0 people found this review helpful
May 15, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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This might be a little biased BUT for the way people talked about their acting I thought it was gonna be trash and awful to watch. It was actually kinda good considering that they're NOT professional actors. I love how they depict the guilt of lgbt love and how the industry works. People need to understand that lots of things that happen (mostly in bg) is just fanservice. I'm not saying it's all the groups but some of them are. There's also that thing in the kpop or bl industry where it's okay to act gay but BEING gay is considered wrong, as if it should be hidden. I'd honestly say that KB did an amazing job cuz I was getting pissed at his character. I really liked it and was invested to find out what had really happened between Hyubin and Jihoon. Yes, it was rushed and I almost had a heart attack thinking they'd be separated but overall it was kinda good. Also if you like ooo I'd recommend it, just to support our boys, cuz even tho the show isn't one of the bests I really think this type of stories are important to be depicted.

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23 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Stan OnlyOneOf

I love OnlyOneOf but this show was so mid I can't even justify it lol.

That being said, it is pretty much exactly what I expected it to be, so I'm not really disappointed. I'm glad the OnlyOneOf boys were able to do this, it seemed like they had a fun time working on it, and I had a fun time watching it!

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Jun 16, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
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Could have been almost perfect, but was too rushed

Tbh I didn't expected too much because of the bad ratings. I even hesitated to watch it, but i am glad i did! I was really surprised and i think the ratings are way too harsh. The acting was really good and even tough it was rushed, especially at the last episodes, the tension between the main actors was wonderful. I was curious because I've heard, that the main actors, who are in the same kpop group give us a real kissing scene! And yes they were kissing once, but unfortunately not in the end. I am quite sad how rushed the series was. The Plot could have been soooo good, I was just waiting for a BL Story like that. I think, if the episodes were longer the storytelling better, it would be a 9 or even a 10 for me. But overall I enjoyed it, even if it's not going to be one of my favourite series. It's not deep enough, but if you are wondering if you want to watch it, just do it. It's short, cute and it's not perfect, but I had butterflies. And last but not least... the main actors/idols are very good looking :D

The only thing which made me cringe was the bad english of J. The actor should have trained his pronunciation of his sentences better, because J grew up in the US.

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0 people found this review helpful
Dec 15, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Typical K-BL

I read the other reviews before watching this and was expecting a trash heap of a show. That may be why I liked it as much as I did because it wasn't any worse or any better than the typical 7 or 8 episode K-BL.

I kept waitng for the cringe scenes. Still not sure which ones those were. There was one scene that did give off high school play vibes at the start.

Overall it was not bad and as with every short episode bl longer would have been better and the ending feels rushed, but that is the norm for most of the K-BL's I've watched.

The only thing I felt uneasy about was that Only One Of chose this story line as they have often been accused of queer baiting. It just seemed like an odd choice based on that.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 7, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

squandered promise

I was disappointed with how Bump Up Business turned out. In the premise there was so much potential for a far richer story. There should have been three or four members of Lion Heart, not just two, and two of which are gay, two straight. And the CEO decides to publicly announce that one gay and one straight member are a couple. And then the other gay member begins to fall for the gay member in the fake couple, setting up the standard BL love triangle trope. Meanwhile, fans begin to pick up on the artificiality of their relationship, and start shipping different lion heart members together, and posting absurd, hilarious, and/or cruel content on media. The unceasing media commentary begins to strain the members of the group. Sasaengs should have stalked them at the airport, and sent gifts to their private homes, confusing the love triangle further. The story really should have been a bl romance mixed with themes of the pressures idols feel to interact with fans, idols' right to privacy, and the folly of using same-gender romance as a marketing gimmick. All of that is just one suggestion. The story needed to be twice as long -- 16 episodes. After finishing the series it feels like the writers were going to go somewhat in the direction I described, but the production ran out of money halfway through and needed to end the series in a hurry.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 28, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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That rare BL where it's good without being toxic!

It's SOOOO gooood, much better than expected, especially after reading the bad reviews

I started wondering what people are expecting from BL nowadays, especially for a short series like this....
For me, watching show is about enjoying, and since I enjoy it a lot, this is a 10! I am not here to be come a movie critique or anything. For sth that's only 15 minutes x 8 episodes, it's very welldone.

