1 people found this review helpful
Apr 5, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0


Before starting to watch, I had high expectations for this drama, and the initial episodes gave me reasons to believe it would be a great rom-com. However, the further I watched, the worst it got.
Firstly, as it’s a romantic comedy, let’s evaluate the romantic aspect. I didn’t feel any chemistry between the main characters at all. While there might have been some spark when they argued in the early episodes, I couldn’t believe in their “unconditional” love once their relationship started.
Secondly, what’s up with the acting? The only character I could connect with was Lee Ji Han. Moon Sang Min was good and I think he has the potential to be a really decent actor in the future. Regarding Jeon Jong Seo, I don’t think she is a bad actress but I didn’t like her acting in this one at all, it felt a bit force (?) to me, it lacked authenticity.
However, the worst to watch was the main character’s brother; his acting didn’t convince me at all, but maybe it’s because his storyline was completely ruined by the writers. And of course we can’t forget about the annoying sister of A Jung and her unintelligent husband, who matched the ML’s stepbrother in behaviour. Whenever they appeared on screen, I wanted to skip their scenes.
Thirdly, some storylines were completely cut off, and the ending honestly made me laugh; it came out of nowhere.
Overall, I definitely won’t go back to this drama because there is nothing to go back to. I watched it, and I’ll forget about it in a week. As for the positives, I’ll check out Moon Sang Min’s future dramas because I’m curious about his development as an actor.

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Could have been a nice rom com

It started well, all elements for a nice rom com were there, humour, background story with a bit of suspens, characters designed as nice and villain and the plot was original and tackle a subject that isn’t spoken easily of on Korean tv…. Yet this drama lacks so much more they try to make it complicated more it became a mess. Characters reactions and emotions are all over the place and just don’t make sense. There is no love nor brother love nor family love starting from episode 9 only a bigger mess unfolding in the 4 last episodes.
Unfortunately it was a disappointment

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1 people found this review helpful
May 4, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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The drama was not as bad as some of the review says. it was different in a refreshing way. But the story is not for everyone. It needs a certain understanding to stomach it.

The female lead actress have much room for better acting, but I liked the main female lead character. she was not a damsel in distress. Na AhJung was headstrong and didn't get scared even in front of the grandfather/president.

There are points which has its own craziness. but I loved that there is a Kdrama with a LGBTQ+ character as one of the main characters. There are not many in that category.

My issue is that the end leaves a lot of questions unanswered, a lot of lose ends. We never fully find out what DoHan's issue was with his ex. The father's involvement in the accident is never revealed to the JiHan DoHan brothers. Etc.... Too many lose ends.

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Dropped 9/12
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 24, 2024
9 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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If I could describe this series in one way, it would be WASTED POTENTIAL. Initially, I was loving this series, but as I continued watching, I became more and more disinterested in the characters, especially Ah Jung’s and Ji Han’s relationship, which sucked because at first I loved their relationship. Their dynamic was funny and enjoyable to watch. I especially loved that scene where they got drunk together despite still “hating” each other, but even though they had a strong start, the chemistry between them was gone the second that Ji Han realized he had feelings for Ah Jung. I honestly wish their relationship stayed platonic because the romantic aspect of their relationship ruined their dynamic. Ji Han had more chemistry (romantically) with Chae Won than he had with Ah Jung, and that should say a lot. Whenever Ji Han and Ah Jung are on screen together now, I found myself wishing for the scene to be over. I can’t stand watching their relationship anymore. It’s so boring now. And Ah Jung and Ji Han’s relationship isn’t the only thing I can complain about. There’s so many other things that made me dislike this series, like the lack of focus on the **initial** plot, which is the fake marriage. Instead of focusing on that, they only focused on developing Ji Han and Ah Jung’s relationship. It pissed me off whenever a scene with Ah Jung and Do Han would come on, and all Ah Jung would talk about or think about was Ji Han. Like, please SHUT UP. Not only that, but what’s up with all the unnecessary characters and conflicts? If they were going to have a side couple, they could have at least made it interesting, but no, they couldn’t even do that and with Do Han’s ex, the evil siblings, and all the other conflicts that come after that. They should have picked one conflict and stuck with it instead of making multiple and underdeveloping each one. Anyway, there’s probably more I can complain about, but that’s all I can think of right now. I know it probably seems like I hate this series, which isn’t far from the truth, but I’m giving it 6.5 stars because I genuinely did enjoy the first 6ish episodes. I just wish they executed everything properly instead of messing it all up.

