1 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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As the headline suggests, I have very mixed feelings about this series.

Within the context of how the story is written, I would rate this as a solid 8/10.

Major Heartstopper vibes, cute story, good chemistry between the leads, just the right amount of tension with the love triangle, no toxic female characters. Acting, production value, colouring, editing and soundtrack are all good.

The plot is relatively simple and straightforward. Some major foreshadowing everything isn't as it seems when Nikko mentions he wants to be remembered as a positive person. MODC has made us all a little skittish. All good so far.

Then... everything goes sideways when the major point of dramatic tension is introduced.

Nikko faints, we get the big reveal, he has ALS. Bold choice, weird reveal because fainting isn't an ALS thing but whatever. Look back at previous episodes, Nikko's speech patterns, his fatigue, his mothers anxiety, kind of tracks, lets see how they are going to deal with this. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt.

Nikko goes back to school with a cane. Okay, again, not really how ALS plays out but lets be honest, these are 18 minute episodes. Not necessarily looking for an in depth examination of the disease process.

Strange conversations, doctor talking about interventions available in the States, Nikko talking about how he doesn't want to hold Eli back, the super dramatic scene of Nikko not being able to feel his legs.

At this point I gave up. My suspension of disbelief can only stretch so far.

I know this story, I've lived this story. My partner died of ALS. It is absolutely a story worth telling, unfortunately it isn't this story. If you are using a disease as a major plot point at least have some idea of what you are presenting. Google is pretty good like that.

ALS is a terminal, progressive, degenerative, neuromuscular disease. It affects voluntary control of your muscles. It doesn't happen in isolation, it doesn't affect sensory nerves. There are no treatment options beyond treating symptoms: pain, muscle spasms. Life expectancy is 2-5 years.

Nikko isn't just sick, he's dying. It's a matter of when and how not if. Given that as the story framework and how the disease actually presents, it's a whole different story. Equally as lovely, equally as dramatic. Just not this story.

Nikko would not have walked into his bedroom and woken up unable to walk or feel his legs. Progressive disease, doesn't affect sensory nerves

At that point in progression, he would never have been able to open the wheelchair let alone transfer himself into it unaided. His arms would have been too weak and his fine motor control of his hands would have been compromised. There isn't even a transfer pole in his room.

The prom dance, beautiful scene. If the disease had progressed to that point where Nikko couldn't stand, his diaphragm would be weakening. Eli holding him like that would have been so painful and he wouldn't have been able to breathe. Not such a beautiful scene now.

Interventions, and I will concede that might be a translation error during the conversations with the doctor, there are 3: breathing tube, feeding tube or experimental drug therapy. No need to go to the US for the first 2, opportunity for plot development if it is the 3rd option. At least very different conversations with the doctor, or between Nikko and his mother, Nikko and Justine or Nikko and Eli.

So close in the scene with the mother and counselor. Give the mom one more minute of screen time outside loading the wheelchair to completely break down alone. Elevates the 1 dimensional character into someone struggling but maintaining a brave face in front of everyone else, her son included. Any caregiver would relate to that.

So, I'm conflicted.

As the story was written, it was okay. Sweet and lovely with a tragic twist.

As someone who has dealt with ALS, disease isn't a just plot device. This story is a disservice to people who have ALS and the people who care about them. I realize I'm heavily biased so here is my question.

Is it okay to use something as a plot device without any real understanding or representation of what it is?

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This series should be a contender for a position in the Top 10 for 2023

I know. Originally, I ignored this series when it first came out because of its opening credits. I was so turned off by its corniness, that I dropped it. But then when I read the summaries, I decided to watch it. Frankly, despite its rather shoe-string budget and less than stellar production quality, this is one of the better BLs for 2023. It was hard not to be swept up in the story and its theme. What was its theme? Pure goodness. Seeing life through the eyes of someone whose life is painful, debilitating, and unquestionably compromised. To be optimistic is to be saintly. This is an exceptionally well-acted series that plays to their individual strengths. This series richly deserves a lot of accolades. Perhaps it is an idealized version of adolescence, but it even so deserves our respect for showing us how nice love can be portrayed under rather adverse conditions. Without pity but with acceptance. This series brought tears to my eyes. On an emotional level It touched me. Not for pity’s sake but for helping me to see life more fully and positively.

