Mademoiselle Noir
62 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 10

When a Cheeky Bastard Meets a Goody-Two-Shoes

It's absolutely ridiculous, cheesy, makes you scratch your head and ask why, self-obsessed with a mix of laughingly-bad-side-character-acting, a dash of awkward fight scenes, a healthy dose of suits and abs in rags, chemistry that chemistrys, leads that act like the rent was due two months ago and the power bill is coming in the mail on Monday, and, above all, just a shit ton of fun.

When you have a drama with nonsense characters, over-the-top plot points, and cheap effects that is self-aware of its soap-operaness and also has a main romance with sizzling chemistry and sly grins from both parties (one more mischevious Cheshire-cat and foxy than the other though), you have yourself some quality entertainment.

I had a blast not only watching this but pondering what could possibly be awaiting me in the newest episode.

My recommendation? Pop some popcorn, kick your feet back, hit play, and have a good time.

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25 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Laws of Attraction!!

'Laws of Attraction' is an interesting drama that gets you invested right from the very start. It has action, attractions, an interesting plot and to add up a great cast. I admit JamFilm were the sole reason I started this series in the first place for I loved them in 'To sir with love' and trust me I don't love them any less here, but along the way I fell in love with the other characters too starting from Tonkhao to Grandmother to Rose to Maya to Thee and Thaethai to Nawin. I loved each one of them.

Talking about Charn, I won't lie I couldn't trust him fully even until half of the series. I loved him, his sassy attitude, the way he didn't leave any chance when it came to flirting with Tinn, the way he used his brain in a smart yet cunning way. I loved everything about him but I still just couldn't trust him. However, that didn't lessen my love for him. Then we have Tinn, his struggles felt so real. He is righteous and he wants justice for his niece but he doesn't bend to unruly ways. He stands his ground even in front of Charn. And may I add the chemistry between Tinn and Charn was cute. It was so freaking crystal clear how they both wanted each other ever since they laid their eyes on each other. The tension felt so real and watching them not so subtly flirt was an absolute delight to see.

Moving on to Thaethai, damn I can't believe I went from hating Thaethai to loving him so much. He is a vulnerable kid with a trash dad. He deserves nothing but happiness. He looked like an absolute spoiled kid in the starting but as I watched more of him, he grew on me. And Thee this guys world revolved around Thaethai ever since the starting. He was the only one who saw Thaethai for who he is. Thee and Thaethai I was really cheering for them. They are so cute mahn.

Then we have Rose and Maya, oh lord this girls have my heart. They were badass and it was so enjoyable to see them tease Charn. Also, Tin's grandmother she is the most understanding character. Damn I wish I had a grandma like her.

Overall a really good series with a good plot. The suspense and romance element is well balanced and the plot is well executed. I won't say it's perfect, it had it's own share of plot holes but it was enjoyable. So, recommended!!

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8 people found this review helpful
Nov 13, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Entertaining But Melodramatic.

8 episodes total. Okay for one watch but it didn't engage me emotionally. It took me a couple of episodes to really get interested in the characters. It was melodramatic but in an entertaining way through ep 6 and then it slid into eye-rolling over-the-top-ness. Ep 8 is painfully cheesy and it cuts abruptly from one vignette to the next. Ex: jumping from watching a bad guy getting hurt & a brief blurb about it on the news to a romantic photoshoot with bubbles. It was a bizarre final episode and not very satisfying.

The actors (leads and secondary characters) felt rather forced in their intensity at times but it kind of fits into this melodramatic world that the series created. The actor Film has an un-hinged psycho-smile that would be too much elsewhere but kind of fits his character here.

There's good sexual tension between the main leads for the first half of the series then it kind of fades away. Which I thought was a weird progression because at the beginning one of them is grieving the recent murder of a family member yet has easy smiles with the other lead. There's a decent amount of skinship but anything beyond that is almost always interrupted. And when there are kisses (2 total I think) it's a dead-fish kiss. They seem much more comfortable ogling each other than sharing breathing space.

I found myself invested in and rooting for the secondary couple. They were the closest to getting my emotions engaged.

Nothing noticeably good or distracting about cinematography and music.

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10 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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I can't even sit still or see straight as i write this review....this was soooo good. The story although i think could have been a bit longer and the love story more developed, was addictive and it drew me in from the first episode. Waiting week by week was a sweet nightmare or reminiscing and anticipating.

