I came for Jung Hae In, and I stayed for the issues
This is just beautiful, like a walk in to some pretty cold waters from a beautiful beach, slowly getting deeper, and deeper, while the winds rise up to the perfect storm....If you are looking for a comedy this is not the place to look, even if it does use quite a bit of humour this is certainly a drama dealing with some pretty heavy issues and will probably make you feel a whole lot of anger, sorrow and may even make you cry. The early episodes will probably make you laugh too but the further you get the deeper the issues and by the fifth episode you will have been close to tears, kept on your toes and angry at the world.
What I love about this drama, besides the obvious presence of Jung Hae In, is that they dare to show the complexity to the characters, how one thing leads to another and tackle important issues such as bullying, suicide, group mentality, domestic violence, poverty and the all important bystanders in a beautiful way by using all means available. Music, cinematography, lighting all work perfectly to set the mood and are just up my alley. So I rated it with ten stars. However you should know this is my type of drama and I am extremely bias towards Jung Hae In. But if you like me enjoy issues, dark humor and Jung Hae In this drama will leave you hoping for a second season, and thinking it was way to short , they should have given it at least 10 episodes instead of the short 6.
For fellow Jung Hae In fans his character here (as well as the drama ) are more like Prison playbook than the flirty guy in Something in the rain, and yes he does this role perfectly (like always)
All in all I definitely recommend this to those who are not afraid to dip in to some dark deep waters...
P.s I laughed every time Jun Ho repeated his name and rank... I hope you will too
Edit: make sure to stay all the way, the epilog in the end is really important and worth watching (even though jhi is not present)
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Sweet, Sexy, Submissive, Consensual ... slightly complicated too
This movie has a little bit of everything, fun informative beautifully shot and will have you thinking a lot of thoughts at once while still managing to make your heart flutter thinking oooh they are so sweet,.. and awch that must hurt but ohhh so sweet.Knowing very little about the subject I found myself intrigued by both the plot and the informative scenes here and there making this not only fun and pretty for the eye but also a source of learning.
I love how this shows deals with the extremely important issue consent as well as shows the difference between consensual acts of dominance as well as non-consensual ones with the main focus being on consent, acceptance and growing together.
The characters in this movie are complex, lovable (most), there are PLENTY of pets (human and non human), lots of humor and not a single annoying character in sight. So what do I say a rom-com done right, that I may just re-watch with my husband for some inspiration, or just for fun ;)
I would say this is probably the funnest rom-com movie I have seen so far, so I strongly recommend people to watch it.
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Low quality but fluffy
This story may seem like just another teen romance, Icicle knight in shining armour (School uniform) saves the bullied "damsel in distress". But it actually does have quite a bit more to offer and has s slightly different angle than the one we are used to seeing.Icicle ML seems to have spent 10 years completely lacking the ability to communicate when he now suddenly has to take it all at once and is therefore slightly obsessed, and oddly clingy... Hover he is very kind and we as viewers to ge too understand the reasoning behind it.
Weak ML is so weak it is almost made me wonder how he survived so far, he is however kind, forgiving and oddly enough the one character in this drama that is probably the most hard working self aware person in this drama,
The way they interact with each eother shows very clearly how people are different depending on the context they are in, and these two seem to bring out the best in each other, at least if you support clinging...
Non of them are the type to make you swoon but they do seem human , and seem to deal with their imperfections pretty well. Though I must add that the acting was far from perfect... it was still enjoyable and did not distract from the story.
The friendships in this drama are sweet and so are the parental relationships. There Drama has some tension ant there are definitely parts to make you nervous about their future parts that may raise your pulse and keep this from being too bland.
Deffenetly a decent watch, easy to bine and has lots of feel good fluff... soft clothing, soft filming, soft petals... soft cake... yep fluff all around...
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Mediocre but sweet and awkward in a good way
This drama has this odd charm, with awkwardness, slight suspense (very slight), a decent palette of current issues facing women and the LGBTQ+ community in todays society... However they only scratch the surface and it is delivered in a pretty mediocre way...The acting- Mediocre
The dialog. Mediocre
The cinematography- Mediocre
The sound- Pretty decent and sweet
The chemistry- Mediocre but sweet/awkwerd/dead fish... type of thing
The side characters-Range between sweet to meeh
The Friendships- lovely!
