Crazy about Asian dramas
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Dec 15, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Except ending ,I like every part of the drama

He always wanted to marry her so I really wants to see their marriage but this can't be happened and this made me disappointed. About rest ,I must say it was an amazing drama . Leads were amazing and the chemistry between them also very good . I like both the leads , I enjoyed watching their acting . There were so many scenes of them which made me emotional. I liked female lead's family members . Their acting were amazing . Lovely drama must watch it .first time I had seen other face of King . First time I had seen he didn't bind with the rules of Kingdom . He did his best to prove innocence of good person . I liked the character of king .

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May 11, 2023
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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I will pretend that the last 3 episodes didn't really happen.

Up until the 53 eps, all was very well done and executed. The episodes leading up to the revelation of Buyi's true identity and his revenge was so perfectly written. The blood banquet episode was also giving me chilled. Leo Wu was very phenomenal right there. Him making the decision to abandon NiaoNiao, knowing that she was abandoned when she was a child was very cruel. That's why in my opinion, the last 3 episodes felt rushed and some were out of characters. They didn't felt organic, felt like some part were cut. I didn't really see how NiaoNiao can forgive Buyi for that. Really wished it could have a better ending execution. Also too bad that we didn't get a wedding scene. But overall, it was a one hell of viewing experience.

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Mar 7, 2023
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0


Ling Bu Yi, le fils adoptif de l'empereur Wen et un général talentueux et impitoyable de l'armée des armures noires, était en mission personnelle pour découvrir des vérités cachées sur le passé, qui avaient conduit au massacre d'une ville entière et de son clan quand il a rencontré Cheng Shao Shang lors d'une mission pour appréhender un fugitif dans un village rural. Le jeune Cheng Shao Shang avait été laissé pour compteparce que ses parents étaient partis combattre à la guerre. Négligée et sans instruction, elle avait été une épine dans le pied de sa tante et de sa grand-mère jusqu'au retour inattendu de ses parents après de nombreuses années passées au front. Ayant toujours manqué d'une famille aimante, Shao Shang avait hâte de retrouver ses parents, mais les nombreuses années de séparation ont inévitablement conduit à une certaine séparation. Shao Shang, cependant, est imperturbable et déterminée à vivre pour elle-même, et sa nature indisciplinée et audacieuse, ainsi que son esprit vif, commencent à attirer l'attention de pas mal de personnes dans la capitale, dont Ling Bu Yi. (Source : MyDramaList) ~~ Adapté du roman "Xing Han Can Lan, Xing Shen Zhi Za

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Feb 28, 2024
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Communication and trust in your partner are important.

Before I start, I hv to say... I didn't expect the instrumental playing throughout the drama was actually from the OST too. I thought it was just the sound effect because when it played, it was giving the anxiety vibes but I love it. This drama was telling story about how the FL overcame the difficulties she had growing up, how to reconcile with not doing it all by yourself and put your trust in your partner/spouse so they wouldn't be hurt by your decision alone without telling them. Also, about parents need to believe in their children, showers them with love and don't punish them over the line.

ML, Ling Buyi, actually this was not his real name so I'm not going to spoil abt that but he was called Zisheng too. Until now I don't know why they called him by that name. I think I missed something. Anyway, our ML was a cold-blooded, ruthless general but a righteous man. He lived for avenging those who participated in Gu City tragedy that massacred that killed his mom's clan and his beloved uncle who was a general protecting that city. I like that Zisheng decided early on he wld know the one he was going to spend his life with and that wld be the only one. So he hold on tight to that principle and would harshly made it clear to the other ladies who clamour for his attention. He was very considerate, like sooo sooo supportive toward the one he fell in love with. Zisheng wld anything for FL even if it cost his life. Even to the point, helping his love rivals' situations so that his beloved would hv a peace of mind. He encouraged and gave freedom for the FL to shows her skills and capabilities. Although, he had his own umm flaw or weakness but he reflected on himself so he was man enough to admit he was in the wrong.