Film....holy.....Film nailed his role as Charn. His smile, his brattiness, his flirtatiousness.... It was the consistency for me, his charecter, multi faceted as it was, was consistent throughout the series even as his thoughts began to change. He didn't suddenly become a great person overnight

And Jam of course also played his part as bearieved uncle, loyal grandson, good man and utterly whipped Khun very well and i found myself giggling and hitting my pillow as he fell in loved and did the cheesiest gestures for his love.

The chemistry of the two.... out of this world....i just.....gahhhh. They set the screen on fire without much NC scenes and i will blush till the end of time at some of the flirting they did.

The side couples were cute too....good acting and cute love stories. And of course the silliest gangster to ever exist.

All in all, i've watched possibly 80percent of BLs produced, from Phillipine to Korean to Thai to Japanese to American to Chinese, and this one will easily take a spot in my top ten faves. So would i recommend it?....uhmm....why are you still reading this....go watch the effin series!

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9 people found this review helpful
Sep 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Hot Lawyer in BL, sign me up!!

I'm SO happy to see a hot lawyer in BL drama, gosh. That alone is so refreshing!

This is really high quality BL, not those where you feel its done by low budget or rookie vibe (althou they are great too)

It deserves to be mainstream really! Initially, I was worried that 8 episodes might mean sloppy drama, but its totally not true. Its actually SO well done.

Its compact with solid storyline, amazing plot twist, no filler, hence its not draggy. Every moment got you hooked!

Film's acting is SO good, one of the best BL actor I've seen. I can see the difference in his smile when he is being sly, sincere, playful or not.

I found a new couple to ship, Film Jam!! Gosh, they are my new favorite couple

The chemistry, sparks, and the flirting, gosh.

I love the super happy ending for everyone. I also love the other couple too.

Overall, we need more good shows like this one!!!

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9 people found this review helpful
Oct 1, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Laws to attract viewers

I usually don't like to watch Thailand bls bcz if their overdramatic cringe acting, same plots and those unnecessary nsfw scenes.....but this one is like a breath of fresh air.

If u want to see the combo of amazing acting with deserving cast, good plot, this is for u. Not one scene here feels unnecessary or out of the plot especially some scenes with the second couple.

I have seen the series three times already but still can't stop myself to watch again. The main actors did a wonderful job in enacting their part especially film (in role of lawyer charn). I just love how the way he carried himself in the entire series.

The music really compliments with the scene, it feels refreshed to watch it. I recommend everyone to watch it, you'll definitely enjoy.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jul 16, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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So far i love it

This series start and i was like chains of heart . The starting when the fellow almost got shot and the guy flew in with the kick ??? i was like chains of heart ? down to the music , family every thing?. Was skeptical to get back in it, but i reached on work after taking care of my patients and went back in and boy was i in for a surprise. Was cussing when his niece got killed like really, the one good thing in his lie? then was like this senator son needs a cutass and when the lawyer came to bribe him i was like dont just twar up the cheque slap his ass. I cannot wait for episode 2??? completed and i loved it

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8 people found this review helpful
Sep 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Just WOW

I have rewatched this show too much now. I even leave it on in the background when I'm cleaning or working (I take Thai classes so listening to shows is helpful) Anyway, I will say I originally did not have high hopes for this show. I thought it was just gonna be like a rip off of KinnPorsche, and I didn't like that show either. Well anyway I finally decided to watch it like a week before the finale, and I was so wrong. This show is going in my top 10. Yes, the special effects were awful, but let's be honest I was here for the fireworks not the fire lol. Anyway, Charn was played to perfection, and I loved the dynamic between him and Tin. I also really liked that while Charn does become a better person in the end, he is still cunning and a little evil lol so it shows the compromise that the grandmother was discussing. Now, if you want a show just for the sexy scenes then this show may not be for you, but the plot and the tense and teasing atmosphere from the duo more than makes up for it. I am not even upset at how long it took them to finally get together cause the journey and set up was so worth it. Now, I will say I could care less about the side couple. The rich guy's son was awful in the beginning and by the time he started to get better and it was revealed he's not a bad guy I just didn't care about his storyline. It was really hard for me to like him. His relationship with his dad though was very sad, and I think maybe if they would have revealed some things sooner or made him more sympathetic I could have liked him more, but that is honestly my biggest critique of the show. Like I am not a fan of getting a season 2 of a BL drama, but honestly I would watch anything with these two now lol I am currently watching their previous show called To Sir With Love, so if you are missing Charn and Tian, I recommend to watch that lol

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5 people found this review helpful
Sep 9, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Lawless land with a whole lot of attraction... and smiles

This is the story of the evil lawyer with a devilish smile who falls in love with the stupidly kind Tai Kwan Do instructor at first sight only to find himself in a bit of a dilemma... a dilemma that sends the two off in to a dangerous pit of corruption, misunderstandings, people framing each other and some kind of healing done fun...

