A gripping tale of a time-bending manhunt and the fierce clash of humanity's light, darkness, and moral ambiguity. Set in motion by a devastating building fire in 1990, a series of brutal murders unravels. Hong Kong detective Yang Guang Yao embarks on a relentless 25-year pursuit of the truth, traversing fractured timelines to unmask the killer, protect his loved ones, and uphold justice. (Source: Tencent Video) ~~ Co-production with Hong Kong. Edit Translation
- English
- Русский
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- Native Title: 太阳星辰
- Also Known As: Sun and Stars , Tai Yang Xing Chen , 太陽星辰
- Director: Wong Kwok Keung
- Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Drama, Fantasy
Where to Watch See Her Again
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Cast & Credits
- William ChanYang Guang YaoMain Role
- Cya LiuChen Kai QingMain Role
- Stephen FungChen Zi Jun [Forensic examiner]Support Role
- Gardner TseYe ChengSupport Role
- Niki ChowZhou Man Yi [Criminal psychologist]Support Role
- Kevin ChuZhang Tian MingSupport Role
Awesome Time-Travel crime drama. The best acting job from William Chan.
See Her Again is a time-travel crime drama that follows detective Yang Guang Yao as he travels through time between 1993 and 2018 to solve a crime and change the course of history about his family and the lives of those involved.William Chan did a great job in this drama, and the plot was good. It kept me off my feet, with an element of surprise about who the criminals in this drama were as he traveled through times to solve it. The pace was perfect, and so was the ending.
Synopsis: A gripping tale of a time-bending manhunt and the fierce clash of humanity's light, darkness, and moral ambiguity, drawing you into the ethical dilemmas. Set in motion by a devastating building fire in 1990, a series of brutal murders unravels. Hong Kong detective Yang Guang Yao embarks on a relentless 25-year pursuit of the truth, traversing fractured timelines to unmask the killer, protect his loved ones, and uphold justice.
My Reviews:
1. Good acting from the entire cast.
2. It was suspenseful and kept me off my feet as I was guessing who the bad guys were.
3. By episode 16, I was surprised to guess who was behind the killing of innocent people.
4. Episode 17 surprised me because it was not who I suspected in episode 16. Good pace and story.
5. I would love to rewatch it again in Cantonese version instead of Mandarin.
6. Overall, I really enjoyed it and gave it an 8.0 rating.
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An asbolute masterpiece!
This was an emotionally charged thriller that stands out for its blend of suspense and psychological depth. The story weaves through layers of memory, regret, and the consequences of choices, while keeping us on the edge of our seat with its unpredictable twists. What makes "See Her Again" so effective is its careful attention to character development and atmosphere. The narrative builds, slowly but purposefully, never rushing its revelations, strikes a perfect balance between eerie thriller and poignant drama. If you're in it for the thriller, pscyhological upheveals, this is such a good drama and would definitely rewatch it too.Was this review helpful to you?