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Jim Jong Jun
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 2, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A good rom com story but lacks the chemistry between the leads.

I enjoyed the webtoon and the drama did manage to live up to it too a good extent.
The cast was good and each member did justice to heir character.

Honestly when I heard Jeong Seo being casted for the role, I was quite skeptical of whether she can pull of the role as most of her roles till now had nothing to do with rom-com stuff but she for sure impressed me.

The drama is good, lighthearted and humorous. It is quite different from the cliche romcom dramas and also manages to shed light on topics of how LGBTQ folks live and are treated in a country where it is still not openly accepted.

The chemistry between the leads is lukewarm. It just didn't feel organic or warm or sizzling . Maybe due to the casting or execution but it was a letdown.

It started with a good pace but went a little draggy in its last episodes. Overall it is a good one time watch.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 2, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

story with tremendous wasted potential!

kdrama that had great potential and in the last 5 chapters the story declined catastrophically, no matter how much the protagonists tried to save the story, if you have a terrible script and chapters to develop, nothing can save what is wrong. Sangmin's performance stood out! I have become his fan, I hope he does more romantic comedies in the future, he has a lot of potential ? The cameos at the end made me laugh, as if they could save something from all that. I will not repeat it in the future
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Dropped 7/12
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 18, 2024
7 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 3.0
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Good, but

It’s good l, really good for now. Story good, acting good… but chemistry between main roles is ….
Kim Do Hwan is a good actor. He has a lot of potential, but this role isn’t for him. I feel he cant enter the role very well. I watched most of his drama. But this time role wasn’t wrote for him.

Female lead is a very very good actress. But I dont know maybe my bad, but she isnt suitable for romnatic genre in TV. I watched the call and nothing serious but I always feel she should play in artistic style loke independent movies or festival movies. She has big screen potential.

And also chemical between ji han and ah jung… I can’t feel it. His love is very rush and unrealistic. An jung tried to play with him. When they drank alchocal together first time its look like very weird. Ah jung look like she like his attention. But when she feels something like that she must to stop this fake marriage.

In the end, FL and ML looks like brother and sister. Their chemistry never look like lover.

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Dropped 6/12
12 people found this review helpful
Mar 17, 2024
6 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 8
Overall 6.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 1.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

A Waste of A Gay Character

I am not continuing with thus series. Quite frankly it had so much potential but it's taking a slow route in my opinion.

First the actors are fantastic but this is a straight story (which is fine) that's using a gay character as a prop. And again this is my opinion. The story is heavy handed on the straight story. A younger brother falling for his gay older brother's beard.

And the family dynamics of the first born children being jealous of their mother's other children.

Maybe I just don't get it. I was so thrilled to find a main character that was gay in a non BL series that would be given a story. However my patience is wearing thin.

Damn, too bad because these actors are pretty good. Maybe I will binge watch it after it's done if I find out the gay character was more fleshed out such as it is. As for
I hope I'm wrong but I despise series where the gay character is a prop and less of a useful character.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 3, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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So CRINGE!! So many drunken scenes and there are so many unnecessary reactions / unexplained storyline and the main leads have ZERO chemistry (The FL is a thumbs down). Copied tropes of being afraid of rain, falling in the arms. Unnecessary ex and dumb breakup. What a waste of time, I’d rather watched grass grow.
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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 3, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

No it’s not about spy’s

Ok so I originally thought since the title resembled some TV isn’t like Mission Impossible.. that this would involve some spy story. So that is what intrigued me funny enough. I then watched the promos and saw some sort of a femme fatal role from our FL.. but ultimately no spies. Now the trailer comes out and no spies. I at least thought that this would have some wit with how the fake relationship could be perceived as real. I thought this drama would bring some mind games and gaslighting others to make them believe the relationship that the story revolves around is real. In the end there was less of that and a whole lot more of.. well .. I don’t know?

I can’t say I don’t like this drama though. It was charming for the first handful of episodes. Soon though I started seeing problems with the main plot line and relationships. The FL gets too into the relationships around her, I mean I guess she’s only human- but it’s just kind of all over the place in a way. I guess I shouldn’t have expected a lot of smart writing here. It’s pretty boring at times, but it’s not too complicated. For what this drama wants to be, a romantic comedy- it’s not really that either. I don’t know what genre this wanted to be, but funny- yes at times- romantic…….. ehhhhh

This was just a quick little writings about how I thought about this. So to sum it up, it’s not bad. I don’t recommend it but I don’t hate it. I really like Moon Sang Min and am glad I watched it. Without the leads here I wouldn’t have. It’s got that curse where it has talented actors but the writing is just not all there. I get it’s from a source, but adapt it- make it better. Instead this was just average-ish. That’s a barely though, for a more average romantic comedy I would rather it be so bad it’s good. Instead if it’s like this a boring and doesn’t know what it wants to be, then I just get frustrated. I wanted a cult classic, instead I should just watch the classics.