The acting varies quite a bit but the devilish smile of the lawyer ml pretty much makes up for any shortcomings among some of the side charakters and honestly So does Silvy who impresses me more and more every time I see her, why has she not gotten lead role yet? Seriously girl has talent and attitude, and to top it off she even has a really good voice. As well as the grandma who is just a total sweetheart.

The story is pretty predictable, but has a lot of angles, the villain is as evil as it gets both the villain and the lawyer with the devilish smile have some really good lines.

Half of the male second couple is good the other half annoyed me while the female second couple could easily have stolen the show all together, maybe made a spin off where they create a trio cabaret with the grandma and tour the world...

So what can I say it an okay watch with a whole lot of fun and entertaining but also a whole lot of meeh and bad acting

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7 people found this review helpful
Oct 9, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
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it was so interested!

I really like this series. It is amazing! From the beggining I knew that Laws of attraction will be my next favourite bl series. At first lawyer Charn annoyed me with his psychopath look and smile, and the fact that he was on the wrong side - he wanted money, power and defends the culprit.
Than`s father was awful, he hated his own child. At first I didnt like Tan, but deep down I knew that he is innocent. Thanks to Thee, he became a better person, and their love was pure from the beggining. When his father went to jail, Tan still felt sorry for him...
My favourite character is Tinn, of course. He is good person, who seek justice for his niece; he was brave enough to fight such a battle with all the bad people. He saw Charn`s good side, even though Charn acted like a idiot.
This series captivated me from the beggining and till the end. It was so interesting, intense, i like series which include crimes and bl moments. To be honest, I wanted more romantic stuff, but I`m glad that Charn and Tinn had a happy ending. It is all that matter. Of course, Laws of attraction deserve 10 stars, so I gave it a total 10!

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7 people found this review helpful
Sep 2, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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It was a wild ride!

But it was worth it and, most importantly, fun. Charn (Well, actually his name is Chan, but the whole fandom ignores that and calls him Charn.) is a sociopathic lawyer whose intentions always lead towards money and power. That's totally not the typical BL main character. I mainly loved the originality: a lawyer that sets buildings on fire and manipulates people around him for his own benefits? You don't see that very often, especially with gay characters.
THE PLOT: But as Britney Spears sings in "Criminal", someone fell in love with our criminal—I mean, our narak little lawyer. Well, of course they were enemies at first, but as we saw in the first episode, Charn falls for him instantly. That "him" is Tinn, whose niece got killed in a "car incident". Charn is the lawyer of the accused murderer, the son of a rich and powerful politician. But Charn doesn't believe that it's an accident, so he decides to help Tinn find the truth behind this complicated case...

CHARACTERS: All the characters were so original and fun. Now I'm repeating myself, but it was really that funny and good. Every character had their own story. My favorite was Charn (that smile, that damned smile..), but there was also one that stole the show in the last two episodes: Charn's ex-boyfriend, Nawin. He was the Tankhun of this series. The love between Charn and Tinn was so sweet. I love the enemies to lovers trope, and this was made so amazingly. I really, really loved them. Especially in the last episodes, they were protective of each other, and Jam and Film portrayed them very well. Film and his smile? *chef's kiss* Give him an award now!
OVERALL: Every episode was full of fun, great fight scenes, amazing actors, a great story, and much, much more. I can't recommend it enough. Yes, it had a small budget, but does it matter if it was a masterpiece? And we got a wedding in the end! I'm crying! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I'll be rewatching for sure.

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7 people found this review helpful
Sep 7, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Dynamic drama

Can some one please tell me why these male leads getting so good script ? What a series it was damn so good I love this couple and this series story Is damn good every episode was mystery , fun of teasing each other , love between bodyguard and boss , villain comes hero male lead wow what a great acting done by all the actors you know what at 7th episode I came to know about other series called to sir with love done by same leads I finished that drama and came back to 8th episode but unfortunately it ended so soon please make these kind of dramas more rather than boring office or college love stories I m expecting more from this couple just waiting how their next series will be may be mafia leads I hope lawyer character guy should something like mafia badass role again his smiles does look like villain in this series? anyway I enjoyed this drama hope they release some special episodes or new series soon all the best to the team❤❤

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