However it is very short so I would not say it is a waste of time in any way as it was pretty fluffy, easy to watch and entertaining.. Just do not expect a masterpiece... or anything ground breaking, breathtaking or to be swept of your feet...
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A lot of words that start with the letter P, and perfect for me...
What do you get if you combine the best parts of Who are you, school 2015 with My Name and add some political fight the power stuff and make it in Thailand instead of South Korea?
Nothing perfect, but definitely something for me... This drama just ticked so many boxes with things I loved taking me on an exciting journey with a powerful political statement in-bedded in a nail-biting plot with just the perfect amount of bromance, romance, and everything in-between...
A drama where the plot is so good that all the "ohh they are so cute" just feel like an added bonus, do not get me wrong there is plenty of fan service such as oil wrestling, dimples and what not... but it does not take over and feels true to the plot. So to say that I loved this is an understatement...
The cinematography the directing, the styling, the writing everything was all well done, there is one point where the clothes more or less match the colors in the abandoned building. Fine there where where a few plot holes here and there, like running around and leaving fingers prints all over the place... and some plot twists were pretty predictable... but as a whole this was really high quality and highly entertaining at the same time (a more rare combination than one might think) . And what can I say even the PPL was noticeable but not over the top. And the so called sex-scenes where very tastefully made.
The relationships are for the most part pretty consensual, though they do seem to punch each other a lot, fight till the brink of death and may just have a Punch and make up kind of take to the classic kiss and make upp... but once you look past that most of the characters are actually rather nice , not so very toxic and definitely likeable.
There is some pretty powerful art and da3nce and the take on identical twins is very interesting.
To conclude definitely a good highly bingable drama for anyone one who enjoys a bit of fight the power, with a side of romance.
P.S After watching Theory of love I was already very impressed by Guns acting while not as impressed by Offs acting however this drama only strengthened my adoration for Gun and gave me a new found one for Off... Their chemistry is phenomenal so I am starting to get the whole OffGun Hype if there is one.
Also, this is one of those dramas where time flies, you start watching it and poof you are half way thru it without noticing the time...
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Family ties and romance...
This feels more like a movie than a series, as the pacing, music, story, cinematography, time well everything gave the vibe of a well made movie.The story is good, unlike many web dramas it does not feel rushed in anyway it has a beginning a middle, some kind of conflict and of course an ending too... one of those that fit the feel there could be a sequel but if the sequel would add anything to the story seems questionable.
What I loved about this movie (series that I shall now name movie), was the way it was filmed, and though the side characters where not always necessary they did add some extra flavour and had 0 annoying tendencies... I would for instance love a GL about the sister and the ML friend... The sister is probably one of my favourite siblings in all of Dramaland...
The romance here is pretty good, having the boys see each other for who they really are, or at least one of them, a guy who is very caring and sweet... But what makes this movie really good is actually the story within the story, the film within the film about the a child's relationship to weight loss and how it with the combination badly handled divorce/separation can scar a child deeply. They also show different types of not so perfect, I would even say some pretty bad parenting and it is done well!
Level of... 1-10
Bingeabilaty: 10
Cute couple: 9
Drama: 7
Entertainment: 9
Annoying elements: non
Cinematography: 9
So if you ask me this is definitely worth watching!
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A touching drama criticizing society in the most beautiful way
This was an emotional ride with every singel emotion known ... I have probably cried every singel type of tear i know of.... so to say I was touched is an understatement.This drama combines important issues while celebrating peoples life and showing both respect and nuance to peoples death. Every episode has a message and while some kick you making you want to fight back, some will give you hope and others are just sad and that is okay too.
The main story is touching on its own with, trauma, violence, misunderstandings and a whole lot of regret truly has everything and more that one can expect and wish for from this type of drama. I Love the way this drama shows people of different ability as competent humans with emotions deserving respect but also in need of assistance. I also love how this drama tackels prejudice and controversial issues in today's society in an unapologetic yet beautiful way.
