The drama tells the story of a fallen princess forced into a political marriage with a corrupt prime minister. She faces numerous dangers but strives to survive to protect herself amidst the conflicts of national loyalty, personal vengeance, and true love. Meanwhile, the prime minister, outwardly ambitious to become a treacherous official, secretly harbors a desire to serve his country, its people, and the world.
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????). Edit Translation
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????). Edit Translation
The drama tells the story of a fallen princess forced into a political marriage with a corrupt prime minister. She faces numerous dangers but strives to survive to protect herself amidst the conflicts of national loyalty, personal vengeance, and true love. Meanwhile, the prime minister, outwardly ambitious to become a treacherous official, secretly harbors a desire to serve his country, its people, and the world.
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????). Edit Translation
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????). Edit Translation
The drama tells the story of a fallen princess forced into a political marriage with a corrupt prime minister. She faces numerous dangers but strives to survive to protect herself amidst the conflicts of national loyalty, personal vengeance, and true love. Meanwhile, the prime minister, outwardly ambitious to become a treacherous official, secretly harbors a desire to serve his country, its people, and the world.
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????).
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????).
The drama tells the story of a fallen princess forced into a political marriage with a corrupt prime minister. She faces numerous dangers but strives to survive to protect herself amidst the conflicts of national loyalty, personal vengeance, and true love. Meanwhile, the prime minister, outwardly ambitious to become a treacherous official, secretly harbors a desire to serve his country, its people, and the world.
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????).
(Source: Your Drama Jiejie on Facebook)
-~~ Adapted from the web novel "Tao Hua Zhe Jiang Shan" (?????) by Bai Lu Cheng Shuang (????).