I actually don't believe the fall in love at first sight thing the ML said but I'm humouring this drama bcs well, it was not a reality.

FL, Cheng Shaoshang or affectionately called Niaoniao. At first, she was very stubborn young lady but there was a reason for that. She was abandoned from when she was born by her parents when they had to got to war, she was mistreated by her aunt and her grandmother growing up. Her aunt wanted to raise her as dumb, good for nothing young lady so she didn't learn anything about writing, reading the classics and etiquettes. Shaoshang had to relied on herself, her intelligent and wit to survive. She was good at numbers, interested in building things and machines. Although she tended to land herself in trouble when she decided to pay back the villainesses whom bullied her. When she thought she finally gonna get the love she craved when her parents was finally home from war, she didn't expect her mother wld not fulfil that and that drove the wedge between them. But bit by bit she changed for the better with the help of her gentle and understanding Third Aunt Shunhua, when she got engaged to Ling Buyi and receiving tutelage by the graceful Empress that believed in her. She was actually pursued by Ling Buyi, so she didn't believe in him at first but slowly with Buyi trust in her, she fell in love with his earnest self. They always communicated their differents which was very good thing for a couple to do to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. It just Buyi also had his own challenges and that'll affect their relationship.

This drama had two love rivals of ML so the 2ndML would be Yuan Shanjian, the arrogant and intelligent scholar who love to push Niaoniao's button and Lou Yao, a young man who fell in love with Niaoniao's fearless personality and earnestly pursued her. I love in that in this drama the dynamic of relationship between the Emperor, his Empress and his one concubine was harmonious i would say?. I also love that they included other couple love stories.

The costumes in this drama were also different in a good way. I really like how the Emperor was dressed but idk why his style reminds me of Japanese ancient style too.

Tbh I don't quite understand how certain scenes suddenly appeared. Maybe that was why I was hesitating to give this 9.5 stars rating. Myb a rewatch in the future might change the rating so who knows.

The ending was fine for although I wish I cld see them get married but I'm okay when it ended like that.

290324 0404

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Tanky Toon
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 7, 2023
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Such an entertaining drama, no less expected from one of the rising actors in China, Zhao Lu Si who chooses good scripts. Her portrayal of a smart but unruly young woman is a hoot, as she captured the interests of many highly eligible young men, including the icy, cold General Ling Bu Yi. Because of her antics, Shao Shang managed to irate many of the ladies that have been vying for Bu Yi's attention for years, as well many of her elders who thought they can undermine Shao Shang's "lowly" position in the society, despite being the youngest daughter of a general.

Though her father dotes on Shao Shang, perhaps feeling guilty for the years of abandonment, her mother, on the other hand, is very strict on her daughter, leaving the latter to think that she was unloved. For her part, Shao Shang does absolutely nothing to make up for loss time as she still held a grudge for the neglect and had become wary of anybody who shows her affection. Bu Yi is the same, as he plots and plans his revenge upon the death of his clan, even at the expense of others.

I loved the intricacy of the narrative and the political/familial/societal drama is riveting, aided by a talented ensemble and diverse characters. I also liked the show's attempt at humor, for example, Shao Shang's dad, the King and Bu Yi's sidekick serving as comedic relief. For all the people in the court that are conniving and greedy for power, I appreciated the fact the the Queen and the King's consort (mistress) get along well and respectful of each other.

The only drawback in this drama is that there are some instances where, to me, the happy ending seems forced and neatly tied in a bow. I would have been fine with Bu Yi's death, as it was for me, so farfetched that he managed to survive despite the dangers befalling him. Also for me was Shao Shang's self-righteousness and how she treated Bu Yi. Her character development seemed weak for me, and sometimes wished she was her bright, spritely self like she was in the beginning. Otherwise, a very good drama.

