for others and gaining friends. i really like that aspect. that romance isnt the only important thing, it’s friendships too. doha definitely gave “written by a woman” tho idk if this drama was. such a healthy relationship
the only complaint i have is episode 14’s tone shift and the characters seemed a little out of character, but episode 15 onward went back to how the rest of the show was. theres some characters i wish got more karma…. i think the resolution of the main mystery couldve been better but it isnt atypical compared to other kdramas.
as for my star ratings im not usually very critical of stuff like that so i want to clarify i loved the cast of characters and the acting was immersive, i never had a moment where the acting was bad and took me out of the story. i didnt know doha’s actor is an idol, i would say his acting was on par with the rest of the cast. as for rewatch value i would watch it for something interesting but sweet again

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

good watch

If you like a fair bit of angst, supernatural factors, and a cute romance, I would definitely recommend this drama. I ended up binge watching the show, I didn’t have much expectation when I started, but once I started playing it I couldn’t stop. The main characters are very much likable, the relationship between the two of them is one that I wish I saw in more dramas. Both of them had interesting backgrounds, and their stories draw you in. I would definitely recommend this to a friend or even rewatch in the future
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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

just serious enough to suck you in, but not serious enough to mess with your mood

I don’t know about the rest of you, but some of these shows can absolutely wreck me. There is more than one that, upon completion, has made me put the dramas down for a week or two because it made me so emotional.

That being said, the reason I give this show a 10 is I feel it perfectly toes the line between serious and adorable.
The overarching serious plot is very engaging, you’ll end every episode craving answers, so it was a fascinatingly frustrating show to watch week to week.
The love story between the mains is adorable from start to finish, and the last few episodes were downright sickeningly sweet. The characters have their ups and downs, but there was never a ridiculous over-dramatic moment where you thought “after what you’ve been through together and how you know you both feel you’re really gonna pull that?!”. The love triangle was mild and heart wrenching, but never took attention away. The characters are all mature enough that the subplot never took away from the main story.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the family plots, the parents felt more immature than their children, but I still saw their necessity. The familial relationships really did cement some of the reasons the main characters acted the way they did, so even if I didn’t particularly enjoy the scenes I felt I came out of them learning something.

There have been very few shows I have endured watching week to week from start to finish, but this would probably be the one I recommend the most. I think if you get 2 episodes in and you’re still not enjoying it it may not be your cup of tea, but I would encourage everyone to give it a chance.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 2, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

=> An almost perfect series in the romantic-investigation genre

PLOT: The FL, who has a built-in "lie detector" (from birth), makes a living from this talent. She meets a mysterious man, always masked, the ML, who turns out to be a famous composer, once suspected of a murder. Circumstances force them to search together for clues and the real culprit, with the help of the FL's ex boyfriend, a courageous and still in love police officer.

+ Hwang Min Hyun is handsome, talented, and performs superbly the ML's torments. I'm not a big fan of Kim So Hyun ( I find her not very expressive), but I like her character and the couple's interactions and their trust in each other. They are very cute.
+ Excellent casting for all the characters, including FL's parents, who bring a touch of humor.
+ Well-constructed storyline, with clues appearing at the right time to maintain suspense. (cliffhanger at the end of each episode, which requires you to binge watch the series).
+ efficient production, without length
+ Very beautiful images, framing, with the magnificent landscapes of Korea
+ Excellent OSTs (some will end up in my drama playlist, especially the ending song :)

- Product placements are too obvious (as is often the case in Kdramas).

=> An almost perfect series in the romantic-investigation genre, that I'll probably rewatch eventually.
Don't hesitate, you will have a great time!!! (。◕‿◕。)
PLOT: La FL, qui a un "détecteur de mensonge" intégré, vit de ce talent. Elle rencontre un homme mystérieux, toujours masqué, le ML, qui s'avère être un compositeur célèbre, autrefois suspecté d'un meurtre. Les circonstances les obligent à rechercher ensemble les indices et le vrai coupable avec l'aide de l'ex de la FL, policier courageux et toujours amoureux.

+ Hwang Min Hyun est beau, talentueux, et interprète superbement les tourments du ML. Je suis moins fan de Kim So Hyun, que je trouve peu expressive, mais j'aime son personnage et les interactions du couple, leur confiance l'un dans l'autre, sont très cute.
+ Un excellent casting pour tous les personnages, y compris les parents de la FL, qui apportent la touche d'humour.
+ Storyline bien construite, avec des indices qui apparaissent au bon moment pour maintenir le suspense. (clifhanger à la fin de chaque épisode, ce qui oblige à binge watcher la série).
+ une réalisation efficace, sans longueur
+ De très belles images, cadrages, avec les magnifiques paysages de Corée
+ Excellents OST (certains vont finir dans ma playlist, notamment la ending song :)

- placement de produits trop trop évidents (comme souvent dans les Kdramas).

=> Une série quasi parfaite dans le genre romantique-investigation, à revoir sans doute dans quelque temps.
N'hésitez pas, vous passerez un super moment !!! ( 。◕‿◕。 )

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