For me, the concept is somewhat refreshing, at least it's not another high school BL, or employee/boss story...
Also, its healthy and non toxic, which we know is RARE these days in BL.

Okay, sure the idea of selling Business Gay Performance is downright unethical in my opinion and I don't support that, but putting that aside, the actual relationship between the couples are actually real, honest and healthiest one I've seen for a while.

I love the built up of their sexual tension, the little way they care for each other and how they eventually fell for each other.

Oh my, don't get me started on visual of Nine, I definitely want to see him in more BL.

I really enjoy every episode, without skipping it. The OST is nice too.

It's a really nice cute, fluffy, heartwarming BL to watch. Something light, no heavy plot.

Overall, I really love this couple and this show! I'm not sure if I wanna see them again as couple, but I dfeinitey want to see Nine acting in BL again!

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Oct 25, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0

Amazing production quality, decent acting considering their lack of acting experience

Jung Wookjin and Lee Yungsoo were able to play their characters very well. I was quite surprised to see the two act together so well. The chemistry was there, with that there was no awkwardness when it came to the more intimate scenes.

They really surpassed my expectations if I’m being honest. Especially Wookjin, he was quite outstanding compared to the rest. I felt as though I was watching an experienced actor at moments during his scenes. Although they weren’t the “off-the-charts” kind of actors, the two of them did a phenomenal job considering the fact that they have no prior acting experience. Great job to the two of them. As well as the other members, they also did a decent job, despite some scenes lacking and being slightly cringe worthy, they too did great for a first time acting gig.

The music throughout the drama was great! Usually when a song is played at the wrong time or when the song doesn’t match the scene it will stick out like a sore thumb, but there was none of that here. Every song and instrumental felt right in each moment.

Story: The story line was an interesting one, nothing too special about it. But I feel that the actors were able to play each character well despite how strange some can seem. There were the ups and downs like every story does and everything was timed well. It didn’t feel too rushed even when it’s a short 2 hour drama.

Overall a great production and a fun little drama to watch, would recommend you try it out!

- A Fellow LyOn

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Mar 20, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Fell In Love

With OnlyOneOf… I have been a Kdrama/ Asian Drama lover for some time now. Never dove into Kpop or Asian Pop Culture in general. I also steered clear of BL dramas, didn’t seem like they were for me.

😩 but the more I watch Asian dramas the MEN ARE SO BEAUTIFUL like gorgeous, so pretty, & yet sooo hot. Ugh this show did it for meeee. I am now on a binger of BL dramas as well as Kpop groups. The music videos were so hot. I wouldn’t even go as far as to calling it “gay”. To me it just seems “intimate”. I do know many cultures are extremely close physically & emotionally with same sex friendships. In America if a male is too close to another male they are automatically labelled “fruity” or “gay” or just “weird”. It’s sad I know.

So watching this show was like “oooo this is a totally different world”. I did like the concept of them falling in love, I didn’t like all the labeling & line drawn “business gay” aspect. There is a lot to be said about simply just falling in love. Being in love can also be platonic, being soulmates can also be platonic. IM RAMBLING..

Basically I loved this show as it was refreshing, sexy, and realistic. Definitely gave a perspective as to the Kpop culture, not sure how much is factual.

I don’t mean to offend. Totally here for it.

THEN I realized the almost/all OnlyOneOf was involved & now I need to rewatch.

The show clearly depicts how close the guys are from OnlyOneOf.

Ugh wish the Nine & Mill had more shows!! I’m obsessed 😍

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Dropped 1/8
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2023
1 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.5
Story 1.5
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

It's painful

What the hell is this?
I know I will sound like a hypocrite but I hate it when people blatantly try to profif off gay concept. They decided to just get two cute guys, not even bother to come up with a fish out of water story, just put them in a situation that will turn them gay.不好看。没意思。太垃圾了。我很生气。还好没有浪费我的时间。 
What the hell is this?
I know I will sound like a hypocrite but I hate it when people blatantly try to profif off gay concept. They decided to just get two cute guys, not even bother to come up with a fish out of water story, just put them in a situation that will turn them gay.不好看。没意思。太垃圾了。我很生气。还好没有浪费我的时间。 
What the hell is this?
I know I will sound like a hypocrite but I hate it when people blatantly try to profif off gay concept. They decided to just get two cute guys, not even bother to come up with a fish out of water story, just put them in a situation that will turn them gay.不好看。没意思。太垃圾了。我很生气。还好没有浪费我的时间。 

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 8, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

¿Gay por Negocio?