I was not annoyed at any one, never had the urge to pause, the humor in it hit just the right spot and all in all I loved it. Yes I did. This does not mean every second was perfect or that every singel actors acting was flawless it just means I liked the way it woke my emotions and made me feel so many different emotions in only 10 episodes.
What also made this drama great was that different episodes where kind of different generas so there was really not time to get bored. While some episodes where more emotional, other episodes kept me on my toes, some truly caught me of guard and supersized me and some even made me fall in love... but to be clear the romance truly is kept to a minimum.
This drama also taught me that even dead people communicate, we just have to listen and observe the objects they leave behind and that as long as some one is in your memory you will never be alone... kind of creepy but sweet and comforting.
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Castaway Music and Romance but instead we got so much more...
This drama is all about priorities and is so much more than another music Cast Away Diva.... Don´t get me wrong I love my idol music dramas more than most people do and this does have some of that but what makes this drama excellent is how it mixes dreams, and family abuse with fond family and friendship, killer secrets, a psychopath or two... and a side of romance in such a beautiful way.Foremost this is a slice of life drama featuring a story about family abuse, found family and trying to escape....
Then comes the story about fighting for ones dreams in a world full of betrayals but also beautiful friendships
First after that comes the romance part of the story. To be honest I would have wanted another 4 episodes devoted to music and romance, but the mix in this was otherwise pretty well balanced.
There are almost over the top annoying characters or low comedy elements as far as my eyes could see... The two that had that type of characteristics had a job to do to get the story ruling to their invigorating annoying traits actually field a purpose. Making me accept (hate) them just the way they where as they indeed showed how dangerous being a **** when facing kids trapped in families where they are abused can be.
The main villain in this drama is very well written perfectly evil, smart, knows the rules and knows exactly how to avoid punishment. Our diva is a true diva with a story, the agency director a jerk, our female lead is bad ass and fun and lovable all at once. The male lead has this great mix of hot- cold, reserved... The second male lead is precious and clueless and just so much fun to watch. The found families are just so adorable, I love em I truly do, the sisemace also top top top... And the hot and cold romance has some pretty good chemistry and lovely lines but is just overshadowed by the rest both in term of story and measured in screen time.
Defiantly a drama I recommend to most, just be prepared for both darkness and fluff...
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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories
117 people found this review helpful
Painful but beautiful season two that outshines season one.
This second season is a bit like revisiting a restaurant you once liked just to find out the chef got even better... The food got more depth, stronger flavours and even prettier plating....As this second season may not be a feel good season but it didd make me feel a whole lot of emotions, mostly pain, but in a good way, as well timed flashbacks, music and lighting make up this well balanced story of love, regret, growth and loss done right. As they do a really good job showing the happily but not the ever after that followed the first season.
This season has kept most of the old cast but introduces a whole bunch of new very lovable characters, that truly add some sugar to soften the pain of the story.
The leads have gown a lot, they are still lovable, slightly broken (very) and perfect opposites that may attract but also need a lot of work. So if you are looking for some feel good fluff, back away and watch something else this is more of a Our Beloved Summer meets Touch your heart lind of deal, but much shorter.
Easy to binge, easy to feel and easy to fall in love... A joy for the eye, some scenes may make you hungry, some will have your heart fluttering, others will make you laugh but I am willing to say that most of the drama is spent with an ever growing lump in the chest.
I think that most people who liked season one just a little bit may feel a tad ( a lot) of heart break in season two but will undoubtedly see its greatness... for those who have seen neither, go see season one so you can watch season two.
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Fluff, fluffier, fluffiest! !
This was just a huge dose of fluff and is probably the sweetest fluffiest drama out there at the moment, Everybody is just so cute, not only as characters, but together too. The story is both interesting, sweet and of course not completely without drama, but even the drama is cute and resolved in a sweet manner making your (my) heart flutter over and over again of ooooh that is just so cute!While many other shows may have some unnecessary drama that may frustrate you, the drama here is different, it shows some struggles (without letting it take over the cute), some well known prejudice one may face or be afraid to face, but that too is handled really well.