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2 people found this review helpful
Sep 21, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Less would have been more

I would’ve rated this higher had it not dragged on in parts that were over fleshed out. It felt like Ling Buyi had to practically be half dead each time he rescues Shaoshang from something to show how epic their love is and how unique their struggles are. I’m not suggesting Shaoshang capitulate even when Buyi closes himself off but the off-repeated plot left something to be desired after several times.

Deep love can run in many forms but nothing but epicness would have suited this couple.

Acting wise, Wu Lei and Zhao Lusi are good.
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Suzie Queue
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 27, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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This story had potential - the screenwriting & directing ruined it

Another drama I wanted to love and place firmly on my 'rewatch' list. I adore Wu Lei. Zhao Lusi, not so much, but when she finds a role that suits her, she does a fine job. The ensemble cast is the reason (and especially Wu Lei) that I rated this drama as highly as I did. For once, even the absence of smoking hot chemistry between the main leads didn't deter me.

There were aspects of Part I which were slightly better than the disorganized mess that was Part II - but the second part also underwhelmed and disappointed.

I had trouble keeping track of who was who - so many princes, so many princesses, so many ministers, evil and not evil, so many random characters popping up when a plot needed justification... it became tedious trying to remember them all and what their story was. Hence, the holes in the stories. So much time was wasted on slow-motion shots, repetitious angle shots, and pushing the revenge and petty spitefulness to the max. I get that FL was wronged in her childhood. I get that ML was traumatized and also suffered. Those points were played out so much that it got tiresome to watch it. So much so, that when it came to wrapping up the storylines, in that last episode, the viewers really got sold out. Even mid-stream, in the years FL was in the palace - one group scene with everybody in red was supposed to indicate the couples and marriages. Press 'pause' to see who got married to who... disappointing! And that last scene in the last episode - supremely disappointing!

We waited so long for this series and so much hype went into it. Fans of the ML & FL watched, and many may praise it because of their loyalty to these two actors. My opinion might not be popular, but it is just that - my opinion. I was disappointed and underwhelmed with the way the story was told and with the performance of the screen writers and the director. They ruined the piece.

Can I just add my admiration for the great job that Tong Lei did as the Empress? She evoked the only tears I shed in this drama. Her gentle, generous spirit was truly brought out in this actor's performance. I really loved so many of the characters in this series because they did such a great job of bringing their roles to life, and that is the reason I could give this show the rating I did. I also have to mention Wu Lei's fight scenes - and how magnificent he looks on a horse! I look forward to his next historical drama.

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Ongoing 9/29
11 people found this review helpful
Aug 5, 2022
9 of 29 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Best historical costume drama I ever watch

I rewatch this drama for each episode more than twice, special for epusode 22, 23 24 until season 2 (episode 36/or 9 for seasion 2) I rewatched uncountable. All cast give their best acting skill, a lot of episode but not make me boring and no skip sceen when I watched. The plot is reasonable, the setting, is good , the CGi is smooth, Lusi and wu lei have a good chemistry, and I think they reach the best acting skill in this drama. This drama make me laugh cry, touched and hate.
Wu Lei is all out doing excercise to get the best body shape and strength so he can carry zhao lusi just with one hand.
Lusi that already have great acting skil, in this drama has the best acting, so natural and so cute.
Also all supporting role, like cheng grandma that make me laugh every time, saosang father that very hilarious, ss mother that very fit portrayed an asian mom, ha ha ha ha .

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 14, 2023
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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A bit overrated - its just ok

I delayed watching this because the trailers all made is seem like a silly comedy, rather than a drama. I prefer dramas. The first 1/3 of the series was more comedic, but then it turned into a more serious, heavy drama. Pacing was off, took too long for the love story to build up. It seemed to dragged on too long after the climax of the was like they just recycled random characters who had smaller parts earlier on, then disappeared for most of series...then suddenly reappeared towards the end just to continue the series? Felt forced and odd.
My main issue w/ this series is the main couple - both the ML and FL fell flat in terms of chemistry. I didn't feel it, but you feel like you have to root for them because they are the main couple. I wasn't convinced of any deep, intense love between them.