Si hablamos de una serie que se enfoca en como los ídolos coreanos están "obligados" a mostrarse como ship/pareja, y como sus empresas no buscan nada más que dinero, pues, la serie cumple.

Sin embargo, la forma de contar una historia no sólo debe quedarse en el tópico, si no desarrollarse y eso es lo que falta.

Es notoria la falta de preparación de los actores, y algunos secundarios sólo hacen que haya más ruido en la actuación.

El guión tuvo muchos huecos, que intentaron cerrar al final pero no se logró.

Punto a favor que mostraron su lado idol y las partes de baile, fotografía y todo lo demás, pues si. BIEN HECHO!

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Pas du grand cinéma, mais un chouette moment

Si vous aimez OnlyOneOf et les magouilles de l'industrie, alors vous passerez un bon moment. Ce n'est pas du grand cinéma, ce n'est pas non plus une intrigue profonde et c'est assez précipité en raison de son format, mais la dynamique du groupe est agréable.

Si vous ne connaissez pas ou n'aimez pas le groupe, vous pourrez ne rien y trouver. Je n'aime pas non plus l'idée de dire que c'est un drama pour les fans de OOO, c'est assez expéditif pour les non-fans ou ceux qui n'ont jamais entendu parler d'eux (même si, je pense, que tous les amateurs de BL connaissent au moins le MV « LibidO » qui est incroyable (si ce n'est pas le cas, vous savez quoi faire)). J'aime bien leur musique et surtout leur style. Mais le drama n'est pas qu'un prétexte pour les fans, c'est aussi une façon originale de mettre en avant le groupe. A part Treasure, je n'ai pas le souvenir d'avoir vu un groupe jouer (au complet) dans un drama.

On parle aussi de fan service. Une pratique courante dans l'industrie maintenant. J'aime bien l'idée de casser un peu l'image glamour du fan service, même si ce n'est pas tant exploité que ça dans la série, mais bon.

Alors certes, ils ne sont pas de grands acteurs, mais ils arrivent à mieux s'en sortir que certains acteurs actifs de l'industrie depuis plusieurs années, donc... À titre comparatif (et personnel), Bump My Business est meilleur que des KBL comme The Tasty Florida, My Sweet Dear ou First Love Again. Les deux premiers n'avaient pas de scénarios et des performances discutables, et le dernier (FLA) s'est royalement planté sur son casting en mettant un tiktokeur mignon, mais sans talent pour jouer (surtout une scène de larmes (cette scène me hante toujours, oui)).

Bref, c'est un petit drama qui se regarde sans prise de tête. Bien que l'acting ne soit pas le plus développé, les membres du groupe sont charmants pour la plupart, beaux pour d'autres et parviennent à être assez naturels pour créer l'illusion le temps du visionnage.

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0 people found this review helpful
Oct 23, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

OOO você me promteu!

Meu deus, o que falar sobre esse mini drama...
Ser pequeno atrapalha o desenvolvimento, é verdade, mas ainda dava pra fazer algo melhor com o que eles tinham em mãos.
A idade do enredo é básica, mas funciona, dois idols que tem que formar uma dupla, usando o conceito gay e vão se apaixonando. Só isso já dava pra ser super aproveitado de muitos jeitos interessantes, mas eles escolhem os modos mais clichês e frustrantes possíveis. Eden é tão inocente que chega a ser burro e o Jihoon é tão abnegado que chega a não ser saudável, é o prato cheio pra eles serem manipulados o tempo todo! E só bem no final que eles finalmente se resolvem, do jeito mais corrido e fácil possível, sem entregar de fato nada de um casal que esperamos tanto...
No final das contas, só valeu por eu poder ver os meus meninos do OnlyOneOf, mas eu realmente espero que eles tenham mais e melhores chances do que foi essa aqui.

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