The grownups here do not make me want to scream, or ashamed of being part of the grown up community. There is actually a teacher who is shown to be kind, supportive and honest, who knew that was possible?
The mother here is just soooo sweet, I just wanted to hug her!
The different types of friends here are also, yes you guessed it, Sweet, supportive, super cute!
Even the love triangle (yes real triangle) is just sweet and cutely done....
To top it off we get a bickering couple, and adorable dog, a lovely visit of the see thru umbrella and opposites attract...
Yes even the misunderstandings in this are.... CUTE...
Did I mention it is cute? So for you in need of a shot of some highly bingeable cuteness and fluff, this is it!
A small warning: I will however just mention that I was a bit bothered by the leads way of over acting with big comedic gestures that I normally hate, but they grew on me and I ended up finding it, yes you probably guessed it: CUTE
Also this probably is the drama, with the highest ratio smiles per minute I have ever seen...
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An arrow of pain and cuteness that hits you right in the right spot.
This is a beautifully portrayed tearjerker, the kind that hits you right in the heart, or is it the stomach?This movie does an amazing job inviting the viewers in to the world of a child who neither can see or hear. A child otherwise abandoned (by death and choice), manage to find her way in to the heart of a man who was brought to her by some sad circumstances. Though they may look like a total missfitt these two complete each other perfectly showing us what a little tactile communication along with love and affection can do to change a persons way of living. While staying away from scenes that may dehumanize, exotify or give out the feel peoples misfortunes as inspiration. This movie feels real, and makes the viewers feel at home in a way.
The way this was shot really conveyed the emotions as well as the perspectives of both the leads. This movie addresses important issues while showering us with fluffy animals and cute smiles. This actress may not say much but boy/girl does she portray her role well, hats off to this kid and the directors. To be honest most of the movie I was going between a 8-9 but the way the end scene was shot pushed the score to a 10.
All in all definitely a must watch!
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Road to Patriotic Boredom
If you look at the stars you may wonder why the low overall score when pretty much everything is rated highly so here is the deal. The story itself is a decent and pretty interesting story, the cast is amazing and the cinematography is gorgeous there are no annoying over the top characters and the start of the drama was so good I even cried in the 5th episode. The chemistry, kisses, dynamics in this are also all good. There are adorable animals in almost every single episode too and not to mention amazing found family and friendships.So basically this should have ticked every single one of my of my boxed and gotten a 10 star rating...
However I was bored out of my mind at times as the pacing of this drama is extremely inconsistent, the flashbacks to the past come seemingly out of nowhere and once we are back in the present something big happened but we never got to see the good stuff as it unfolds.
A lot of time is dedicated to teaching us some type of morals about monogamy, staying faithful to ones partner as well as to mother nation. As I am pretty sure this drama was made to satisfy and recruit wives to soldiers, SWAT team members police etc.... Teaching viewers that saving the nation comes first and a good wife waits patiently for her lover to come home without asking be it a week, a month or 10 years she shall be faithful and supportive and loving...
Unless the guy is unfaithful or beats her then it is ok to get a divorce, seek happiness etc. etc. I am not sure if that counts for men serving the country or if it just for those who have civilian jobs. But it does seem to be clear that the drama is pro divorce, which is a good thing in my book but it was done so wrong I felt like my intelligence was being questioned.
I also found myself thinking:
Will someone please think of the children?
Yes there was one character who seemingly did but one of the kids was tossed around so much the kid must have wonderd where the h*** he was when he woke up. If this is the reality of kids to SWAT people I find myself thinking maybe SWAT captain is not the ultimate job for a single father... But Hey I am sure the guy had his reasons... But I did wonder how hard can it be t to get a job as a regular police officer near ones kid... but then again I do not know s*** about this but did feel bad for the kid, with
or without found family.
However the main reason for dragging down the score was the endless preaching dialog... the repetitiveness of I have to go I can not tell you... I may die..." meets "Ok, I understand" that would have made a killer drinking game, but without one present I was just board out of my mind.