- Wu Lei / Ling Buyi (ML) - the only other series I saw him in was when he was a child actor in Nirvana in Fire. So it was hard for me to take him seriously as an adult actor in this series. His acting was a bit stiff.
- Zhao Lu Si / Chen Shao Shang (FL) - she plays the cute, funny role fine. She doesn't fit the image of the most beautiful maiden in the capital. Her sad/crying scenes did not tug at my heartstrings, except for 1 scene where she was bullied by the princesses and almost drowned in the pond - when Ling Buyi unaware of what happened came to visit her talking happily....she turned her back and cried out of self pity but tried to hold it in. That scene broke my heart.
- The Emperor - acting was fine. But the script writing for him seems off - I have never seen a period drama where the emperor was so funny and kind. Even if they are kind at hear, they usually appear serious, stern, intimidating.
- Imperial Consort Yue Fei and the Empress - I liked them, it was refreshing that they were genuinely kind people and not scheming like most royals. I liked the spunk and grit that Consort Yue Fei had, and her relationship w/ the Emperor was cute.

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Great Drama

Finally, Love Like The Galaxy has released all of its 56 episodes. I was praying that it will give me a good ending and waited with abated breath until I watched the final episodes. I am glad it hasn't disappointed! It has a good ending!!! Technically speaking the drama ended in episode 48, but because they want to play out the romance bit, they dragged the drama on for a reconciliation of ending... It may have worked really well in the novel, but it's not quite effective for a drama it should have just ended with 50 episodes. But like I said before it's still a good ending and has made the drama that much more enjoyable to watch, On the whole, it's one of the best Dramas I have seen this year so far and also in a long time.

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 3, 2022
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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Came watching this thinking it's gonna be a romance...T.T still fun to watch though

The first 15 to 20 episodes were pretty fun and interesting; however, as cheng shaoshang enters the palace, i just started to lose interest. I liked seeing the mother's character growth--she is probably one of the most three-dimensional characters in this show--but I wished her change in character towards niao niao was a bit more obvious before the five year time jump.
Also, WHY DIDN'T THEY EVEN SHOW THE WEDDING T.T 56 episodes and all for nothing TTT.TTT It's alright though...The show was still enjoyable, and I think the lack of kiss/intimate scenes made me cherish the main couple's relationship even more. :)

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BL worshipper
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 12, 2023
29 of 29 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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A bit too much political drama, a bit too little romance - only slight hints at spoilers

I was slightly disappointed with Part 2 of this amazing series. After finishing Part 1, I immediately jumped on Part 2, hoping to get a bit more fluff from the main leads' relationship. But unfortunately, I did not get such satisfaction.

The plot of the series remains to be spectacular, with numerous twists, and exploring difficult themes such as death and betrayal. And the political bit of the series was captivating, with ML seeking revenge, and the involvement of many other high-ranking officials as well. I love how the King, Queen and Royal Consort, always remains to be supporters of LingBuYi and ChengShaoShang, especially loving CSS's relationship with the Queen. I was missing scenes of CSS with her family, as she mainly stays in the palace for training, but this was redeemed with the Queen acting as her mother.

While ML and FL do have their sweet moments, they have always lacked communication. And this issue was never resolved, even until the end of the series. I felt that the ending of the series was too shocking, and let me down quite a bit, as I did not expect such a thing to happen, nor did I want to see such a short reconciliation. Both leads had ideals and beliefs that were too conflicting, even basically opposites, and this conflict was never resolved between them, with neither of them seen to reach a compromise. This leads to a worrying question - if a similar situation arises, won't that mean a certain break-off of their relationship?

While binging all 56eps have certainly kept me on my toes, and I did not feel bored even after finishing the series. I thought the sweetness of the romance was quite lacking. Although romance may not have been the only main focus, it should've been more elevated. And communication should've been established between ML and FL, with mutual trust, which was sadly sorely lacking in their relationship.

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