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Eugene mlambo
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 29, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

WOW! Most under appreciated GEM

Took me 2 days to finish this series....and 1 word to say....SPEECHLESS. Before this show i had bad buddy at the top of my list and Gameboys....but after stumbling on this heart is blown away.....its cute in the beginning then the plot twist is subtly hinted then boom a bombshell is dropped on us

The acting of everyone was on point....the chemistry of eli and nikko

Tommy can really invoke a viewer's emotions....i cried in that last dance scene

By far the most simple story line with a perfect cast providing perfect execution

Cant wait for season 2

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Danny Yatim
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 23, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Cute BL story

This is the second Filipino BL which I liked so much. The first one was Gameboys,which I already rewatched a few times. Gaya sa Pelicula and Ben X Jim were just so-so for me. It didn't quite capture my emotions while watching them

The Day I Loved You is a light, high-school romance type of story, with the usual enemies to lovers plot with some love triangles, but with a touching twist. One of the main leads is a Singaporean acting as a foreign student in an international school. It's worth watching and it has only 10 short episodes which I finished watching in one afternoon.

It would be great to have another season, The main leads did a great job in their acting m and I would even love to see more of Tommy Alejandrino, Raynold Tan and Rabin Angeles (the last two being newbies) in other films and drama series, BL or not.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 11, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

It feels like a school project film

The story was cliche. Pretty much knew how the story was going to be like. I watched it because it was a new BL filipino drama. First episode I was going to drop it, but I give it a try to finish it because it was only 20 minutes so why not?

I think the actors were pretty funny. It was like out of context funny.

Acting was just not there. Everyone was just too bland. The only good acting was Nikko's frustration. Nikko smiled the whole time, Eli was just handsome, Justine always looked annoyed. I think the group friends had more personality than the individuals, like Eli's buddies and the 3 girls. The song title was so cheesy. The special effects was kind of interesting but eh not really necessary. It kills the emotions when I visually see how the characters are feelings with the emojis and heart shapes like okay I get it. I didn't understand why Eli liked Nikko. Justine deserved better even though he was kind of creepy cringey. Nikko's plot reveal was errrrr insensitive. The love triangle was annoying but whateva needed plot somehow.

Watch the series without expectations and it will be okay.

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1 people found this review helpful
May 31, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Fr/Eng: Un vrai BIJOU! (a real gem!)

This Filipino BL is a marvel! He approaches with sincerity and modesty the first love emotions of adolescence with the discovery of his sexual orientation. But also, the handicap and its possible consequences in a love relationship and in life, without ever losing hope.
A great life lesson where hope and the joy of living are still there, despite a dismal future due to illness.
A very beautiful series that deserves to be seen.
Ce BL Philippin est une pure merveille! Il aborde avec sincérité et pudeur les premiers émois amoureux de l'adolescence avec la découverte de son orientation sexuelle. Mais aussi, le handicap et ses conséquences possibles dans une relation amoureuse et dans la vie, sans jamais perdre l'espoir.
Une très grande leçon de vie où l'espoir et la joie de vivre sont toujours là, malgré un avenir funèbre du à la maladie.
Une très belle série qui mérite d'être vue.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Отличная история чтобы подумать

Вау, спасибо рекомендации моего друга, впервые за долгое время Филиппины улетают в любимые. Давно я не видела он этой страны такой подачи и красоты. Даже при низком бюджете снято прекрасно. Очень необычная история. Серии были короткими, но довольно емкими чтобы понять все не отвлекаясь на ерунду. Видела один комм, что мол "кажется Корея покусала Филиппины" точно подмечено. Сделано красиво, емко и кратко. Как делает Корея. и так о сюжете. Да, мы снова увидим "хорошего парня" (кстати очень смущало в первых сериях школьник в тату, но как мудро сделали сценаристы, они даже обыграли этот момент великолепно), "плохой парень" и "вечный лучший друг". В первой половине этой драмы мы живем в очаровании, сладких моментах. Вторую мы получаем некую горечь, что счастье не вечно и надо быть готовым к новым посылам судьбы и проверки этой любви. Узнать о болезни близкого человека уже больно, а оценить и принять, и двигаться дальше с поддержкой еще тяжелее. Но наш герой оказывается реально героем в принятии, в поддержке и выполнении обещаний своих и желаниях любимого. Любимого может не стать скоро, а может и все-таки будет чудо и будет сильная любовь дальше, отсюда сценаристы оставили прекрасный обещающий открытый конец драмы. Отличная драма на подумать. Об актерах. Рейнольд Тан, Томми Алехандрино и Рабин Джош прекрасно сыграли. Отличная актерская игра. И если у Томми есть образование актера, то у других ребят, больше модельное. Показали отличную химию, проигрыш эмоций, заставили и смеяться, и плакать. Я очарована. Рекомендую к просмотру.

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