So to sum it up yes this has a lot of potential and good stuff to it but it was not worth it and I should have dropped it somewhere in the middle... But again the first bunch of episodes touched me so I do not regret starting it, but I do regret finishing it.
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Makes as much sense and is about as entertaining as an 80's song medley
This may start off as a youth romance but pretty fast takes a turn to the kids acting like adults, with adult gangster problems... or is it corruption, murder CEO problems?Though the drama does have some fluff and a whole lot of cliches, what strikes me the most is the dim beige/grey lighting that ads a slightly depressing filter to the drama... And even though they spend a lot of time at the beach I feel like I keep missing the sun.
The acting could be better, there are some sweet well preformed moments here and there but neither of the leads are very good with facial expressions and emotions. That said both are pretty good at delivering physical scenes as well as action and tension. However the moment they are supposed to feel something it just becomes cringey be it sadness, love (not lust though), anger... It just feels off....
If I were to play a drinking game about finding lines from 80s song, show of abs or the words I will always love you, I would need to get my stomach pumped by the 9th episode or so as the "always", and love confessions come as often as (I will let you use your imagination), only to be disproved over and over again... I love you, I will now leave you, I will always love you... I will run away and if you love me you will not look for me... over and over again or at least that is what it feels like...
That said it is an ok watch, mostly entertaining and fun to watch just make sure to turn off your brain before you start watching it as nothing is consistent, nothing makes sense and the lack of scars as well as the healing power of those young men can put Connect (the drama/webtoon starring Jung Hae In) to shame.
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Such a Sweet and Smooth Ride
This is just such a sweet ride... Cotton Candy fluff, with so much sweetness and dimples you just might hurt your cheekbones from smiling...The drama itself is nothing revolutionary or so... There is no big message there is some drama and angst here and there but it is just enough to keep it from being a too smooth ride. The cinematography is good. And the intro song is as sweet as the drama itself...
The pacing is good, and kept me interested the whole time, the side characters may do some stupid things here and there but are over all lovable with the exception of a jerk but he is supposed to be a jerk so it works out fine. One of the side couples is composed of the male leads uncle and his lover these two are just so sweet understanding, fun and the ultimate bickering couple goals for old age. giving this drama that little extra spark to it... It also has some small trans representation done ok, not great but not badly either.
There are a few small side stories that where left a bit to unexplored but it does not affect the over all impression of this which is just smiles and fluff all around.. As we watch these two very kind men get to know not only each other but also find their place in the world...
or something like that
Some scores:
Bingeabilaty -10
Cuteness -10
Annoying -characters no
Second hand embarrassment- very little
So yes I loved it and hope you will too.
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Simply one of the best...
So good, so good, soo good... This drama may be about people sleeping, but is sure to keep you wide a wake and on your toes as you binge it... The first episodes are packed with humour as well as heart heartfluttering flirting, fun and twists of fate, twist of umbrellas, twists of the arm... Showing all from exploding busses (ok 1), to domestic abuse and hubby love. Watching glimpses of your future when you sleep may not only save your life but will also shorten the runway in to love... or make you run scared... heck why not both?As the show progresses the darker and deeper tit gets, the suspense and issues rise... (not that there weren't any in the beginning) and though the plot has lots of side stories they all come together, mixing genres without making a mess! Impressive right?
The show has an overall good and valuable message, about learning from ones mistakes. The characters are not only gorgeous for the eye... they are lovable interesting and not the least bit flat, as each story and character is properly dealt with and shown from several angels, ok not all but most of them. ..
Watching this for the first time will definitely surprise you and probably have you guessing, watching it for the second time you will probably notice a lot of details you thought were insignificant the first time around, and watching it a third time will probably just make your hart flutter, but this is just me guessing since I have actually only seen it twice.
In numbers:
Bingeabilaty: 10
Annoying elamnts: a few but they can be overlooked
Fluff: 10
Visuals: 10
Acting: 10
Side characters: 9
Fun: 10
So if you have yet to have seen this masterpiece go watch it, if you have seen it before go rewatch it...
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