My biggest frustration was the handling of the second male lead. He was a gay man and I expected that they didn’t make that some sort of disability for him. I kid you not, that’s how it was treated. A sad secret that kept him from living his life fully. I don’t care about the business or the appeal to the world, I don’t think it was fair for his story to be shoved away. They treated his homosexuality like a bad thing that was unfortunate. I swear the guy himself didn’t even like being gay nor was he proud of it. And he was 30? The whole life he had, he not once owned up to it because of what? His grandparents? If he didn’t care for that life why couldn’t he just say it? I guess he could’ve been scared for his partner.. but he didn’t have one. And also he never got one in the end. The straight people got their happy ending but if you are gay you just end up alone. It’s quite funny how bad they ended his story, and how the writers really don’t know anything about what it’s like to be gay. I mean I could go on and on. I’m just offended they never celebrated the queer aspects and instead it was someone’s misfortune. That’s not progress in kdrama land, that’s misfortune by itself.

If you want something more nuanced I don’t even know where to start. For a romantic comedy with queer leads watch Sematic Error. For a romantic comedy that is straight watch Business Proposal. I’m done here. Again I’ll say being gay isn’t a misfortune to someone live. This drama has the opportunity to shed light on the difficulties while also respecting someone’s identity. They could’ve showed how someone can still thrive and be successful no matter their identity. So what was the moral of this?

Don’t adapt something you don’t understand or try to. Instead it comes off as disrespectful and cheap. No matter how charming the leads and the characters are, the handling of identities was so flawed. I’ll say watch something else. Recommending more.. even other countries at this point. Watch Ready Set Love for queer characters and straight that is handled with respect.. watch that please.. not this

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 3, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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wasted potential

The first 10 episodes were so good and I was ready to give this a 10/10. Even in episode 11, I was starting to be okay with the breakup because I thought it would allow characters to grow, but that last episode is so disappointing they got back together in the last 10 minutes of the show, and although the proposal scene was cute it also didn't make sense because there was no real build-up or DATING ERA. The main leads had so much chemistry yet they didn't have that many scenes together. The last 5 minutes were the most confusing 5 minutes of my life she was shooting in a wedding dress and then he just grabbed her and ran away like SIR she is shooting why are you interrupting it and taking her away, it made ZERO sense. They could have just given us their wedding or they could have just cut to their married life because that was so unnecessary. I cared for this drama and it just seemed like the writers gave up and that pisses me off the most. Overall though I loved the drama and they made my Mondays and Tuesdays better. I would just watch up till halfway through episode 10 that's when the show ended in my head.

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0 people found this review helpful
May 27, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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The Kdrama Tropes Are Strong With This One

I really wanted to get into this kdrama and I kinda loved the male lead in this and thought his acting was great, but the story was all over the place and just felt like most of the show was filler. It takes way too long for the leads to get together and then it's so brief that you nearly miss it.

I loved the trauma they briefly brushed on for the male lead, but then they just kinda forgot about it. I guess he was magically cured offscreen or something. The female lead was great at times, but then felt overly rude towards the male lead when he was kind. Now he was a jerk a lot too, but they explain it at the very least, even though it still bothered me. Then the whole pretend to hate her thing was just really frustrating and takes a long time as well. This is why everything felt like filler.

The gay brother was terrible and completely selfish, all while calling his younger brother (the lead) selfish. They never fully explain the grandfather spending years basically ignoring and mistreating the Ji Han (the lead). They just briefly say a couple words at the end about it, so not enough. I was just frustrated by the whole thing and really wanted a refreshing take where they just run to each other and let the brother clean up his mess. he was fully prepared to do so, doesn't get to, and then does anyways and it's too late apparently. I hate kdrama plots like this.

The kdrama tropes were strong with this one that's all I'm saying, and it just felt like it was showcasing every trope in the book in one show. Terrible idea btw. And Moon Sang Min needs more lead roles, and just more roles. He did a great job with micro-expressions and I really appreciated his range of emotions. Also, I liked the grandpa for the most part and liked that he was way less awful than most are in these types of shows

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